Homework Post for @yousafharoonkhan - Steemit & Decentralized and Centralized Social Media- Season 2:Week5

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

Hey everybody , how have you been ? Expectation you all are progressing nicely . I feel joy to post locally. A debt of gratitude is in order for giving this chance to us @yousafharoonkhan .


Centralized and Decentralized Social Media Platforms in your own words.

Decentralized social media platforms

In this online media stage like steemit, Hive, etc.,the focal authority makes it and doesn't have full control of the record. This online media stage permits clients to more power over their account.

Therefore, there is opposition of oversight in this web-based media stage where the clients has total opportunity of articulation and the substance created by the clients can not be erased as well.

Centralised social media platforms:

Centralised web-based media stages are the stages that are being constrained by the focal position that incorporate the higher ups of that stage or the producers of that stage . So on the off chance that you are at a stage that is constrained by the higher ups and the creators it's without a doubt that you will not be allowed to do anything you need at that stage , there will not be any protection and security of your record ,you will not have full authority of your record as your record can be hindered any an ideal opportunity for raising your voice. You need to adhere to the principles and guidelines of that platform.

Like: twitter , instagram and so on

Difference between centralised and decentralized social media

Centralized online media

  • The focal authority can impede accounts on brought together friendly media

  • You should observe the guidelines and guidelines of the incorporated online media destinations, which limit your privileges and make you less autonomous

  • Centralized online media stages are powerless against hacking. This has occurred on various events, particularly with Facebook and Instagram accounts

  • Activities on brought together web-based media are being controlled and regulated

Decentralized online media

  • No one can obstruct or impair accounts on decentralized social media.

  • In the other hand, decentralized web-based media can't be hacked.

  • Activities on Decentralized web-based media are not being controlled or regulated

  • You are not limited by any standards or guidelines, and you have total opportunity to post anything you need or need, making it a genuinely independent

Which One is The Future of Social media ? Decentralized or Centralized Social media.

Online Media, in the event that we should discuss the eventual fate of web-based media I think decentralized web-based media stage will be the awesome everybody on the planet to utilize. Since nearly all that is done on Centralized web-based media stage should likewise be possible on decentralized constantly gives total opportunity to it user's.
Decentralized web-based media stage is a stage that isn't constrained by focal power (focal government) and it laws. While unified online media is something contrary to decentralized stage and being constrained by focal Authority gives high danger to client's record. For instance the senerio Prof. Referenced in the class, that there is a period it will individuals that Centralized online media stage offers their client's information to programmers which is exceptionally off-base.
To put it plainly, decentralized online media stage doesn't have decides and guidelines that limit their client's from doing a few things on the stage. In any case, Centralized stage have rules and guidelines. In Centralized online media stage, client's record can be block for saying the correct thing. In the event that they see that the expressions of the individual is conflicting with them. They will simply choose and settle on choice in light of the fact that the force is in their grasp. In any case, decentralized online media stage doesn't have decides that limit their user's. Client's can make their voices to be heared through decentralized online media stage and nobody will offer your data to the world since it is decentralized.
I accept decentralized web-based media stage is significantly more better than concentrated web-based media stage however they are together. Later on, there will in any case be both Centralized and Decentralized online media stages. As of now most big name and individuals love brought together online media stage, not on the grounds that they love the circumstance whereby the stage is being overseen by a focal power but since they are renowned and those that are yet to be well known need to be acclaimed, they dislike to leave the stage.
However, for those that knows reality and comprehend the motivation behind why it is smarter to utilize decentralized rather than Centralized online media stage will open a record under decentralized stage and furthermore still deal with the Centralized one. Opening a decentralized online media record will give the client rest of brain and to unwind regardless of whether they block the Centralized one.

How steemit decentralization online media is superior to Twitter and Facebook

Firstly, I might want to clarify the significance of steemit. Steemit online media is the principal decentralized web-based media stage in the entire world. It's a stage that is free of focal power like government. It permit client's to have Dominion over their record without the mediation of this outsider. Steemit permit it client's to make content, publicize their business, procure information and get remunerated on any post dependent on their substance quality. Steemit blockchain reward it client as Steem dollar ($SBD) and ($Steem).

While Twitter and Facebook are brought together web-based media stages. It stage is being constrained by focal power. Brought together web-based media stage is totally different from decentralized online media stages, incorporated web-based media stage resembles an apt word to decentralized web-based media stage.

Nonetheless, Twitter and Facebook are incorporated stage that additionally permit the formation of substance, promotion of business, showcasing, procuring of information and so on Like decentralized stage. Twitter and Facebook is a Centralized stages that is being constrained by Central Government or Authority. There client's doesn't get compensation for any substance in Centralized online media stage.

Here , I can explain some points related to this topic.


  • No selling of client data and information to outsiders for focused adverts

  • Transparency on the steemit platform

  • User posts can't be erased or eliminated from the blockchain

  • Users settle on choices on the platform

  • User posts can't be erased or eliminated from the blockchain

Twitter and Facebook

  • Selling of client data and information to outsiders for focused adverts

  • Less straightforward as certain things are stowed away from users

  • User posts can be erased or taken out at whenever without notice

  • The choices is made by the focal substance or proprietor of the platform

  • User data and information are put away on brought together workers which is less secure

How does Steemit change the existences of millions of its clients?

Steemit isn't simply one more interpersonal organization, it is a methods for knowing your abilities and inadequacies, reinforcing the previous and adjusting the last mentioned. It is treatment to mend, inside reach.

It is a test without fail, it pushes you to improve on the off chance that you acknowledge the demand. Here your human quality is uncovered when you leave a piece of your spirit in each post you make. It permits you to confront yourself, see your scholarly and otherworldly development when you contrast your first distributions and ongoing ones.

But it additionally finds the trickster who needs to make the most of the chance to acquire benefit easily. Here he is incapacitated. You can win once, yet eventually you will be found. It's anything but an organization for washouts, it is an organization for the individuals who will advance into a superior individual, helpful to their community.

Steemit is a school where you support yourself with all the all inclusive information. It shows you different real factors, it culminates you. What's more, the best thing, while all that development happens inside you, you get monetary help that animates and gives significant serenity to you and your family circle.

How we can make money from Steemit decentralized social media platform

In Steemit decentralized social media there are a number of ways to earn but can be grouped into two;

Author Rewards and Curation Rewards
Author rewards is gotten from posts you make when they are upvoted. In Steemit there are many communities with different topics on which you can post and earn from the upvotes including; steemit cryptoacademy, steemit nursery, Newcomers community, Steemalive to mention but a few. In this communities you can also engage in competitions and challenges where the winners are rewarded.

Curation rewards are gotten when you upvote the posts of others. When the posts pays out it is shared between the author and curators at 50% for each party.
So in this way you can also earn by upvoting the posts of other steemians.

Here each client having equivalent odds of bringing in great genuine cash here.

1-Posting Original substance we procure money.

2-Curating Others posts: upvoting, remarking different posts we bring in cash here.

3-Power Up Your steem, from this we can build our refering to control so we get great curating returns.

4-From Delegating our steem power likewise we earn.

5-Participating in the progressing challenge , we acquire some respectable income here.

Here we no compelling reason to interbreeding anything, in light of your abilities you post your substance from this you bring in great genuine cash here.

From each one of those ways we can bring in make cash here without any problem. In any case, consistently give unique substance, don't post Copy, glue content here. Those exercises rigorously disallowed here.

How to make networks on Steemit's informal communities

  • I will be showing you how to create a community on Steemit step by step
  • Click on the Steemit in the green colour at the top of the page of your account

  • Now a page will appear , where you can see an option of exploring communities , click in exploring communities


  • Now all the communities will open and there is an option to create a community , click on create a community


  • Now write title and description of your community and click on next.

  • Now your owner name and password will appear and a confirmation of saving username and password so save username and password and proceed or click on create community.

  • now a confirmation page will appear where you have to pay 3 steems for the confirmation to be complete , click on ok button.

  • Now you can see my community it has been created now click on get started

  • So I have shown all the steps of making a community


I have had the option to clarify decentralized and Centralized Social media stage, I have shown the contrasts between them.

I informed us concerning the eventual fate of Centralized and decentralized web-based media stages and we discovered that the two of them will proceed however decentralized will have high ground.

I went further to inform us concerning how steemit is superior to twitter and Facebook and how steemit is changing the existences of millions of it's clients.

Furthermore I revealed to us how we can procure in steemit and how to make a local area in steemit.

I'm appreciative to my capable teacher for setting aside effort to clarify these focuses pleasantly and that have assisted me with doing this schoolwork task without much stress.


Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • there are very short information about given question,need more detail to explore the answer of 3,4,5 questions
  • some points are not understandable and not look related to homework
  • last question also is not completed
    thank you very much for taking interest in this class

Grade ; 4.7

Hello, prof @yousafharoonkhan I have editted my post and also rewrite the answers of the following questions. so, please recheck my post and also I have shared the link of my twitter account .

Thankyou 🤗


Here, I am share this post on Twitter and here you can see the link of twitter post.


Here, I am share this post on Facebook.


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