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RE: SEC-S17/W4 | Crypto Assets Diversification

in SteemitCryptoAcademylast month
Thank you,@artist1111 for publishing an article in the Steemit Crypto Academy community today . We have accessed your article and we present the result of the assessment below.

Criteria Remark
Verified user
Free of Plagiarism
AI Article ✅ Original (Human text!)
#Club club5050
Bot free


  • You clearly articulated why diversification in cryptocurrency investments is important due to market volatility.

  • Your strategy of balancing investments between major currencies, mid-cap currencies and altcoins makes sense.

  • An anecdote about how diversification helped during market downturns adds a practical perspective.

  • Your explanation of including STEEM in your portfolio highlights the strategic approach to asset selection.

  • While I mentioned a variety of assets, the analysis lacked depth in terms of historical performance and selection criteria. More detailed information on these aspects would greatly enhance the understanding of your diversification strategy.

Your answers are valuable, and adding these details can make your advice more actionable for your readers.

Total| 8.5/10


Thanks for your thorough review! Your feedback is appreciated ✊✊ .

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