Steemit Crypto Academy | TECNOLOGÍA HASHGRAPH | Homework task for @pelon53

Hello All Steemians !!!

On this occasion, I will try to take a class at Steemit Crypto Academy. I am interested in joining this class because there are many new lessons that I will get here. I will do homework task from professor @pelon53. Lesson discussion about TECNOLOGÍA HASHGRAPH. Lets try...

Describe in Detail the Gossip Protocol, Which is Used in Hashgraph


Gossip protocol is a protocol used to transfer information and data to a network within a system. This protocol is used in Hashgraph technology to improve the quality and functionality in carrying out its duties. By relying on the gossip protocol with the system it owns, Hashgraph will work more efficiently. In this case the presence of this protocol is very influential and has a big impact.

Gossip protocol works better than other protocols or better known as Proof of work (PoW) or proof of stake (PoS) which is a working consensus algorithm running on a blockchain network. How the gossip protocol works is by transferring information and data from one node to another randomly. Communication between computers is very important in running the process. This is intended to ease the burden on a server in doing many transactions every second. This all aims to increase the security and speed of each transaction process.

The advantages of the gossip protocol are high security and high transaction speed in reaching an agreement. For high security, it is proven by the working system of this protocol which transfers information and data randomly so it makes the user feel safe and it is very difficult to misuse or hack. For high transaction speed, it is proven by the ability of this protocol which is capable of transacting 10,000 transactions per second so it makes the user very comfortable. This is the advantage of Hashgraph technology which is expected to compete with Blockchain technology.

As an illustration for easy understanding. Gossip protocol work system can be imagined in everyday life. For example, when a teacher wants to make an exam. The teacher informed one of the students named arthurito that today there was an exam at 10 am. Then arthurito will convey the information to all his friends in the class. So the information will reach all parties involved. This is what makes this protocol called the Gossip protocol.

Explain Tolerance to Byzantine Error in Hashgraph

Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) is a form of tolerance for errors in information on a network. This is intended to prevent and overcome the possibility of crime or hacking carried out by irresponsible parties. Therefore Hashgraph technology provides fault tolerance to get data validation results while reaching a secure agreement after going through some rules.

The calculation rules and the Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) tolerance system have been established and cannot be changed to reach an agreement. The tolerance given is when an information and data has reached 2/3 of the valid nodes. If more than 1/3 of the nodes are invalid then it will be considered unsuitable and the system will be aborted and not reach a consensus. This is an absolute thing.

The purpose of this rule and tolerance system is to overcome and reduce the level of crime that might occur to reach the expected agreement. So the transaction process that occurs in Hashgraph technology is expected to run safely and smoothly.

Make a Comparison Between Hashgraph Vs Blockchain, For the Voting Process in your Country, Which Technology Would you Choose? Why?


  • Protocol
    Hashgraph technology uses Gossip protocol in running the system. Blockchain technology uses Proof of work (PoW) or proof of stake (PoS) in running the system. Both have work systems, functions, features, characteristics, advantages, and the same good quality in their respective technologies.
  • Security Level
    Hasgraph technology is better than blockchain technology because it uses a gossip protocol whose working system is the transfer of information and data is carried out randomly and is connected to the entire computer network. It is able to increase the level of security and overcome crimes and hacks.
  • Transaction Speed Level
    Hasgraph technology is better than blockchain technology because it can make about 10,000 transactions per second while blockchain technology is only able to make about 10 transactions per second. This speed difference is very significant so it makes users more comfortable in using it.
  • Rules and Tolerance
    Hasgraph technology is better than blockchain technology because it has Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) which requires that information and data must be reached 2/3 of the valid nodes. This proves that hashgraph technology has better functions and features.
  • Transaction Fee
    Hashgraph technology is better than blockchain technology because it has low transaction fees.

Voting in a country has become something that must be carried out whenever there is a need. This has become a common thing for many people in their own country like myself in the Philippines. Formal and informal needs often use voting as a supporting factor to reach a fair and acceptable agreement. Voting innovation using Hashgraph technology is very suitable to be applied in my country because usually some fraud and abuse are found.

Hashgraph technology has a voting protocol, namely virtual voting. This aims to provide freedom and convenience in voting via digital without direct voting in a certain place. This makes everything very effective and efficient in carrying out every activity and need in my country.

Hashgraph technology provides advantages in terms of fairness and honesty. This is evidenced by the ability to store votes in a decentralized manner so that cannot be changed and manipulated. This will enhance the justice and honesty that have been fading in my country. Virtual voting has a precise rules and system for reaching an agreement. The rules and system are that if 2/3 of the votes have been entered, then an agreement has been reached so the results of the voting have come out and are successful.

Explore Hedera Hashgraph. Show Screenshots

On this occasion I will explore the features contained in the Hedera Hashgraph.

Go to the Hedera Hashgraph website . there are several options that can be explored for a particular need. There are Network, Developer, Use cases, HBAR, Governance, and About. Let's see in detail.


Here you can see more specific Networks. Networks provide features about Services and Information. In the Services you will find service token and service consensus options. And in the Information you will find for how it works, browsing and dashboards options.


Here you can see more specific Devs. Devs provide features about Tooling and Resources. In Tooling you will find the Documents and Hedera SDK options. And in the Resources you will find for Integration, Fees, open source and learning center options.


Here you can see more specific Use cases. Use cases provide features and options about payments, tokenized assets, fraud mitigation, identity, data compliance, blockchain permissioned, case studies, enterprise, healthcare, and gaming.


Here you can see more specific HBAR. HBAR provides features and options about overviews, account creation, and wallets and exchanges.


Here you can see more specific Government. Government provides information and data about the organizations and companies involved in Hedera.


Here you can see more specific About. About provides features and options about team, journey, roadmap, user group, careers, media, news, blog and papers.



Gossip protocol is a protocol used to transfer information and data to the network in a system. The presence of this protocol in hashgraph technology intends to provide something different and is expected to compete with blockchain technology. The advantages in terms of security and high speed are the main factors. And the existence of Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) in Hashgraph technology also has a positive impact. This is intended to prevent and overcome the possibility of crime or hacking that may occur. All the differences possessed by Hashgraph and blockchain have the same functions and advantages in their use.

Thank you for the time and opportunity to develop the knowledge I have. Hopefully it will be useful for all readers.


Gracias por participar en Steemit Crypto Academy:

Es necesario profundizar más en el protocolo de Gossip.

Justificar el texto.

Espero seguir leyendo tus publicaciones.

Escala de Estimación.Puntaje.Observación
Protocolo Gossip.1.5Hay que profundizar más.
Tolerancia a Fallas Bizantinas.1.8Bien explicado
Hashgraph Vs Blockchain (proceso de votación).1.8Hizo su comparación y elección.
Explore Hedera Hashgraph.2.0Exploró Hedera.
Originalidad0.7Puede mejorar.
Presentación/cumplimiento de reglas.0.7Hay que justificar el texto.

Calificación: 8.5

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