Crypto Academy Season 3 Beginners course : Task 3 by @johnsand : Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, Public chains.

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

What Is Cryptocurrency and How You Would Like To See Cryptocurrency In The Feature?

Assalamualaikum everyone. I am @johnsand, a steemit user who always follow steemit crypto academy. At this platform I really want to examine my self and do the tasks with full effort. Special thanks to @stream4u for this excellent opportunity. I really want to gather a lot of knowledge from every classes. There are 3 assignments available for us, I am going to complete number one task which is,

What Is Cryptocurrency and How You Would Like To See Cryptocurrency In The Feature?

What Is Cryptocurrency?



Basically we can say, a cryptocurrency is another type of digital cash. We can also say it is a digital token which is not physically real. This is a virtual money. You can move physically real money, non-cryptocurrency cash like the U.S dollar digitally, however that is not exactly equivalent to how cryptocurrencies forms of money work. At the point when crypto currencies forms of money become standard, you might have the option to utilize them to pay for stuff digitally, very much as you do with traditional currencies.

Cryptocurrency requests to numerous individuals in light of its capacity to be overseen without a national bank and subsequently worries around mystery and deception. It advances as a result of its capacity to hold esteem and not be inflated away by central banks that need to print cash. It's also very hard to fake due to the blockchain record framework that deals with the cash.

Peer to Peer networks are the instrument utilized by cryptocurrencies to scatter system data while keeping the entire system much decentralized as could be expected. Cryptocurrency Peer to Peer networks have new attributes that propose new difficulties and stay away from certain issues of existing Peer to Peer organizations. By portraying the most applicable cryptocurrency organization, Bitcoin, we give subtleties on various properties of cryptocurrency organizations and their similitudes and contrasts with standard Peer to Peer network ideal models. Our examination permits us to infer that cryptocurrency networks present another worldview of P2P networks because of the components they use to accomplish high strength and security. With this new worldview, intriguing examination lines can be additionally evolved, both in the engaged field of P2P cryptocurrency organizations and furthermore when such organizations are joined with other distributed situations.

There are a large number of various cryptocurrencies accessible today. The most famous and the first is Bitcoin, which was made in 2009. Other cryptocurrencies are Ethereum, XRP, and Bitcoin Cash. Every one of these currencies fills an alternate need, with some streamlined for use instead of money, and others intended for private, direct exchanges.

Current Cyptocurrency prices:

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From the given chart we can see Bitcoint (BTC) holds its top position among other cryptocurrencies. With the price of $34,462.51 USD & $645,918,862,565 USD market cap. After Bit coin, Ethereum (ETH) , Tether (USDT) & Binance Coin (BNB) holds the 2nd, 3rd & 4th position by their prices.


How You Would Like To See Cryptocurrency In The Feature?

Honestly speaking we really need to move on with our currency situation. In this digital world hand cash looks really backdated. We are all suffering with our banking system due to excessive taxes & complications during transactions. My own country doesnt appreciate cryptocurrency transaction, they gave restrictions on it. I want cryptocurrencies to be free from any restrictions. I want crytocurrency to become peoples currency.

Countries like mine struggle with their currency against dollar or euro. I want to reduce this difference with cryptocurrency. This currency should apply on every sector such as health, education & others. So that curruption no longer operate with every transaction record secured.

Smart people leads their life smartly. Cryptocurrency is a smart version of exchange currencies so our government need to be smart and the world need to reduce currency descrimination. Every person deserves a fair chance with his own currency.


Thank you everyone. I hope i've explained well, pardon me if there is a mistake.



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 3 years ago 

Dear professors @lenonmc21 , @awesononso , @reminiscence01 , and @wahyunahrul please have a look at my post.

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 3 years ago 

Dear professors @lenonmc21 , @awesononso , @reminiscence01 , and @wahyunahrul please have a look at my post.

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63466.72
ETH 2683.95
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.80