Crypto Academy Season 3 | Intermediate course by @allbert –week 3: DCA to create a Portfolio : Homework Task by @allbert

Hi friends, In this today lecture from @allbert I learn about Dollar-cost Average and its Importance in how we handle our risk and reward based on DCA.



Thanks for making such a wonderful lecture for us.

Select two Crypto, perform fundamental analysis and based on your fundamental analysis explain why you chose them.

For this Task, I choose CWS and DOT for giving my Fundamentals Analysis.

Fundamental Analysis Of CWS:-

For checking all its details I just go coinmarket cap, from this here we get all the necessary details which we need.

Before going for Technical analysis first we need to do some fundamental analysis, then go for Technical analysis. From this, we get overall ideas about the project. If it gets hard dump also we don't care about it. Because we know it's worth in crypto Industry and real life also.

That's why we don't scare of seeing sudden dumps and Pumps. Wait until reaching our Target. That's a good strategy for booking reasonable profits.

CWS( Crowns) Fundamental Analysis.

CWS is NFT gaming-related project. We know how much hype NFT gaming projects having in the market. Recently AXS shows NFTs gaming projects strength.

It nearly pumps from $6 to $18 within a week. That's why I choose CWS for investing my money.

At present its trading at around $4.23, Itan's all-time high of around $58.90 and an all-time low of $3.77.

Its market cap around $7,161,037 and it's having only a 17% circulation supply from Total Supply.


CWS Basic Details


Those are basic details about the CWS project. Now go and check its Roadmap and team, Investors, like those details Through their official website.

CWS official website, Just click on it, we redirect to their platform.

It is a gaming platform in Defi and NFT in Binance Smart Chain network and Ethereum network also. This means in this platform gamers can access both chains without any issues.

Due to the high gas fee in the ETH network, then develop cross-chain support recently.

Its key features:-

  • Game Chain:- Through this, we can create our blockchain with our needed set of rules.

  • Cross-Chain Bridge:- It is very useful for exchange assets for getting real money from our earnings. It always connects to major chains such as Ethereum and Algorand. So here can exchange those without any issues.

  • NFT & Token DEX:-

Cross-chain Bridge always bonding with Curve finance. So here we can borrow or lend our NFTs for our needs. It's a very important feature in CWS project.

  • NFT Standard:-
    Here all NAFTA which we earn from playing games, all having its standards so we can trade those in any NFT marketplace.

  • Game Store:-

Here we get multiple user-friendly games for our needs. One more feature is here any user can serve as a PoS validator also. And game devs no need to pay any fee for playing games.

  • Architecture Design:-

In their platform, they clear showing what the difference between Normal Blockchain games and CWS blockchain games. It shows how this project different from other blockchain games.


Difference Between Normal Blockchain Games Vs CWS Gaming Platform


Here CWS is a native token. So we can stake, borrow using this token in Curve finance. And also it's having a locking system. So from this, we can avoid sudden dumps in the market.


CWS Project Ecosystem

On checking all those I think it is a good Nft gaming project, having a long vision that's why I choose this project to invest my money.

Road map:-

This project started on 07-2020, they introduce their CWS token in the market on 02-2021.

So here they took around 5 months for launching their Token.

In Quarter 2,2021, they integrate with Dot and Kusuma network.

Still, they having a lot of events up to Q3, Q4 2022.


CWS Project Roadmap


As per their road map, they developing their project perfectly.


In this project all almost the top investors funding money for this project development.

In this project BINANCEis one of the investors, so we can analyse how much growth it gets in future. All know the strength of Binance and how CZ pump, his invested coins. This is another reason for choosing this platform.


CWS Project Investors



It's having good Partners like Chainlink, Matic, BSC, DAO maker and many more.


CWS Project partners


Social Media

In Social Media Seascape Network is very active. It having nearly 42.9k followers on Twitter, 11k followers on Telegram. In both social media are very active and solve all users issues in real-time.


CWS Project Social Media Activities


On Considering all those I choose the CWS coin for investing my money.

Polkadot Fundamental Analysis

At present DOT trading around $15.59 at a rank of 9. DOT is a high and very strong project.

It having around $14,959,805,688 market with 959,637,141.60 DOT circulation supply.


Basic Details About Polkadot


This project is an open-source sharding multichain protocol. So using this users can transfer data from one network to another network very easily. Its use cases in the real world are very high. This is the main reason to choose this platform.

It's an all-time high of around $49.69, it's an all-time low of around $2.69. Now trading $15.59.

For knowing more details about this project, now I go through their official Website

After reading and searching their website what I find is this project developing in 2016, still, in the development stage, there is a lot of events in future.

This project main goal to connect multiple blockchains into one network.


Main Goal of Polkadot Ecosystem


At present we having a lot of blockchains like TRON, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, kava and many more. On using their technology lot of developers develop their projects, but those projects found it tradable in the particular networks only, not possible to trade those in other networks. For accessing those again users need to use Bridge services.

All those activities are time-consuming and need to invest some additional money for bridge services.


Overview of Polkadot Project


Like those issues, we solve using Polkadot. Through the Polkadot ecosystem, we can get a lot of advantages. Like


I think this issue all of us face on swapping our coins in Decentralized Exchanges. Due to high traffic at that time our transactions not get success but we lose our transaction fee for this trade. I having a lot of experience in Uniswap for swapping my coins.

Like those issues get resolve in Polkadot Ecosystem. Because it shared Multichain Networks. This means it process many transactions on several chains in parallel.
So here we don't get any traffic-related issues, so our trade also finishes successfully with a minimum fee. So here it improving scalability.

Here shared networks connected in a parallel way, that's why it called parachains.


In blockchain each project having different architecture, each one having its unique use cases. Some build for storage needs, some build for security purposes like that each project is different from each other. They want to develop their project but due to unnecessary heavy codes, they not possible to handle it.

That's why the Polkadot ecosystem builds a Substrate framework. Using this teams can develop and customize their blockchain faster and more efficiently how they need.

Work together

In the Polkadot ecosystem, different blockchain networks connected each other. So here users can transfer data from one network to another very easily.

By sharing data, they solving a lot of issues in the real world.

This project is open-source, anyone can access it as per their needs very easily.


Here Polkadata ecosystem developed in a Transparent way. So Team can customize and optimize their blockchain’s governance to their needs. They can do a lot of experiments for solving real-world issues.

This feature I like a lot, without practical experiments, we cont get further development. So this is one of the reasons for choosing DOT.

Not only developing its project, but it also providing Grants to small projects for developing their ecosystem with help of Polkadot. At present applications, including finance, gaming, digital identity, IoT, supply chain management, social networking and cloud technologies like those projects getting Grants from Polkadot. And start developing their project.


Polkadot Grant Recipients


On considering all those things I choose DOT for investing my money.

I strongly believe in the upcoming days we see great growth in Dot.

Through your verified Exchange account (screenshot needed), make a real purchase of one of the cryptocurrencies selected in the first assignment and explain the process.

I holding DOT and CWS in my portfolio.

Now I give my CWS purchase Journey.

At first it available in Uniswap only, they it's available in Pancake Swap also.

Now CWS available in kucoin Exchange also.

So I use Kucoin Exchange for buying CWS because here I having a verified account and a Trusted one too.

Here you can see my Verified account.


My Verified Account In Kucoin Exchange

Now I want to buy CWS, so first I go to my account, then select Market Tab.

From this choose Spot, in the search bar enter CWS.

Here CWS/USDT pair available. So I select that one.


Now I get this screen, from this select BUY tab.

Now we get this screen, where we can place four types of orders, LIMIT, MARKET, Stop Limit, Stop Market orders available. From this, I choose limit order.


Already I holding some, now it dumps to my previous buying price, so wish to buy CWS coins at the $4 range. So I place my order like this.

After filling in all the necessary details just click on the buy tab. Now our order successful placed, when it touches that price our order get filled then add those coins to our wallet.


My CWS holdings


My CWS holdings

Like that simply we can buy any available coin in Kucoin Exchange.

Simulated exercise, using the DCA method to perform the purchase of two assets.

I strongly believe in the Dollar Cost Average method for reducing our risk and maximize our profit.

In the crypto market, the DCA strategy plays a key role, without following this method lot of users lose their portfolio. I am one of the real examples too. I make a lot of mistakes in my crypto journey, now I trying to recover from it. Now I learning trading strategies, then after I handle my risk and reward ratio perfectly. Before I don't know about it, That's why I always buy any coin in a single shot, Due to this I lot huge money.

Now I start my crypto journey newly with proper research and strategy. Hope I get success here.

For this practical Experiment again I choose DOT and CWS coins for investing $200 in 5 trades. Each coin $100 and 5 trades.

So in each, a trade I invest $20 in a coin.

For this showing buying ranges, I go Trading view and open day chart.

CWS coin listed Kucoin Exchange on 7th May, so I took a 1-day chart showing my buy ranges.


My CWS Coin Buying Prices In Different Dates

Here is my chart, I show my buying prices, in each trade, I use $20.

In the first Trade for investing $20 at price of $23.03, so I got 0.86 CWS coins.

In the second Trade for investing $2o at price of $14.718, I got 1.36 CWS coins.

In Third Trade for invest in $20 at price of $11.526, I got around 1.736 CWS coins.

In Fourth Trade for investing $20 at price of $6.521, I got 3.07 coins.

In the last trade, I incest $20 , at price of $4.632 I got 4.33 cows coins.

So overall for investing $100 I got 11.356. So my average price around $8.8.

Here are my first trades, I invest in FOMO, that's why still I am at a loss but using the DCA strategy here I minimize my loss to 50%, another wise I lose all my portfolio if I invest $100 in FOMO.

Due to the DCA strategy here I minimize my risk and maximize my profits.

If it goes around $20 also here I got $127 as profit. If it dumps more again I invest another $20.

So here I minimize my loss risk.

DOT trading Strategy using DCA Method

Here also I using $100 for investing, in each trade I invest $20 and doing 5 trades.

So I open 1 day chart in Trading view.


My DOT Coin Buying Prices In Different Dates

In the first trade, I invest $20, at a price of $40.911 so I get 0.49 DOT coins.

In the second trade, I invest $20, at a price of $18.120 so I get 1.02 DOT coins.

In the Third trade, I invest $20 , at price of $21.828 so I get 0.92 DOT coins.

In the fourth trade, I invest $20 , at price of $14.503 so I get 1.38 DOT coins.

In the Last Trade , I invest $20 at price of $15.045 do I got 1.33 DOT coins.

So overall I got 5.14 voins for $100 investment. So my so my average buy price around $19.46.

Due to applying DOLLAR COST AVERAGE here I minimize my loss, and maximise my profit.

If I invest my $100 at fomo at point of 1st trade now I am in loss around 70% more.

Due to DCA strategy here I minimize my loss to 10 to 20%.

For following this strategy no need any special talent , just divide your portfolio and invest in each dump. From this we can minimize our risk.


  • Before investing in any coin must do a fundamental analysis.

  • Investing only that project which has real use cases, don't invest in scam coins.

  • Fundamental analysis gives an overall idea of the project, so on seeing sudden dumps we don't care about it.

  • Always invest your money in long term needs, it gives good returns.

  • In investing any coin don't buy a single shot, due to this there is a chance to lose all your portfolio. So always use the DCA strategy.

  • If you want to invest $100 in any project, divide those into 5 to 7 parts then took your positions in each dip.

  • In crypto no coin not pump in a single line, always give buying opportunities to users in its pullback areas, so wait, watch and invest.

  • First we need to manage our risk, then only think about profits. So risk management is most important to survive in the crypto market.

  • Without risk management if you invest huge money also no use. So always manage your risk and reward ratio.

  • At the same time don't be greedy, always book your profits in parts.

Hope I Finish all my tasks correctly, If any verify me.

Thanks For Readimg My Post


Hello, @lavanyalakshman Thank you for participating in Steemit Crypto Academy season 3 week 3.

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Homework task: 8.5


Excellent work. Initially good presentation of the cryptocurrencies and why you chose them. DOT is such a great project.

On question 4, you started off very well with the first analysis, I liked that you came up with an exit strategy for the 20usdt. I think it would have been great if you had accompanied it with a chart. However I expected the same analysis for the second graph, but it was lacking.

Finally, please don't forget the good use of HTML codes, to justify and center the texts, they give a better look to your work.

Finally, please don't forget the good use of HTML codes, to justify and center the texts, they give a better look to your work.

Means what HTML code I need to add,Not understanding. Can you pls explain me. In mobile it looking good,Dont know how would me in Desktop. Thats why Asking.

Thanks for verifying my submission.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62820.16
ETH 2438.32
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.69