Crypto Academy Week 15 - Homework Post for [@alphafx] Scalability and Improvements Made and Still to be made

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

Greetings to everyone, especially to professor @alphafx for this conference this week which talks about the scalability of blockchain platforms.



We can speak in easy terms that the Scalability of blockchain platforms is nothing more than the ability of the system (blockchain) to adapt to the demand for use. In other words, it is the faculty that has a platform to satisfy the demand in a particular one.

Scalability also refers to the number of transactions that a platform allows without overloading it and the number of transactions per second that it can calculate.

Make a transaction on Binance Smart Chain and Tron blockchain (you can use any token)

Tron Blockchain

To carry out my transaction with Tron blockchain, I will use Tronlink which allows me to use the TRX that I get from the STEEMIT platform in this case they are 29,659 TRX.


Step 1. In my first step process to select submit on my Tronlink home page.


Step 2. A window will open where I must specify the address, token that I want to transfer and the amount.


Step 3. After filling in the boxes with the corresponding information, I proceed to select send.


Step 4. We must confirm the operation, verifying all the data is correct and there is no error and we select confirm.


Step 5. And the last step is to enter our Tronlink password for the funds transfer to take place.

After performing the previous steps we can see how after a few minutes we have our dream available at our destination address in this case I sent them to my wallet in Binance.



Next I will show in detail how to make a transfer from Binance to another platform, this time to my Poloniex wallet.

Step 1. It is to open my Binance application.


Step 2. I go to my wallet on Binance.


Step 3. You selected the withdraw option.


Step 4. I choose the currency to withdraw in this case TRX


Step 5. It shows me a window where I must specify the address where I will send my TRX, as well as the network and the amount.


Step 6. After filling in the boxes with the corresponding information, we select withdraw.


Step 7. We are asked to confirm the transaction, we verify that all the data is correct and we confirm the transaction.


Step 8. Then we wait while our transactions are processed and it is completed.


Shows the time required to verify each transaction (original screenshots must be included)


  • When making my transfer with the Tron platform, it can be seen that the time it was made was at 21:12:21.


  • And you can see that it was received in my wallet on Binance at 21:13:16, taking only about a minute to complete the transaction.



  • Below we can see the transaction we made from our Binance platform to my Poloniex wallet, which we made at 22:55:18.


  • And it was successfully received in my wallet at 22:57:13, thus taking about two minutes to perform the operation.


We can see how the Tron platform was twice as fast as the Binance platform, when making transactions.

Compare the scalability and speed of the two with BTC


When we talk about Scalability one of the relevant names is Tron since it is a of platforms that can deal faster with user demands on volume and speed of transactions. Well yes, Tron can reach 2,000 transactions per second (TPS). In 2019 Tron was launching "Sun Network" on the market at that time as a test.

Providing scalability solutions to your decentralized DApps through SideChain (side chains), and as you can see in the screenshots the confirmation of Tron's transaction went around the minute being very fast if we compare with others platforms and their commission costs are one of the lowest on the market.

Binance Smart Chain

One of the most used platforms in the world of blockchain platforms, surpassing Ethereum in number of transactions and users this 2021, if we are based on time of binance transactions lags a bit behind Tron since its speed is usually a little slower, binance's Scalability relies on its centralization and sacrificing other features on its platform, such as censorship resistance and fault tolerance.

This platform offers great speed and less cost per transaction and a very similart to the Ethereum network.


Let's talk now about the great one in history, about goliad where everyone else looks for the stone to help them overcome it. In this area, the BTC leaves much to be desired since it can only process up to 7 TPS and with a confirmation time of 10 minutes,
being far from the transactions per second that Tron or Binance processes, being much faster than the big cryptocurrency.

Although bitcoin continues to gain users day by day, it is very far in terms of
Scalability, which has its developers looking for solutions, although they claim that its deficiency in Scalability adds greater security to the network.

What do you think can be done to improve the scalability of these three (BTC, Tron, Binance Smart Chain)?

  • One of the things to take into account to improve the Scalability of these currencies is the technical optimization, it reduces the amount of necessary computer means which would help to receive and process transactions in a faster and more efficient way.

  • Another aspect to take into account is the size of the blocks, since with the increase in size of the same it would accelerate the transaction limit although this would involve creating
    technical changes in platforms.

  • Avoid platform overloads, look for alternatives so as not to overload the block
    main, and one of these options can be Lightning Network making instant payments without waiting for confirmation and without overloading the block.

  • Implement sidechains (Sidechains) are they would help are they would create alternative blockchains for specific uses, helping to process transactions more quickly and alleviating the burden of the block. In the case of Tron, it already uses this type of technology on your platform.


Scalability is nothing more than the capacity and speed that platforms have to lighten the demand for their operations, in this blockchain world we find platforms that can process thousands of transactions per second and others that their process is slower.

This is the case of Bitcoin, the largest and most popular currency in the world of cryptocurrencies but it has a great scalability problem, since its platform only allows a maximum of 7 transactions per second and on average no more than 4 TPS are carried out.


unfortunately, the two transactions you presented are on the tron blockchain. You must note that the Binance Exchange and the Binance smart chain are two different concepts.

It will be nce if you look them up.


Thanks for participating

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 62685.52
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51