[Beginner Course] Steemit Crypto Academy Season 3 Week 7 | Decentralized Apps (DApps) - Future Apps From Blockchain System. By @isabelfrancis28

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

Greetings dear friends❤

A big greeting to the teacher @wahyunahrul, thank you for this excellent class!

Steemit Crypto Academy Season 3 Week 7.jpg

Image edited on Canva.com


1). Will DApps be able to replace centralized applications in other fields in the future?

Of course yes, nowadays we all have knowledge of what app (applications) are, those that we have installed on our smart phones, for example, in the case of instagram, facebook, Twitter, among others; but these particular apps are called "Centralized", which means that this system controls everything we do there, for example, if the Twitter app is down, we cannot Tweet, in addition, centralized apps handle our content, our data, on the contrary, the Dapp (decentralized applications) either through the web or from a mobile where there is no central entity that is controlling them, they are within the Blockchain network where they are not controlled by humans, but by a decentralized system that in the future, will be high impact Dapp due to the great power of Blockchain technology that is increasing day by day. In addition, in the future these Dapp will make us have a better life, overshadowing and replacing those apps that have full control and dominance over our content and that also do not generate any benefit, on the contrary, centralized app creators such as for example , the Facebook are the ones who benefit from the users.




2). Is there a possibility for DApps to steal user data?

No, the Dapps for presenting the peer-to-peer system (decentralized communication network) do not allow the theft of user data, since no person has control of our Dapp, the Blockchain system works with specific nodes, where the Information jumps from block to block, and if in any case a node falls, the other blocks give it support or assistance, since all nodes handle the same information (ledger that is updated automatically), for this reason, our data is very safe, without falling into the hands of anyone.

They have a fairly high level of security!

@isabelfrancis28 (8).jpg


Edited with my username on Canva.com


3). Explain the ways in which a DApp promotes its application to the public?

The most important thing is that the Dapps are made known, what it is about, how they work, their benefits, their security measures, so that people download the Dapps and register.

The best ways to promote Dapp to the public are:

  • Promote on web pages, social networks, recurring channels, making visible and eye-catching ads.
  • Sending Email or mails explaining that Dapps exist, briefly telling what it consists of and inviting to download them by placing a download link, such as the DappRadar link so that people enter there, see their classifications and know them.
  • Through ASO positioning, which is a set of techniques that help an application to scale positions and appear in the first results of the markets. Ideally, make a broad description of the application and have a good review.

@isabelfrancis28 (9).jpg


Edited with my username on Canva.com


4). Choose a DApp and do a detailed analysis that proves that the DApp is a good one to use. (Provide proof with screenshot).

Choose the Steemit app, since it is the one I currently use.

First, you must proceed to Google the DappRadar platform and click.


Click on the "Rankings" session.


I can choose the cryptocurrency with which the Dapp works or type it in the search engine. In this case I chose Steemit.


Click on "Open Dapp" to access.


Click on "Register" if you do not have an account or on "Login" if you are already registered.


When entering, you can see the username, blog, trends and tools that Dapp has.


By entering "Publications" you can see the publications you have made.


In "Responses" you can see the comments received and those sent.


In "Communities", you can access to keep up to date with trends and what's new, you can also create content within them, by clicking on "New post".


Here you can see all the notifications.


To enter the wallet you have to log in, to be able to carry out our transactions and view the history.


In "Configuration", you can modify all the information. For example, the name, location, profile photo, among others.


Note: The images are Screenshot from the DappRadar website. https://dappradar.com/


5). If you were a DApps developer, what kind of app would you like to create? Explain all the details of the DApp plan that you will make.

If I were a Dapps developer I would like to create Type III Dapps, such as a social network that is quite similar to Steemit, where cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Tron are used, as well as various Tokens as a tool to carry out transactions.

My plan for the creation of Dapps is based from the creation of ideas to the analysis after its launch, the first thing I would do would be to create a concept, starting from having an idea of ​​what my Dapp will be, from studying what the needs of users, conduct research to evaluate the focus of the idea and thus be able to create a good concept. After having a clear concept, I would make a definition structure, that is, define the functionality and define the users I want to reach. I would also focus on creating a design phase, which is quite important, because it would be the visual part that could attract users. Then I would focus on making a concrete development, that is, a structure of how it will work, and then subject it to tests and make corrections of what may be poorly structured, change ideas for others, and finally, develop my publication stage of the Dapp where users can finally access it.

If I ever develop a Dapp, I would create a social network called "TODO LARENSE", whose name is allusive to my current city, where I can give the opportunity to close users to share original content of the city, reviews, typical dishes, literature, myths, among so many things. It would be excellent: D

@isabelfrancis28 (10).jpg


Edited with my username on Canva.com


6). Conclusión.

Decentralized applications (Dapps) are the future of the Blockchain system that is based on very securely backing up our entire source of information, having a high level of security and being a peer-to-peer system, allowing us to interact with different types of Dapps, with various cryptocurrencies and explore a highly rated technology.
Centralized Apps are very useful if they are given a good job, the idea is that, if the centralized App creator obtains benefits, we, the users, will also take advantage of it, and I would do it using them as a means of digital Marketing and promotion. The disadvantage would be that our information is manipulated by others, on the other hand, Dapps provide greater security and reliability of my database and transactions, without being victims of Hacking as commonly happens in many centralized apps. The DappRadar platform is an excellent page to learn how to find, select and classify Dapps and all their operation.

Thanks a lot😊

@isabelfrancis28 (4).jpg


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