Digix Gold Token (DGX) - stablecoin - Homework week 7

Muy buenas a todos los lectores, en esta oportunidad, aprenderemos un poco más sobre las stablecoin. un cordial saludo a @yohan2on que gracias a su conferencia y su actividad asignada, ademas de la iniciativa de #steemcryptoacademy; tenemos la oportunidad de aprender aun más y replantearnos conceptos tan importantes y modernos como las cryptomonedas estables. Esta oportunidad mi atención se dirige a la criptomoneda Digix.

Very good to all readers, this time, we will learn a little more about stablecoins. a cordial greeting to @ yohan2on who thanks to his conference and his assigned activity, in addition to the #steemcryptoacademy initiative; We have the opportunity to learn even more and rethink such important and modern concepts as stable cryptocurrencies. This opportunity my attention turns to the Digix cryptocurrency.




Digix Gold Token es una criptomoneda cuyo valor hoy se encuentra en $47.17 USD aproximadamente, es una stablecoin pues respalda su criptoactivo en oro, donde, un DGX es equivalente a un gramo de oro. Esta nace en 2018 lanzada por DigixDAO. El DGX se crea a través de un protocolo denominado PoA (Prueba de Activos) y esta diseñado para asegurar que se haya adquirido y almacenado suficiente oro para cada DGX y que la certificación se almacene en cada cadena de bloques Ethereum.

Digix Gold Token is a cryptocurrency whose value today is approximately $ 47.17 USD, it is a stablecoin because it supports its cryptoactive in gold, where a DGX is equivalent to one gram of gold. This was born in 2018 launched by DigixDAO. The DGX is created through a protocol called PoA (Proof of Assets) and is designed to ensure that enough gold has been acquired and stored for each DGX and that the certification is stored on each Ethereum blockchain.

Actualmente posee una capitalizacion de mercado de $3 569 258 USD (vease en coinmarketcap)

It currently has a market capitalization of $ 3,569,258 USD (see coinmarketcap )



En la pagina oficial de DIGIX (digix.global) tienen la frase "El futuro de poseer oro es digital" y es que note que las características mas resaltantes de esta criptomoneda es su ingeniosa equivalencia de 1 DGX = 1 gramo de oro. esta respaldada en oro, Ademas de que al ser una criptomoneda tiene características de las mismas. Por ejemplo: es transferible, canjeable y como vimos en uno de mis post anterior (en La Seguridad de Blockchain y la Industria - tarea semana 6 @gbenga - Esp/Eng) la seguridad proporcionada por la tecnología blockchain beneficia en gran medida a la industria, esto sin hablar que tienes acceso de corroborar cada barra de oro en cualquier lugar y momento. Otro aspecto importante a mencionar es que DIGIX esta regulado por el gobierno, pues, esta regulado por la Ley de Piedras Preciosas y Metales Preciosos (Prevención del Lavado de Dinero y Financiamiento del Terrorismo) de 2019 y está regulado por la Ley de Comercio de Productos Básicos de Singapur.

On the official DIGIX website ( digix.global ) they have the phrase "The future of owning gold is digital" and you notice that The most outstanding characteristics of this cryptocurrency is its ingenious equivalence of 1 DGX = 1 gram of gold. It is backed in gold, In addition to being a cryptocurrency it has characteristics of the same. For example: it is transferable, redeemable and as we saw in one of my previous post (in Blockchain Security and Industry - task week 6 @gbenga - Esp / Eng ) the security provided by blockchain technology greatly benefits the industry, this not to mention that you have access to corroborate each gold bar at any place and time. Another important aspect to mention is that DIGIX is regulated by the government, therefore, it is regulated by the Law of Precious Stones and Precious Metals (Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism) of 2019 and is regulated by the Law of Trade in Products. Singapore basics.

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Sin embargo, como podemos apreciar en la conferencia de @yohan2on (véase en Steemit Crypto Academy week 7: Stable coins - Part2) al ser una criptomoneda estable, esta respaldada en oro; posee la claras desventajas que el post antes citado menciona, veamos:

However, as we can see in the @ yohan2on conference (see in Steemit Crypto Academy week 7: Stable coins - Part2 ) being a stable cryptocurrency, it is backed in gold; It has the clear disadvantages that the aforementioned post mentions, let's see:

-No es escalable: no tendría sentido comprarla para luego venderla (se mantendrá indefinidamente al mismo precio).

-It is not scalable: it would not make sense to buy it and then sell it (it will remain indefinitely at the same price).

-Esta centralizada: para retirar el oro, por ejemplo, tendría que pasar por un intermediario.

-It is centralized: to withdraw the gold, for example, it would have to go through an intermediary.

-Depende de activos físicos: el oro.

-It depends on physical assets: gold.

PREGUNTA DE @yohan2on

QUESTION FROM @ yohan2on

En su conferencia antes citada @yohan2on pregunta: ¿seguirán siendo relevantes las monedas estables en tiempos futuros? Para mi, responder a esto, debemos observar cual es la trayectoria de las criptomonedas actuales y notamos que su trayectoria va en rumbo a superar los problemas que hoy surgen, como la volatilidad de las mismas. si esto llega a solucionarse, con algún otro método ingenioso que no sea respaldar la criptomoneda a un activo subyacente podemos imaginar que estas, de igualmanera, serian similares a las stablecoin que hoy ya existen, por tanto, es posible que las stablecoin de hoy como el USD coin, Paxos Standard y el mismo Digix, terminen siendo "criptomonedas de bobedas" permítaseme el nueva notación, pues veríamos monedas que se respaldan en activos que no se usaran con tanta frecuencia para el entonces futuro que imaginamos.

In his aforementioned lecture @ yohan2on asks: will stablecoins still be relevant in future times? For me, answering this, we must observe what is the trajectory of current cryptocurrencies and we note that their trajectory is on the way to overcoming the problems that arise today, such as their volatility. If this is solved, with some other ingenious method other than backing the cryptocurrency to an underlying asset, we can imagine that these, in the same way, would be similar to the stablecoins that already exist today, therefore, it is possible that today's stablecoins like the USD coin, Paxos Standard and Digix itself, end up being "dummy cryptocurrencies", let me use the new notation, because we would see currencies that are backed by assets that were not used as often for the then future that we imagine.

Esto siendo todo, me despido, Muchas gracias por leer y un reiterado saludo a @yohan2on y a los curadores @steemcurator01 y @steemcurator02.

This being all, I say goodbye, Thank you very much for reading and a repeated greeting to @yohan2on and the curators @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02.


Hi @juanjo09

Thanks for attending the 7th -Crypto course on stable coins and for your effort in doing the given homework task.

Fairly done. More effort in your research study. Kindly try to be more organised in your articles by breaking down the huge paragraphs into small readable ones. Basically Just keep improving on the presentation of your work.

Homework task

Thank profesor. I understand, I will take your comments to improve my articles, thanks again.

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