
Hello professor it's nice going through your lecture, I really enjoyed it and hope I will explore my homework as soon as possible please go through it.

What is a Fork? (In your own Words)

Blockchain technology is sophisticated, there are always limitations that links to the delays intense of the way the blockchain is been propagated what I mean is the timeframe for sending and receiving data. Some times you find out that transactions get missing whenever it's been transmitted from sender to receiver in the process the nodes will go astray and false informations will thus be transmitted. Despite the fact that it is very difficult to hack blockchain technology trust me there are always up and downs along the way it flows.

We should be able to understand that blockchain needs a specific way at which it is organized, it's operations works using consensus mechanisms, nodes in the blockchain should be able to agree to a special points if there is a consensus accelerating in a block-chain then splitting is very much possible, it might be a mistake or done purposely.

So when we talk about fork it's basically a twist in the blockchain technology, blockchain's needs changes courtesy the software and hardware and forks won't be inevitable they needs updates as time goes on.

Explain in details what a Hard Fork is with examples (Can be of any blockchain).

We have basically two types of forks, which is hard-fork, and soft-fork, according to the question I will specify on hard-fork.

Hard-fork; hard-fork is simply is basically a change in the way network operates, when there is a lack in consensus problem then hard-fork becomes the solution, along the process the network protocol will this make a change drastically some nodes in the block that was invalid will thus become valid, vise versa.

Hard-fork is simingly an overall updates on the block chain nodes, it's very compulsory that updates are been done time to time and it gets to reflect. fractional's of the blockchain will then adapt to the newest development/changes and the rest continues on how it works previously along this process hard forks will then happen.

  • It's basically vital we update and add basic functions to the system.

  • It's necessa we correct the bugs, and accelerate system protection.

Explain in details what a Soft Fork is with examples (Can be of any blockchain)

Bitcoin softfork depends on the protocol rather than a change to the end product. A soft fork is backward up –with a compatible and a hard fork isn’t as the actual end–product is totally changed.

The new protocol in a soft fork can be recognised by longer nodes within the BTC system and it still works to create BTC rather than Bitcoin Cash or Litecoin.its very simple softfork doesn't depends on the nodes in the blockchain.

this image is collected from investopedia and edited by me

Moving forward softfork is basically a change toward the way it's protocol operates, and this doesn't require the nodes operating in the blockchain the valid Transactions that was running in the block will thus be tagged invalid. Why it will be tagged invalid is that the previous nodes will then welcome the new blocks and officially it will become valid.

soft fork just needs enough personnel's in the mining sector to accelerate the new nodes courtesy the rules. Remember in hard forks nodes are required for the acceleration of newer versions in the software the case is totally different.

What are the differences between Hard Forks and Soft Forks?

Here I will explore the difference that exists between the above mentioned forks.

Hard-fork twick the way network operates basically when there is problem in consensus then hard-fork becomes the solution, by some doing some invalid nodes will then turn validsoft-fork is centralized on the way protocol is been operated and along the process nodes isn't required
Hard-fork is basically a revi on the updates on the block chain nodes, it's very important reviews are been carried out basically on the blockchain nodes in order to keep the block stable and along the process basic functions are been addedsoft-fork is basically a review or change in a way it's protocols are been runed the Transactions that was previously running on the blocks will be invalid and the new and the previous nodes will then welcome the newest transformation
Hard fork helps in the Corrections of bugs and acceleration of system protectionsoft-fork depends on majority of miners personnel in order to accelerate the newest nodes courtesy the rules
Hard-fork brings about division of block-chain'ssoft-fork brings about a total overall of a blockchain

Explain the following Bitcoin Forks and explore the blockchain where necessary. Indicate if they are hard forks or soft forks;

Bitcoin Cash; Bitcoin Cash came up as a of hard-fork, it bisected from the main phase that it was officially chained in the month of August 2017, at this time Bitcoin Cash wallet didn't accept Bitcoin transaction's and blocks as well. Hard-fork brought about different cryptocurrencies bearing similar name to Bitcoin was officially invented, it consists ofBitcoin cash, and Bitcoin gold, if you watch these cryptos looks alike and it will be extremely hard to tell or detect their difterences,

In 2021 Bitcoin cash has a very huge market capitalization, as at the time of writting this post it is the 11th largest according to the latest updates released, Bitcoin Cash is a hard-fork.

Segregated Witnesses; this came into fruition in 2015, a man called Pieter Wuille a Bitcoin developer came up with the fantastic idelogy he's idea was to bring down the way Bitcoin Transactions was been done, in order to create a system that will facilitate many Transactions as a glance, that means if you are to transact 500 Bitcoin a day, you can easily do that in lesser timeframe that was really he's motive. Segregated Witnesses is a soft fork

Write on the Steem and Hive Hard fork and show similarities in their Genesis Blocks(Provide screenshots)

Steem and hive are similar in tense of their platforms, steem once upon a Time have experienced hard fork, the platform splited when the Introduction of TRX, came to fruition, so many people allowed the idea while some didn't buy to the idea at all that brought about the bisection and now we have hive platform.

Hive platform is basically powered by hive cryptocurrency, the platform and steemit platform are basically similar in tense of how they operate, they both have great similarities in tense of their Genesis blocks I will explore their similarities later as my post proceeds. No matter how similar a thing can be there are always similarities no doubt.

I will show the platforms of the both Decentralized platforms before I explore the various blocks.

Before I show their various Genesis blocks I will first show the background of their platforms, for the steemit platform my account is logged in and for hive the account isn't logged in please view then



Now searching for the Genesis block what you need to do is to press one (1). In tense of both Decentralized platform, the blocks and the timeframe will be showned this one is for hive platform, if you look well you will understand that the timestamp is very much similar



For steemit platform we have a little different because their are many features that steemit platform possesses that is lacking on the hive platform such as the extentions and other features too and secondly steemit platform has more attributes than the hive platform




From my homework you will understand that blockchain forks is sophisticated and it's been propagated courtesy the way data are been sent and receive

Hard-fork is basically a change in the way network operates, when there is a twist in the consensus then hard-fork will become the option here

We should understand that hard-fork brings about blockchain splitting, while soft-fork brings about a total change in the blockchain

Many thanks to professor @AWESONONSO, you really explained well, and I really enjoyed your fantastic lectures thank's



Hello @kingcent,
Thank you for taking interest in this class. Your grades are as follows:

Presentation/Use of Markdowns1/2
Compliance with Topic1/2
Quality of Analysis0.5/2
Clarity of Language0.5/2

Feedback and Suggestions
  • Your work is really unclear. You really should try to understand the topic better before attempting the task.

  • There are a lot of missing facts on the topic that would have made the work rich and informative.

Thanks again as we anticipate your participation in the next class.

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