Temporada 3 de Crypto Academy | Curso avanzado - Tarea 3: Transferencias múltiples / Envío por lotes con un clic | [Asignación enviada por @laser145
1) What does multiple transactions in one click mean? How do you save transaction fees? What are the other benefits?
To answer this question I will break it down by each question it contains.
1.1) What do multiple transactions in one click mean?
Actually, so that we can all understand from beginners to advanced we say that the one click transaction is when in a single transaction we can add multiple addresses, and be able to edit the data so that each user gets an amount corresponding to the amount indicated by the administrator or the contest, that is to say that if the user worked hard creating content for the contest and fulfilled all the rules set out in it and so with this several hundred people did the same then the administrator or organizer of the event will not send a separate transaction would be too cumbersome so all the winning participants are joined and the wallets are added and the amount to make transactions in this way would be much easier for everyone and would be more organized in fact.
For this you have to see in which currency you are going to pay or distribute the loot, because it will depend on the type of currency or blockchain in which the currency or token is set for that value of gas.
1.2) How do you save transaction fees?
Since they are multiple transactions in a single transaction saves enormously for example ETH that the gas rate are very expensive varying from 11$ to 90$ or more depending on the traffic at the time then with a single transaction is sent in the right time and only pay a gas rate. by this way we save not only the shipping fees but also the time that we will take to send one by one then we send all in one
1.3) What are the other benefits?
In this case it is really beneficial because it gives us more community, saves time and a lot of money that is to say it gives us a lot of advantage this is only possible when we have multiple accounts to be sent in this almost we save a lot of gas money because we only pay a single fee with multiple accounts. the expense is better the time is better so this is a very good way to economize and be more productive. we also decrease the risk of sending twice to a single user.
Connecting Ethereum Wallet (MetaMask) to Multisend
Follow the steps below to connect:
We go to the following page only "click here".
Please connect your Ethereum wallet to Multisender.app
- Then we select our Metamask wallet or we want to connect it.
- Then Metamask opens and we must select in Next
5)Then we have to connect as shown in the picture.
I'm ready to place my Metamask Wallet connected to the multisender.
How to perform multiple transactions with a single click in Multisender
We go to the part where it says Token Address
We are going to select ETH because we are going to do the example in that network.
And the network will be displayed below and we must click on it.
We must add the multiple shipping addresses in the soft box.
Now we need to add the addresses in CSV format so that they can be imported
Followed by a comma (,)and followed by the quantity with no spaces between them.
Example the following illustration:
Total number of tokens to send: 0.0004 ETH
How to use Steemyy to perform multiple transactions with one click
Steemyy can be used to perform multiple activities is a Dapp by @justyy.
The first thing we need to do is head to the following link: Enter here
Then we must enter the button: tools
And then select: Steem Wallet Tool - Send SBD or STEEM to Multiple Accounts
We will select the interface Steem/HIVE Wallet Tool: Send SBD or STEEM to Multiple Accounts
Fill in as shown in this legend and in the image:
A= Nickname of the sender
B= Private active key
C= Token amount
D= Memo
E= Receiver's Nick
F= End in SEND
Steem amount of 0.002
Now let's look at the console and write down the number (BLOCK 55516704 ) of the following successful Transaction
5 Transactions were performed simultaneously Successfully
How to make multiple transactions with one click for different users with different amounts on the Steem blockchain.
In this part we are going to make multiple transactions with different accounts and different amounts.
A= Nick Name
B= Active Private Key
C= Steem token
D= Nick Name Receiver and different amounts with different messages
E= Send
We accept and that's it
BLOCK block number 55517343
Successful transaction.
How to send repetitive / recurring quantities in the predefined interval.
.Let's go to the page again as in the previous processes Enter here.
Follow me on the picture below I will explain.
A= User nickname without the @
B= Private active key
C= Amount to transfer here I will put in 3 parts in 7 seconds each and the steem token.
D= Payment time I will put 7 seconds for each operation.
E= Memo The message will be placed below so as not to confuse us in soft here.
F= Nick the users to transfer
G= Send
Operation successfully completed. I will leave the print below where you can see the details of each one exactly as they are.
(3) What happens if you enter an incorrect / invalid address in Multisender or Multisend (dApps) and Steemyy (dApp)? Does the app (Steemyy on Steem Blockchain or Multisender on Etherum) allow the transaction to go through if you entered an incorrect / invalid address? Show with screenshot (what does the app say when you enter an incorrect address)?
Multisender or Multisend (dApps)
We enter the Source page then once here we will purposely type in a wrong address to see what message it tells us.
The message is as follows: Line 1-1: Please provide the amount corresponding to each address. Click on "Show sample CSV" for more details.
Line 1: Incorrect address
Provide at least 2 addresses Source
It is telling us that we have an error in the address and to enter at least 2 addresses.
Then it has high security because it is telling us that the address has an error, this means that this Apps is very secure to prevent future errors.
Steemyy (dApp).
Let's go straight to the page
We purposely misspelled the name pelon53 for @pellon53 to perform the test.
This user does not yet exist within the steemit platform so the Apps detects that it does not exist and throws the error unknown kay this means that if we make a mistake in the name and by chance is not registered within the platform the operation will not be completed and our assets will be safe. this is because the Apps is linked to the steemit platform and immediately detects that there is no user with those characteristics.
The downside: if for some reason the user does exist, it will send the tokens without any problem, so always be on the alert.
Dear fellow teachers and special guests, this task opened our understanding to save both time and economically, we are talking about improving the payment system and thus be more productive and interactive speed in payments and avoid mistakes of duplicating transfers 1 to 1. thank you professor @sapwood for such a good lecture. it is of very great help both for me and for users who want to undertake in their company or projects. it is also very good contribution from @justyy a masterpiece let me tell you excellent by you friend thank you very much. we saw the ability to errors in wallet addresses proof of possible errors. thank you very much this is my contribution to the #SteemitCryptoAcademy community.
Thank you very much for reading.
by @laser145