STEEMIT CRYPTO ACADEMY SEASON 2 WEEK1 TASK// HOMEWORK POST BY @yousafharoonkhan//Homework done by@kelvincole

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

I am delighted to see that the Cryptoacademy season 2 courses have resume,especially as i am a first timer on this academic platform.
Today, am submitting my home work task titled: DECENTRALIZED AND CENTRALIZED SYSTEM. Special kudos to @yousafharoonkhan for his lecture. It was well simplified and articulated.




**Decentralization: **as the name implies, is when an authority or power is not concentrated only at the center with an individual or superior authority but rather, authority, power for decision making, policy implementation and freedom of expression are assigned/allocated/shared by component units or group of individuals that make up the Blockchain, organization or entity.

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Decentralization: also means a situation where Database are not stored in a central secured location, but rather Data are stored on different computers/servers which are located far apart from each other geograhically,anda shutdown of one of the server does not ultimately affect the others
Here, the power to make decisions, and implement policies is not determined only by a single individual or group, but rather by every individual (whether superior or subordinate) that constitute the organization.
Decentralization: also put, entails allowing everyone have a say or get involved in policies, and decision making as it affects the organization.
Communication under a Decentralized system flows from top to bottom as well as bottom to top, giving the subordinates, component units, different sectors or individuals that make up the company a sense of belonging that they are part and parcel of the Blockchain/organization and not only those at the center who they perceive as the superior authority.
Decentralization does not allow power to reside only with an individual but power of decision making and expression is interwoven between those at the top and bottom

CENTRALIZATION: This is when power/authority to make decisions, implement policies etc is centered or concentrated at the center or with a single individual who in most cases is the CEO.
In a centralized system, the individuals that constitutes the Blockchain/organization have no say on policies, rules and regulations as it concerns the day to day running of the organization other than the higher authority and as such communication is usually from Top to bottom only.

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Centralization:also means a situation whereby the companys Database are kept in a server and stored in a central secured server.


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Decentralization in respect to trade of cryptocurrency in the exchange market, allows the user in the decentralized blockchain to be in charge of his investment without even identifying or associating himself and does not actually need the consent of a higher authority to control his/her funds or investment. Meanwhile, Centralization allows the user to first identify himself in order to get the consent of the super authority in charge, since the user fund is usually controlled centrally.
• Administratively, Decentralization is regarded as the most powerful and suitable blockchain system, because it is not controlled by a single individual but several individuals and should incase there is a shutdown at the center, the system can still continue operating. Centralization makes it impossible for administrative continuity once there is a disruption from the center, since every other units or sectors are connected to the center
Decentralized system is more rigid in terms of usage because of its low liquidity structure, why Centralization is more simple and easy to use because of its high liquidity structure.
• Most investors (especially students who are into peer to peer financing in cryptocurrency) prefers Decentralized system for easy safety of their finance for fear of hacking. The Centralized system on the other hand is less secure because it is prone to hacking.
• In a Decentralized system, Data are more secured because they are stored in several servers connected through blockchain system, making it rarely prone to manipulation.
Meanwhile in Centralized system, Manipulation of Data is most likely, since all data are connected to the central server and superior authority can one time or another access the main server and edits its data.
• A Decentralized system is highly reliable and dependable because it connects with several servers that even if one goes down, it does not affect the others. Centralization on the other hand is less reliable, because in the event of server failure or shutdown, the whole system goes down.


 Investment is more secure due to lesser risk of system/server hacking
 As a result of decentralization of power from the center to other units, there is less
Worry/load for management
 It encourages/promotes transfer of power from top to bottom, thereby preventing boredom by creating enthusiasm for work
 A Decentralized blockchain system builds trust in the system as it enhances the skills of people all over the world who are wired to the integrated system and as such enhances relationship among the users
 This system helps to build confidence and trust among the users from top to bottom in the blockchain, because the system is convenient and safe and rarely gives room for manipulation/editing of data.

 It is highly volatile
 It is expensive to operate
 It can easily result to increase in crime due to problems that may be encountered during Fund transfer.
 Unstable pricing as a result of price fluctuation is also a major drawback for this system.
 The effort geared to stop fraud or perceived crime is slow


• A Centralized system is convenient for easy reporting and it encourages performance enhancement
• Transferring funds from a centralized system helps eliminate the fear of transferring to a wrong user
• Here, Decisions are easily followed irrespective of where or whom I is coming from
• Users basically share the same vision with that of the central/superior authority
• Decision/policy implementation from Top authority is received with utmost priority.


• Its less secured especially when the central/main server gets hacked
• Decision making tends to flow only from Top to bottom
• This system doesn’t give room for users independence
• This system can in most cases be devoid of transparency which can invariably lead to massive fraud.
• Secured data can easily be manipulated by powerful individuals who have access to the central server.


The system to adopt for business depends on which business to invest on as well as the individual or group running the business. In order words, what may not be ideal for one individual or group, may be perfect for another individual or group.
Personally, as a business owner and if I am to recommend, certainly I will go for the Decentralized System.
The fact that Decentralization is more secure, reliable, allows greater independence and freedom for users or customers, involves everyone in decision making and creates a sense of belonging, enthusiasm, confidence among the users, makes it the perfect system to adopt to boast productivity.

In order to be convinced that a particular blockchain is decentralized, it is advisable to undertake the following steps
Step 1
Go to etherscan official website which is : https// and you see the interface below

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Step 2
In the address bar provided ,enter the token address which you are interested to check. And click on the contract details icon as displayed on the image. I will be checking for UNISWAP
The contract address for UNISWAP: 0x1f9840a85d5aF5bf1D1762F925BDADdC4201F984




As i could not find any function that destruct from the search, it simply means that Uniswap is a Decentralized protocol
Many thanks once again fro this opprtunity.


First respected student Thank you very much for taking participate in Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2, Week 1 course class..

I have read your assignment very satisfactorily

Suggestions: Any images used should be from copyright-free sources and fully referenced

Thank you very much for attending the class

grade : 5

Many thanks Sir,I have taken note of your suggestion and will definitely adhere to it going forward. Best regards . @yousafharoonkhan

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