Crypto Academy Week 13 - Homework Post for [@yousafharoonkhan] - Steemit Decentralized Social Media, Centralization and Decentralization Social Media

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit:

Assalam Alaikum, How are you all, hope you all are doing well. So today, after attending Professor @yousafharoonkhan lecture on Steemit Decentralized social media, Centralization and Decentralization social media, i learned many important things about these types of media and there pros and cons.


Lets start with the answers of given homework question.

Question no 1 :

Write the definition of Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms in your own words. Explain in your own words the difference between decentralization and centralization Social Media Platforms ?

Decentralized Social Media Platform:

Decentralized social media is a platform in which there is no central authority just like in centralized social media platform. It means user are free to make there contents regarding there likes and dislike and set there rules. There is no need to follow rules and regulation because decentralized gives an authority to every individual to work freely. The most important thing is user account can not be blocked by decentralized social media platform. The best example of decentralized social media platform is steemit which plays a vital role in many steemitians life to make there way of living better.

Centralized Social Media Platform:

This type of social media platform are those which are directly connected to central authority which means central authority managed all process of all users which are using that centralized social media platform. Rules and regulations are already set by central authority and every user need to follow those rules and regulation otherwise there accounts are blocked by central authority. The best example of centralized social media platform are facebook, whatsapp, twitter etc.

Difference Between Decentralization And Centralization Social Media Platforms:

Some differences between both platforms are given below,


The main difference between both the platforms is freedom. Decentralized platform gives freedom to there users. Account cannot be blocked by decentralized platform and users are free to showcase there talent on decentralized social media platform. But in centralized social media platform, users just need to follow there rules and regulation otherwise there account should be blocked by central authority.


The other difference is you cannot be able to recover your password in decentralized social media platform. Master key was given to you and if you lost your master key then your account should not be recovered. But in centralized platform, account easily recovered if you lost your password.


Decentralized platform gives a value to your content. In decentralized platform, your content is paid if your content is original informative. If you post content just by copying from others then your content should not be paid. Respectively in centralized platform, you are free to copy any other user content and there is no restrictions.


Your data and information is safe and secured in decentralized platform because security is strong in these platform. But in centralized platform, account can easily be hacked and central authority have a right to see your information and data.

Question no 2 :

Which One is The Future of Social media ? Decentralized or centralized Social media.(answer must be written in own words)?

From my point of view, i think decentralized social media is the future of social media. The main thing user want is freedom. Decentralized platform gives user a freedom to use there social media platform freely. The main thing is there is no need to follow any rules and regulation from central authority just like in centralized platforms. It gives an ease to users.

The second most important thing which makes decentralized platform far better than centralized platform is that people can earn money. To give a value to user contents is best way to gain more user. Everyone wants money from there content. If a content is original then decentralized platforms reward them a good amount of money just like in steemit. People work hard and make well organized and well explained content without any plagiarism and have there rewards from steemit platform.

For business perspectives, decentralized social media is good because you can set your own rules of business on any decentralized platform. Although many peoples can earn lot of money from centralized media but in future decentralized social media platform will gained more user interest by providing many ease to them.

Question no 3 :

How steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook.(answer must be written in own words)

Steemit decentralized social media platform is far better than Twitter and facebook because of some reason which are given below,

No Repetition of Content
As we know, in Twitter and Facebook you can share any other content from any author and many users do this, so there is a lot of content which are repeated and it makes boring for users to see one content on different pages. It also make less productive because there is a duplication of many content. There is no strict rules for plagiarism. But in steemit, plagiarism would not be tolerated and through this user publish quality content instead of copying other contents.

No Account Suspension
In steemit decentralized social media platform, there is no account suspension because steemit is decentralized platform and there is no involvement of central authority just like in Facebook and Twitter. If user can do against rules and regulation and set there own rules in Facebook and Twitter than there account will be suspended.

As we know decentralized platform are more secured than centralized. Its hard to hack decentralized websites and applications because in decentralized platform, data are stored in different places.

So, that's why steemit decentralized social media platform is better than Twitter and Facebook.

Question no 4 :

What do you say? How do Steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users?(answer must be written in own words)

If anyone say that steemit did't change my life than that was a lie. Steemit change many peoples life which was not possible while using centralized platform. If any of my friend didn't joined steemit yet, i said them that it was your mistake, you missed a chance to change your life completely and to learn many skills and earn money after giving your time.

Many peoples learn skills after joining steemit and giving time on steemit. Peoples learn how to write article in your own words. And published that article in those communities where you know there are audience who like that article. The most important is people can learn cryptocurrencies and there functions and how to do trading on steemit.

The main thing is people can earn money. Before steemit, peoples give there time on twitter and facebook and didn't earn a penny from it but after steemit, people can easily earn money by creating original content. That's the main thing which changes the lives of millions of its users.

Question no 5 :

How can we make money with Steemit's decentralized social media.(write your own experience)

To earn money on steemit is the most easy thing you can ever do. There are many communities where you can showcase your talent by creating content on that topic which you like most.

First of all you have to join Newcomers' Community for better understanding about steemit. Because centralized platform such as twitter and facebook are easy to use but steemit which are decentralized are not easy to use, you must have to read about how to use and there different functions. People get rewarded on Achievement task which was given by Newcomer's Community.

Secondly there are many other communities on steemit for different authors. It means if you have an interest on food than you must go SteemFoods and create you article which you like to share your experience and knowledge to other steemit users. In this way people get curated on there work and earn money easily.

STEEM CHALLENGE This community is for those peoples who like to participate in different challenges. In this community you can earn lot of money by participating in different contest.

Question no 6 :

How to create communities on Steemit social media ( practicle step by step ) & Promote your homework post on two social media ,twitter and facebook (just share link in comments area)

First of all, login on steemit and then click on Steemit.


Then click on My communities.


and after that click on Explore Communities


Then click on Create a community.


After that you have to enter Title and About of community.
Then click on Next.


You must have to save your Owner name/ Password given by steemit.
After that click on Check button and then click on Create Community button.


Then click on Ok button and you must have at least 3 steem in your account to create community.


After that you have to enter your owner and active key for this operation.


And then your community was created.

Promotion on Twitter:


Promotion on Facebook:



In this class, we all know the benefits and importance of decentralized platform and the most important thing is reader can be able to earn money after learning this class. Through thus informative class by @yousafharoonkhan, we are able to understand more about decentralized platform and steemit decentralized platform and how to make good use of this steemit platform.

This post is plagiarism free. Hope i answered all the questions correctly. And pictures i upload in this homework are mine which are screenshots taken by me. Thankyou for reading

Special Thanks to,



Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • look homework fine
    thank you very much for taking interest in this class

Grade : 7

Thankyou :)

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