SEC S19-W1 || Crypto Opportunities: Airdrops and Giveaways

Hello everyone!

I am excited to join the first competition of Season 19 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge! This week theme is "Crypto Opportunities: Airdrops and Giveaways" It a great chance to learn about the world of cryptocurrencies and how we can get free tokens without spending any money. In this post I will share my experiences with airdrops and giveaways. I will explain how I have used these opportunitie to grow my cryptocurrency Collection. Whether you are an expert or just starting I hope you find useful information and tips here Come with me as I explore how airdrop and giveaways work. I will share my personal strategie & give you simple tip on how to make the most of thise opportunities.

What is a Cryptocurrency Airdrop and Its Main Objectives?

From my experience and Understanding cryptocurrency airdrop is when blockchain project give away free tokens or coins to a lot of people. This is Usually done to Promote the project create awareness and attract new users. Think of it like getting free sample of a product to try out.


Main Objectives of Cryptocurrency Airdrops

  1. Promotion and Awareness
    Airdrops help new projects get notice in the crowd cryptocurrency market. By giving away free token projects can attract attention and create excitement. Its similar to how companies give out free samples of new snack so people will try it and talk about it.

  2. Building a Community
    Airdrops can help create loyal user base. When people receive free tokens they are more likely to become interested in the Project and participate in its community. It's like when a new game gives you some free in-game currency to get started making you more likely to keep playing.

  3. Encouraging Participation
    Many airdrops require you to do simple task like following social media account joining Telegram groups or sharing content. This help spread the word about the project. Its like contest where you get point for doing certain action and those points can be exchange for prizes.

  4. Rewarding Early Adopters
    Some projects use airdrops to reward early supporters or participant of their previous initiatives. This helps build goodwill and loyalty. Imagine coffee shop giving free coffee to its first customers to thank them for their early support.

  5. Decentralization
    By distributing tokens widely project can achieve a more decentralized and fair token distribution which is often important for the project success and security. It's like spreading seeds over a large area to ensure healthy and even growth of plants.

Examples of Projects That Have Used Airdrops

  1. Stellar (XLM)
    Stellar gave away $125 million worth of XLM tokens to Blockchain wallet users. This helped increase the user base and promote the Stellar platform. It’s like a new store giving out free gift cards to get people to visit.

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  1. Ontology (ONT)
    Ontology airdropped ONT tokens to people who signed up for their newsletter and to holders of another cryptocurrency NEO. This helped ontology quickly build large community. Its similar to new restaurant offering free meal to peoples who subscribe to their newsletter and to customer of a relate restaurant.

  2. Uniswap(UNI)
    Uniswap decentralized exchange airdropped 400 UNI token to every user Who had use the platform before certain date. This airdrop rewarded early users and created a strong engaged community. Its like a club giving free membership to everyone Who Visite before certain date.

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  1. Decred (DCR)
    Decred gave tokens to Bitcoin holders and early supporters who registered for the airdrop. This helped Decred gain initial traction and a dedicated user base. Think of it as a gym giving free memberships to early sign ups and regular visitors.

  2. EOS (EOS)
    EOS distributed free token to Ethereum wallet holders. This not only promoted EOS but also attracted Ethereum users to their platform. Its like new streaming service giving free subscriptions to Netflix user to get them to try their service.

airdrops are great way for blockchain projects to promote themselves and build community while also providing users with free tokens to grow their crypto portfolio. By understanding and participating in airdrops you can support promising projects and potentially benefit from their succes.
Difference Between Airdrops and Giveaways in Cryptocurrencies

From my experience and understanding air drop and giveaway are two difference method use by cryptocurrency project to distribute token. While both aim to promote the project and Engage users they have distinct characteristics and method of distribution.


Airdrops are usually free distributions of tokens to large number of users. The recipients often need to meet specific criteria such holding a particular cryptocurrency or registering for the airdrop. The main goal is to increase awarenes build a community and encourage adoption.


  • Stellar (XLM): stellar conducted a massive airdrop Where they distributed $125 million Worth of XLM tokens to Blockchain wallet user. The aim was to promoted the stellar platform and increase its user base by giving away token to wide audience for free.

Steem Token Initiative Example:

  • Steem Power (SP) Airdrop: Imagine steemit deciding to airdrop Steem Power (SP) to all users who have been active on the platform in the past six months. The airdrop would automatically distribute SP to these users’ wallets to reward their engagement and encourage continue participation on steemit.


Giveaways on the other hand often require participants to perform specific task or actions to qualify for the free tokens. These tasks can include following social media accounts sharing content joining community groups or even creating content. The primary aim is to generate buzz increase social media presence and attract new users.


  • Ontology (ONT): Ontology conducted a giveaway where participants had to sign up for their newsletter and completed task like following their social media channel. In return participants received free ONT token. This helped Ontology increase its visibility and grow its community.

Steem Token Initiative Example:

  • Steemit Content Creation Giveaway: Suppose Steemit launches a giveaway where users can earn Steem tokens by writing and sharing posts about specific topic such as the benefits of decentralized platforms. Participants would need to submit their post and share them on social media. The best posts would be reward with Steem token increasing engagement and promoting the platform.

Key Differences

  1. Criteria for Participation:

    • Airdrop: Usually free and requires holding specific cryptocurrency or meeting a simple condition (e.g. having a wallet).
    • Giveaway: Requires participants to perform specific actions (e.g. following accounts sharing posts creating content).
  2. Goals:

    • Airdrop: Aims to increase awareness and build a community through free token distribution.
    • Giveaway: Aims to generate buzz increase social media presence and attract new user through engagement-based rewards.
  3. Distribution Method:

    • Airdrop: Tokens are distributed automatically to eligible user.
    • Giveaway: Tokens are award to participants who complete the required tasks.
By understanding the differences between airdrops and giveaway we can better appreciate how cryptocurrency project use these strategie to promote themselves and engage with their communities. Both methods offer unique benefits and opportunities for users to participate and earn tokens.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Airdrops for Project Developers and Participants

For Project Developers


  1. Increased Awareness and Visibility:

    • Advantage: Airdrop can generate significant buz and attract attention to new or existing Project.
    • Example: If Steemit conducted airdrop of Steem tokens to users of other social media platform it could attract new users who might be curious to Learn more about Steemit.
  2. Community Building:

  • Advantage: Airdrops help in building a strong and loyal community by giving potential user a stake in the project.
  • Example: A Steem airdrop to active blogger could encourage them to join and contribute to the Steemit community thereby increasing engagement on the Platform.
  1. Decentralization:

    • Advantage: By distributing tokens widely projects can achieve a more decentralized ownership which is often desirable for Security and trust.
    • Example: Distributing Steem token widely through airdrop can help ensure that no single entity has to much control over the platform.
  2. User Engagement:

    • Advantage: Airdrops can encourage users to engaged with the project participate in governance and provide feedback.
    • Example: Airdropping Steem tokens to users who participate in poll or governance discussions can boost engagement and active participation in decisionmaking processes.


  1. Cost:

    • Disadvantage: Airdrops can be expensive especially if a large number of tokens are distributed.
    • Example: A large-scale Steem token airdrop might strain the project’s budget reducing funds available for other development activitie.
  2. Market Impact:

    • Disadvantage: Distributing large number of tokens can lead to a sudden increase in supply which might negatively impact the token market price.
    • Example: A massive Steem airdrop might flood the market with tokens causing drop in their value if recipients decide to sell them immediately.
  3. Low Engagement:

    • Disadvantage: Some recipients might not be genuinely interested in the project and may not engage beyond claiming the free tokens.
    • Example: Users who receive Steem token but have no real interest in Steemit might just sell their tokens without contributing to the community.

For Participants


  1. Free Tokens:

    • Advantage: Participants receive free tokens without any financial investment increasing their cryptocurrency portfolio.
    • Example: Receiving free Steem tokens through airdrop can be a great way for users to start using and exploring the Steemit platform without spending money.
  2. Early Access:

    • Advantage: Airdrops can provide early access to new and potentially valuable projects.
    • Example: Getting Steem tokens in an airdrop can allow users to be part of the Steemit community early on posibly benefiting from future growth and developments.
  3. Learning Opportunity:

    • Advantage: Airdrop can be a low-risk way for participants to leared about new projects and technologies.
    • Example: Receiving Steem tokens might encourage users to learn about block chain technology and decentralize social media platform.


  1. Scams and Fraud:
    • Disadvantage: Some airdrop can be fraudulent aiming to steel Personal information or fund.
    • Example: Participants need to be cautious about fake Steem token airdrop that might ask for private key or other sensitive information.


  1. Market Volatility:

    • Disadvantage: The valued of airdropped token can be highly volatile and there no guarante that they will hold or increase in value.
    • Example: Steem tokens received in an air drop might lose valued quickly if the market condition are unfavorable or if the project does not perform well.
  2. Tax Implications:

    • Disadvantage: In some jurisdictions receiving air dropp token might have tax implication and participant may need to report them income.
    • Example: Users receiving Steem tokens might needed to declare them on their tax returns which can be complicated and result in un expecte tax liabilities.
Airdrops can be a powerful tool for both project developers and participants offering benefits such as increased awareness community building and free tokens. However they also come with challenges like costs market impact potential scams and tax implications. By understanding these advantages and disadvantages both developers and participants can make informed decisions about engaging in airdrops.
Security and Regulatory Challenges Related to Cryptocurrency Airdrops and Giveaways

Security Challenges

  1. Scams and Fraud:
  • Challenge: Some airdrop and giveaway are scam designed to steel personal information private key or funds from participant.
  • Example: Fake airdrop websites that asked user to enter their wallet Private key to claim token Leading to loss of fund.
  1. Phishing Attacks:
  • Challenge: Fraudsters can created Phishing site or email that mimic legitimate air drop announcement to trick user into provided senstive information.
  • Example: An email that apear to be from steemit asking user to click on link and provided their walet information to received free Steem token.

  1. Smart Contract Vulnerabilities:
    • Challenge: Airdrops using smart contracts can have coding vulnerabilities that hacker can exploit to steal tokens or funds.
    • Example: A poorly coded smart contract for airdrop that allows hackers to drain the contract's funds.
  1. Sybil Attacks:
    • Challenge: Attackers can create multiple fake accounts to claim disproportionate share of the airdropped tokens.
    • Example: Someone using bot to create thousands of fake account to receive multiple shares of steem tokens in an airdrop.

Regulatory Challenges

  1. Compliance with Securities Law:

    • Challenge: Some jurisdiction might classify airdroppe token as securities requiring compliance with securitie regulation.
    • Example: Airdroping Steem token in the U.S. Without registerng them securitie could Lead to legal issue With the SEC.
  2. AML/KYC Requirements:

    • Challenge: Anti money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) regulation may required projects to Verify the identity of participant.
    • Example: Stemit needing to collect and verify personal information from participants before distributing Steem tokens to comply with regulatory requirements.
  3. Tax Implications:

    • Challenge: Airdropped tokens might be subject to taxation and both the project and participants need to Understand and comply with tax laws.
    • Example: Users receiving Steem token might need to report them income on their tax returns and steemit may need to provide proper documentation for tax purposes.

Managing These Challenges

Managing Security Challenges

  1. Education and Awareness:

    • Solution: Educate participants about potential scams and how to identify legitimate airdrops.
    • Example: Steemit could create guides and FAQ to help users recognize phishing attempts and avoid scams.
  2. Secure Communication Channels:

    • Solution: Use official and secure communication channels to announce airdrop and provide clear instructions.
    • Example: Steemit can use its official website verified social media accounts and direct messages on the platform to announce airdrop.
  3. Smart Contract Audits:

    • Solution: Conduct thorough audit of smart contracts use for airdrop to identifed and fix vulnerablitie.
    • Example: Steemit can hire reputable cybersecurity firm to audit the smart contract code for steem token airdrop.
  4. Anti Sybil Measures:

    • Solution: Implement measures to prevent Sybil attacks such as requiring proof of identity or using CAPTCHA to verify real users.
    • Example: Steemit could require users to complete CAPTCHA or provide some form of verification before participating in the airdrop.

Managing Regulatory Challenges

  1. Legal Consultation:

    • Solution: Consult with legals expert to ensure compliance with securitie law and other regulation in different jurisdiction.
    • Example: Steemit can Work with lawyers to understand the regulatory requirement for air droppng steem token in Various countrie.
  2. AML/ KYC Compliance:

    • Solution: Implement AML and KYC procedure to Verify the identity of participant and ensure compliance With Regulation.
    • Example: Steemit might required user to complete KYC Verificaton before they can receive airdroped steem tokens.
  3. Tax Reporting:

    • Solution: Provide clear guidance on the tax implications of receiving airdropped tokens and assist users in rporting them correctly.
    • Example: Steemit could provide resources and support to help user understand their tax obligations and report the airdropped Steem tokens properly.
By addressing these security and regulatory challenges through education secure practices legal compliance and user support cryptocurrency projects like Steemit can conduct airdrops and giveaways more safely and effectively.
Detailed Plan to Organize an Airdrop Using the Steem Token

1. Eligibility Criteria

To ensure the airdrop reaches active and engaged user we will set clear eligibility criteria:


  • Active Steemit Users: Users who have been active on the platform in the last three months (e.g. posting commenting or voting).
  • Minimum Steem Holding: Users holding least 10 Steem tokens in their wallet.
  • Verified Accounts: Users who have completed the KYC (Know Your Customer) verification proces.
  • Engagement Level: Users who have minimum reputation score (e.g a reputation score of 50 or above on Steemit).

2. Required Participant Actions

Participants will need to complete specific actions to claim their airdrop token. These actions will ensure active participation and engagement:


  • Follow Official Steemit Accounts: Participants must follow Steemits official social media accounts (Twitter Facebook etc.).
  • Join Steemit Community Groups: Join official Steemit groups on platform like Telegram or Discord.
  • Share Content: Share a specific promotional post about the air drop on their social media account.
  • Create a Post on Steemit: Write a post about their experience with Steemit how they plan to use the air dropp token or any suggestions for improving the platform. Use a designated hashtag like #SteemAirdrop2024.

3. Implemented Safety Measures

To protect participant and the integrity of the airdrop we will implement several safety measure:

  • Secure Registration: Use official Steemit channel and websites for registration to prevent phishing attacks. Verify URLs and provide clear instructions.
  • KYC Verification: Require KYC verification to prevent Sybil attacks and ensure legitimateD participants. Use a reputable KYC provider to handle personal information securely.
  • Smart Contract Audits: Conduct thorough audit of the smart contract used for distributing Steem tokens to identify and fix any vulnerabilities. Hire reputable cybersecurity firm for the audit.
  • Anti Sybil Measures: Implemented CAPTCHA verifications during registration and use advance algorithm to detect and prevent multipleS registration from the same user.

4. Promotional Strategie to Maximize Impact

To maximize the reach and impact of the airdrop we will use combination of promotional strategies:


  • Social Media Campaigns: Run target campaign on Twitter Facebook Instagram & LinkedIn to promote the air drop. Use eye catching graphics video and infographic to attract attention.
  • Influencer Partnerships: partner with well known influencer in the cryptocurrency and blockchain Space to promote the airdrop . Influencer can Create content host AMAs (Ask Me anything and share the air drop details with their followers.
  • Email Marketing: Send email newsletters to existing Steemit user and other cryptocurrency enthusiasts to inform them about the airdrop and how to participate.
  • Community Engagement: Engage with the Steemit community through blog posts community discussions and live stream. Answer questions provide updates and encourage users to participate.
  • Press Releases: Issue press releases to major cryptocurrency news outlets and websites to announce the air drop and its details. This can help reach broader audience and generate more interest.
  • Airdrop Tracking Websites: List the airdrop on popular airdrop tracking websites and forums to attract participant who actively look for such opportunities.

Timeline and Execution Plan


  1. Preparation Phase (1 Month)

    • Define eligibility criteria and participant actions.
    • Develop and audit the smart contract.
    • Set up KYC verification with trusted provider.
    • Create promotional materials and plan campaigns.
  2. Announcement Phase (2 Weeks)

    • Announce the airdrop through Steemits official channels and press releases.
    • Begin social media and email marketing campaigns.
    • Partner with influencers and engage the community.
  3. Registration Phase (1 Month)

    • Open registration for eligible participant.
    • Conduct KYC verification and implement security measures.
    • Monitor and respond to participant queries.
  4. Airdrop Distribution Phase (1 Week)

    • Distribute Steem tokens to verified participants through the audited smart contract.
    • Provide support for any issues during the distribution proces.
  5. Post-Airdrop Phase (1 Month)

    • Analyze the impact of the airdrop and gather feedback from participant.
    • Continue engaging with the community and encourage new users to join Steemit.
    • Prepare a report on the airdrop success and areas for improvement.
By following this detailed plan we can organize successful airdrop using the Steem token ensuring security regulatory compliance and maximum impact.

You provide great insights on Airdrops and Giveaways. Very informative details you mentioned.

my please dear


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Curated by : @chant

In the "airdrop" that you propose I see two interesting aspects: minimum Steem holding and the participation level.

The first because it shows that your interest is not simply to take the tokens and run to exchange them.

And the second because the "level of participation" speaks of the user's commitment to publishing, voting and commenting, in short, creating a community.

We can come up with a fabulous airdrop, but if we don't strengthen ourselves as a community, we will rise and fall at the pace set by the market, instead of the other way around. Excellent post, friend @hamzayousafzai!

Greetings and many blessings to you and all yours.

I appreciate your recognition of the dual aspects of minimum Steem holding and participation level. It's crucial to design an airdrop that not only incentivizes holding Steem but also encourages active engagement within the community.

When we receive surprises we become happy and glad to find what could be inside the pleasant gift. This can be clearly related to that of airdrops and giveaways in the home of cryptocurrency. Airdrops and giveaways are of different settings and I'm glad you didn't forget to add what you that makes them different from each other. Although they may have same objectives, but in all, it is boosting the general community.....

There are many objectives of airdrops which includes;

  • Building a community
  • Visibility and engagement
  • Reward loyal users
  • Promotion and awareness
  • Decentralisation

Using the steem initiatives you gave a good and detailed plan to organise an airdrop for the steem token.. You have given similar information like mine. Which you can read here

For everythings with advantages, there are disadvantages. So airdrops have advantages as well as disadvantages to the project developers and the specific audience participating in the event...

Thanks for sharing.....
Good Luck 🤞🤞

thank you so much for your details comment

Giveaways and drops are essential in the blockchain projects in the sense that they serve to create user communities. They allow wide distribution of tokens, which takes care of the network and participations effects.

This method also encourages newcomers and decentralizes processes, which are necessary amid competition in the sphere of digital technologies and cryptocurrencies. Through taking part in airdrops, and other similar promotions, people can benefit from projects without investing in them this makes the entry into new projects more inclusive and promotes more effective access to the then newly emerging opportunities in the blockchain space. Hehe, thank you very much for the nice explanation. Best of luck.

thank you so much for your valuable feedback

 2 days ago 

If you are opportune to be doing legit Airdrop which you started on time, you will benefit from it just as Notcoin and Uniswap surprise people. You have written well sir.

thanks for the feedback


Bro I have really enjoyed reading your article as you have explained each and every question about that topic very clearly with the help of some solid points. Infact the airdrops are very helpful in raising awareness among the people and building a stronger community around that project and in this way it plays a vital role in making it successful. Very good luck to you 🤞🍀

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