#CRYPTO ACADEMY SEASION 3 BEGGINER'S COURSE-TASK 2: Blockchain, Decentralization, and Block Explorer#

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)


Task: Decentralization by @justiceanietie

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Hello great steemians, I want to say a big thank you to Prof.@yousafharoonkhan for this wonderful lecture delivered. I will be answering question 2.


Define Decentralization

Decentralization is the power an individual has to function in his capacity in any given environment. Here an individual is free from external control. In clear terms, it is a process of one functioning in its state, either with or without the center. Here decisions are made and acted upon without validation of the information from external body. In an organization, where power is not centered, employees are free to create something new from their initiatives and equally pass the ideas across to the organization. In production, many are specialized in producing different products, and this helps the economy to grow faster. The process of one exchanging his/her product for another, is where the Chanel of distribution can be experienced (trade).

In What Areas of life can a Decentralized Blockchain be helpful? (write in own words)

Health Sector Decentralized blockchain is helpful in the health sector. This is as a result of a patient going to a particular health centre for treatment but reaching there, the Ductor sees that he can not handle the case then, he writes a report after carrying out the test and refer him/her to another health center that can handle the situation. That report serves as overall information held by a health centre concerning the patient, now transferred to another health centre for quick treatment. This makes the health blockchain helpful.

Land Revenue: If a Government has as space or place for recording and analysing land data of it citizens, and making sure that the information is recorded and kept saved, then the citizens will have the opportunity to retrieve data on the space when the need arises. And this system will help in safe keeping of the asset of the poor. If the the government of each country allow a blockchain space for all land owned by every citizens be recorded and each citizen having an address of its land recorded, then it will be difficult for strong men to take the land of the poor.

Educational Sector: Blockchain in education has helped a lot because many persons don't go to school but have result. Blockchain has help the educational system where information of student owning a particular result can be accessed online. This can be achieved through WAEC scratch card, biometric ( thomp print). Once it's checked, all the information concerning the the rightful owner of the result is displayed.

Politics and Election: Decentralized blockchain will help in a Democratic system during election of representatives. For a true and fair election to take place, the government should build a blockchain that all citizens can have access to trough all electronic devices. Were each citizen can cast his/her vote online from home.

Banking Sector: Blockchain in banking sector help in quick transaction and the security is strong. One can make transactions with phone, POS, computer, ATM machine etc. The banking sector has to improve on their blockchain so that hackers can not withdraw money from the system even when they have the Bank Verification Number of the owner. Just like Steemit blockchain were one can access another user wallet but can not withdraw steem or SDB from it.

Advantages of Decentralized System

  1. An individual has the power to function in its capacity under a system.

  2. It make one to know his right

  3. Since proper record are kept and checked, it is difficult to falsify document to deceived another.

  4. This system assist in quick delivery of cash transaction, messages and even sending photos across

  5. It enable one to be reach through telephone calls, charting applications like Facebook, WhatsApp, video calls etc.

  6. Hackers don't have access to the system

  7. This system allow everyone to be free from external control

  8. To make and take decision is determined by one self.

Disadvantages of Decentralized system

  1. This system is difficult to afford because it needs large capital.

  2. Difficult to afford trained pernels

  3. Not suitable for under-deveped country because the country can't afford the cost

  4. Dedecated time and skills are needed

  5. When there is no network, transactions will be delayed.

  6. When there is power failure, the system can not function properly.


Decentralization allow one to have control over his field of specialization and allows one to make decision and act on it.


Thanks for viewing.



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