Crypto Academy Week 13 - Homework Post for @yousafharoonkhan Decentralized and Centralized Social Media

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)


In this week's lecture, the professor @yousafharoonkhan focus on what Decentralized and Centralized social media is and the future of both platforms. This is my take on it.

Social Media

As the name suggest it is all about a virtual gathering place or platform which allows connectivity and interactions between people close by and around the world. Common examples of this platforms are steemit, Mastodon, WhatsApp, Quora, Facebook, etc.

Write the definition of Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms in your own words.Explain in your own words the difference between decentralization and centralization Social Media Platforms

Decentralized Social media prioritizes user control over post and gives every member a voice to share there inner most thought without being censored. In other world this type of platforms is not vulnerable to hack attacks and is built on a distributing ledger which keeps information across borders and on several servers around the world as well as giving user autonomous power over account without any interferance from central controllers.

Centralized social media as the name suggest, is controlled by a central governance system thus human and computer system. Like Facebook Mark Zuckerberg is the CEO and with his little team set the rules on the platform. This kind of platforms also have interferance from government and some powerful entities. In centralized social media platforms, users are govern by some rules and breaking them means losing your privileges for being on there or the post or the user being removed from the platforms even though user's are the major game players. This is particularly true as the recent election, most of President Trumps post was removed and tagged as false without his consent on twitter. Centralized platforms are also susceptible to hack attacks.

Which One is The Future of Social media ? Decentralized or centralized Social media.(answer must be written in own words)

Technology is changing the way we look at things today. and it is bringing us closer than we have ever been. These days we are moving gradually from the web 2.0 to web 3.0 offering a wide variety of things and security. We are on a journey from centralisation to decentralization. As the world is moving forward and privacy concerns everywhere with user profiles being sold and manipulation of people data; this and many more have arouse our attention to the need for privacy review and ownership over our data and account. Then, decentralisation happened and the steem blockchain came with a brilliant idea to feature a socialmedia platform on the blockchain. Some are still hanging on the centralized social medias because they feel they have no other alternative but these days with the introduction of decentralized social media platforms like steemit I believe more and more people with time will flog on here as the awareness grows. A lot of users want user control and have privacy concerns which is why most have already deleted their accounts on Facebook and on other centralized socialmedia networks but this can be realized with decentralized socialmedia. Who does not want to make profit off of what they share? Some decentralized socialmedia platforms like steemit offers that, rewarding users with tokens of the blockchain which can be traded for fiat so I believe this is really a game changer and as time goes on more people will come to accept this as the newnormal.

How steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook.(answer must be written in own words)

On steemit , users have absolute control of their account and they are able to share their thought and passions without any biases, manipulation or treat from centralized bosses to pull it down. So this platform gives a voice for all. The other good thing is whatever I post on here become more like immortalized becauee neither i nor any person can delete it. On steemit, there are more educative subject which i can learn from and benefit me at the long round. Steemit is almost havk proof whiles Facebook and Twitter are vulnerable to hackers attack. Again, on steemit, I get profit on my personal content as well as on those I curate so these and many more are the things which sets steemit apart from facebook and twitter.

What do you say? How do Steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users?(answer must be written in own words)

In front of the the steemghana teeshirt reads and at the back is written "blog and earn for free". So back to the question, steemit create economic stability thus rewarding it users for their intellectual properties whiles cushioning their for society and self reliance. Again, steemit presents an evironment for learning anf improving ones mind. Take for instance the Crypto Academy which gives free weekly lectures on the crypto world and gives room to participants to learn and to share their views as well as rewarding for their hardwork is just awesome. We are not just learning but rather learning being motivated to learn. This is more than generous. In fact through this Crypto Academy, i have come to understand the concepts about cryptocurrencies, how to buy and to trade, beside opening our eyes to the opportunities out there. Thanks to all the professors for their dedication to service and to the steemit Crypto Academy organisers.

How can we make money with Steemit's decentralized social media.

We make money on steemit when we powerup for more SP whic gives us privilege to curate and assist other steemians post and get reward. Our SP is also a long term investment for us. Another way of making money on this paltform is involvement in community contest and producing quality post.

Step by step procedure for creating a steemit community

Step 1 Sign in to your steemit account with your username and posting key.

Step 2 Click on steemit on the stop left corner of the page.

Step 3 Click on all post and a dropdown menu eill appear.

Step 4 Scroll down on the list of community to selectt explore communities

Step 5 On your top right corner of the loaded page, click on create communities.

Step 6 Enter particulars for the community. Thus, name, about; and copy the hive id and pssword of the community and proceed by clicking on create community.

Step 7 A fee of 3 steem will be charged to create the community. Once you click on "ok", a pop up will request for login with your username and active key. Followed by signin and your community will be up and running.


This has been a really great leacture and it has helped me analyse a lot on my own now. Steemit is a blessing to me and to all anf i hope we will continue to introduce steemit to our love ones and family. As for me, i choose decentralized social platform over centralized. Thank you

*attached images are screenshots from steemit or designed by canva


Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • provided information are very much short in the homework, need more detail to explore the answer

thank you very much for taking interest in this class

Grade ; 5

Thank you professor.

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