Blockchain Technology In Healthcare Industry | CryptoAcademy Season4Week3 | My Homework for professor @ yohan2on

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

Hello Everyone!

Today I am going to do my homework task for Professor @yohan2on which is really an interesting topic of how a blockchain system can be implemented in the health care industry.

How is Blockchain changing the healthcare industry?

In the New Era with the changing time, in the modern world, it is much more positive about the usage of blockchain systems in different fields of life, From kitchen to IT industries and From social platforms To the Healthcare industries blockchain is now going to implement the blockchain to all the sectors. New technology is the need of the New Era and blockchain is one of the best implementations of the new times. With blockchain we can create many applications which we called dapps, These decentralized apps are totally E decentralized and different from many centralized apps and in which one can control his own activities and his own data.

A blockchain is changing the Healthcare industries in many ways such as making the transactions transparent and keeping the records of the patients for a very long time in fact once the data of a patient Is entered and stored in a blockchain system it can never be removed from that and it is security starts on the blockchain which makes the work of the doctors easy because they can find the data of a patient from many years ago.

Blockchain provides more transparency to the patients and between the doctors which is one of the key points of running the Healthcare industry on a blockchain system.

Blockchain Implementation in Healthcare Industry:

Safety of drug research and data

Safety of drug Research and experiments in the Healthcare industries are very important because if we talk about the last two years,

there have been many cases of Data hacking and stealing from different big companies while doing experiments for making the vaccine for covid-19. Safety of data for the companies is really important and blockchain can play a key role in keeping the drug Research and experiments data safe and secure because it's nearly impossible to hack a blockchain system.

Keeping the data secure for the companies is really important because if there is a single minute change in their data it can harm the whole Research and can cause big problems for the companies and for the people.

Data sharing

Sometimes in emergencies, the patients are required to share their data with their doctors online and while doing so the data can be misplaced and damage the privacy of the patients. While implementing blockchain and data sharing can help to keep the data of the patients secure and it can only be used by the patients themselves and to whom they allow it.

Patient records

Sometimes for the treatment the doctor requires the previous data of the patients for their better treatment and to analyze their disease, When the ordinary data recording systems are used they can be easily manipulated and the patient's data can be removed or edit any time,

Tracking of new diseases

Sometimes the outbreak of new diseases that are unknown to doctors and need treatment the blockchain system helps the doctors to identify the disease by defining its origin and then Making decisions about the treatment and the prescription required for the disease.

Companies that use blockchain technology:


Best IQ industries work on the security of data and building trust between the people and many other places to provide security and to unlock this powerful data. The industry required Some method that helps give the data secure and accessible to the doctors for use and for this purpose bustIQ Industries use a blockchain system. It also provides connectivity and scalability to the people.


Medicalchain is one of the most popular held care industries which uses blockchain for all their activities such as keeping the data records of the previous patients and also the new patients can store their medical records online and can share them with the doctors online and all these activities are totally secure and depend on the blockchain security.


Factom is another industry that implements blockchain in their activities through this they are being successful in keeping the records for long the patient. The data is skipped recorded in different blocks and then those blocks become parts of the Factom blockchain and keep all the data and records safe forever.

Advantages of blockchain in the healthcare industry:

  • The one great advantage of a blockchain is that blockchain is decentralized and towards decentralization it makes it safer than the centralized system because to Excess someone's data and other records You will need to identify yourself and in this way, data is kept secure from stealing and hacking.
  • For the Healthcare industries blockchain is really important because it helps them keep themselves updated about what type of Medicines and clinical tools are required and how much amount is needed.
  • Blockchain being Based on a decentralized system provides transparency to the system specially the Healthcare industries and clinical operations required transparency when it comes to the drifting and stealing of data from their records.
  • Recently during the pandemic when the covid-19 vaccine was not yet made and win different countries were doing experiments to successfully launched their vaccine, many times their data was leaked out and their systems were hacked but if all this data was stored on the blockchain it can never be hacked on leaked somewhere else.

Disadvantages of Blockchain in the healthcare industry:

Sometimes when Healthcare data records are too large and much data is stored on a blockchain then sometimes Becomes inefficient.
Also when processing large data files on a blockchain it requires a large amount of energy which is very costly and for keeping these records it also requires maintenance cost separately.


From my about research I came to the conclusion that blockchain plays a vital role and many sectors of our life and especially for the people of the third world blockchain can be very important because there the data-stealing hacking and corruption are way too high and in the health sector the patient's data and other clinical records can be easily hacked and steal, but if all these records are kept on the blockchain there will be safer and there will be very fewer chances of the blockchain to get hacked and anyone can not steal any data from there.

My kind regards to professor @yohan2on for his efforts in making this amazing lecture, I have learned a lot from this lecture and I hope I have done my homework task well.


With Love


Hi @janemorane

Thanks for participating in the Steemit Crypto Academy

Rating criteriaCalculation out of 2
Quality of presentation1/2
Compliance with topic2/2
Clarity of language1/2
Quality of analysis1/2
Grand total7

This is good content. Thanks for taking the time to research the possible applications of Blockchain in the health care industry.

Total| 7/10

Thank you so much, professor.
Have a great weekend!


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