SEC S17-W5 || Whales In Steem blockchain

Hello everyone I hope you all are good and enjoying your life. I'm excited to join in on the latest challenge about whales in the Steem blockchain.
In this challenge we are diving into the big players on Steemit the whales. These whales own a lot of cryptocurrency which gives them a lot of power. They can influence how things work on Steemit from the economy to how people interact. I am here to explore what exactly these whales do how they affect the value of cryptocurrency and what it means for all of us on Steemit.

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Understanding Whales The Power and Responsibility of Influential Players on Steemit

Whales on Steemit are like big fish in a small pond. They are users who have a lot of something called Steem Power (SP). Think of Steem Power like superpower that lets you do special things on Steemit. If a user has more than 500000 SP, they are considered a whale.

For example lets say thire a user named @rme. He a whale because he has whopping 13 675 234 SP. That's a lot Its like having a giant bag of Gold coins in a game. And @rme reputation score is 89 which shows he well respected in the community.

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Now why are whales important Well imagine you are playing a game with friends and one of your friend has a special magic wand that can make big things happen in the Game. That friend would be really important right That kind of like what whales are on Steemit.

Whales can do special things because they have so much Steem Power. They can give big reward to posts they like which makes those posts more popular. They can also help decide on big changes for Steemit like new rule or features.

But being a whale is not just about power. It comes with responsibilities too just like being leader in a group. Whales should use their power fairly by helping good post get noticed and rewarding people who work hard. They should also be friend and helpful to other users kind of like how a big brother or sister looks out for their siblings.

Sometimes whales can also inspire others to do good thing. If a whale supports a project or idea other users might think its a good idea too and join in. So whales have a big impact on Steemit both in what they do and how they influence others.

whales like @rme are important players in the Steemit community. They have a lot of power but they also have a responsibility to use it wisely and help make Steemit a better place for everyone.

Influence of Whales & Role of Whales

Whales on Steemit those big players with lots of Steem Power (SP) can influence the value of cryptocurrencies in several ways:

1. Voting Power:

Whales on Steemit have a lot of voting power Which mean they can make a big difference in how much a post earns. When whale upvotes a post it can give it a big reward making it more valuable. But if Whale downvotes a post it can reduce it value. This power can affect which posts get Attention and how much they are worth.

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2. Content Promotion:

Whales can also promote content by giving it big reward. If they think a post is really good or important they might give it large upvote which can attract more attention from other users. This increased visibility can boost the Value of the content and influence how other perceive it.

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3. Community Engagement:

Whales play big role in engaging with the Steemit community. When they comment on posts share idea or participate in discussions it can encourage others to join in and contribute. This active involvement helps create a vibrant community atmosphere and can enhance the overall value of the platform.

4. Supporting Projects:

Whales can support projects and initiatives on Steemit by giving them big rewards. Whether it's funding a development project supporting a charity initiative or promoting a community event their contributions can add value to the platform and enrich the experiences of other users.

5. Influencing Trends:

Whales actions and preferences can influence what topics and content gain popularity on Steemit. When they consistently upvote certain types of content or support specific authors it can shape the trends and dynamics of the platform affecting the value of content and user engagement.

Whales on Steemit have significant influence over the platforms value and dynamics. Their voting power content promotion community engagement support for projects and influence on trends all contribute to shaping the Steemit ecosystem and determining the value of content and contributions. Understanding the role of whales is essential for navigating and participating in the Steemit community effectively.

Play several important roles in how Steem the blockchain behind Steemit works

1. Deciding How Steem Works:

Whales have a say in how Steem operates. They help make decision about things like changes to the rules how reward are given out and other important stuff. Its kind of like big group deciding how game should be played.

2. Picking the Best Content:

Whales are like judges on Steemit. They can give big rewards to post and comments they like making them more popular. This help good content get notice by more people. Its like getting gold star for doing a great job

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3. Making Sure Everyone Gets Paid:

Whales help decide who gets paid on steemit. When they give out rewards to contents creator and curator it encourages people to keep making good stuff and Participating in the community. Its like getting paycheck for your hard Work.

4. Buying and Selling:

Whales also buy and sell Steem and other cryptocurrencies on Steemit. when they buy a lot it can make the price of Steem go up. But if they sell lot it can make the price go down. This affects how much steem is worth and how much people can buy or sell it for.

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5. Leading the Community:

Whales are like leaders in the Steemit community. They often help out by giving advice supporting new users and organizing event. Their involvement helps keeps the community strong and welcoming for everyone.

Whale Activity and Its Impact

As a Dolphin on Steemit I find it intriguing to observe the different phases that whale go through in their activity on the platform and how it affect all of us.

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1. Accumulation Phase:

Initially Whales focus on accumulating Steem Power (SP) much like I do. Its akin to saving up tokens to gain more influence over time. This gradual accumulation build their resources and influence much like it does for me a Dolphin.

2. Engagement Phase:

Once whales have amassed significant amount of SP they dive into the engagement phase actively curating content by upvoting posts and comments. This boost the visibility and rewards for content creators which is something I also strive to do within my capacity as Dolphin.

3. Support Phase:

In this phase whale go beyond voting and start actively Supporting projects initiatives or communities on Steem. While my support may not be significant as theirs I also contribute by promoting and Participating in projects and communitie that align with my interests.

4. Leadership Phase:

Whales take on leadership role guiding and shaping the platforms direction. Similarly I see myself as a leader within my niche or community leading by example and advocating for positive changes on Steemits.

5. Influence Phase:

Leveraging their influence whales champion causes shape discussion and drive changes. While I may not have the same level of influence as whale I still strive to make positive impact through my action endorsements and contributions to the Steem community.

Strategies for Protecting Investments and Promoting Equity on Steem

As a user on Steem I have come to realize that the presence of whales those big players with lots of Steem Power can bring both opportunities and challenges. Here are some potential challenges I have identified along with strategies I have found helpful in protecting my investment

1. Unequal Rewards:

One of the main challenges I face is the unequal distribution of reward. Whales Often receive large share of rewards due to their significant voting power making it harder for smaller users like me to compete.

  • Strategy: To overcome this challenge I focus on consistently producing high quality content that resonates with the community. By engaging with niche communities building relationships with other user and staying active on the platform I increase my chances of receiving support from both whales and Smaller stakeholders.

2. Market Volatility:

Whales trading activities can sometimes lead to market volatility and sudden price fluctuation which can affect my investments on Steem.

  • Strategy: To protect my investments I diversify my holding across different cryptocurrencies and assets. I also stay informed about market trends monitor whale activity and set stop-loss orders to minimize potential loses. By being proactive and staying vigilant I can react quickly to market changes and protect my investment.

3. Limited Influence in Governance:

Whales have significant voting power in governance decisions on Steem which may overshadow the voices of smaller stakeholder like me.

  • Strategy: To ensure my voice is heard I actively participate in governance discussions proposal voting and community initiatives. By voicing my opinions advocating for changes that align with my interests and collaborating with like minded users I can help shape platform governance and ensure that it reflects the broader community's needs and perspectives.

4. Centralization Concerns:

The concentration of voting power among whales can contribute to the centralization of influence on Steem creating a perception of an uneven playing field.

  • Strategy: To promote decentralization and community empowerment I support decentralized applications and initiative that promote fairness transparency and inclusivity. By engagng with diverse communities contributing to decentralized governance mechanism and supporting initiatives that Empower smaller stakeholder I can help foster more inclusive and equitable ecosystem on steem.

While navigating the challenges posed by whales on Steem required diligence and strategy I believe that by actively participating in the community voicing my opinions and advocating for positive change I can protected my investments and contribute to a more vibrant and equitable platform for all users.

Impact of Whales on Steem Participation & voices and contributions

As a user on Steem I have noticed how the presence of whales can affect how I and other ordinary users participate and engage with the platform:

1. Visibility and Recognition:

It's clear that when whales upvote content it get a lot of attention. Their votes carry lot of weight so content they support tends to stand out and get noticed more. This can sometimes make it feel like there competition for their attention and that content without whale Support might struggle to be seen.

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2. Reward Distribution:

Whales have big say in who gets rewarded on Steem. Their upvotes can mean big rewards for content creator. While this can encourage people to create great content it can also mean that smaller users like me might get fewer rewards compared to content support by whales. It can sometime feel like the rewards are not evenly distribute.

3. Influence on Trending Topics:

What whales upvote often end up trending on Steem. This mean that topics and content they like get lot of attention while other stuff might not get much visibility. Its like having certain topics always in the Spotlight while others struggle to get notice.

4. Perceived Power Dynamics:

With whales having so much influence it can sometime feel like smaller users do not have as much say or power on Steem. This might make some users feel like their contributions are not as valued . Its like feeling overshadowed by the big player.

Strategies for Encouraging Inclusive Participation on Steem

I have thought about how we can encourage greater diversty of voice and contributions on the platform

1. Community Building:

I believe that building diverse and inclusive communities is key. By creating space where users with different interests backgrounds and perspectives feel welcome we can encourage a wider range of contributions. These communities can provide support encouragement and opportunities for collaboration helping to amplify diverse voice.

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2. Content Curation:

I think we can promote diversity by actively curating and Promoting variety of content. this mean not just focusing on What popular or trending but also seeking out and highlights content from underrepresented or lesser known creator. By showcasing diverse content we can inspired others to share their uniques perspectives and experience.

3. Incentives and Recognition:

Offering incentives and recognition for diverse contributions can encourage user to participate and share their voice. This could include rewards program contests or challenges that specifically encourage users to create content on variety of topics or from different perspective. Recognizing and celebrating diverse contributions helps to validate the experiences and voices of all users on the platform.

4. Education and Support:

Providing educational resources workshop and support to users who may be new to Steem or unsure how to get involved can help lower barriers to entry and Empower users to participate. By offering guidance and assistance we can help users develop the skills and confidence to share their idea and contribute to the community.

5. Engagement and Collaboration:

Encouraging engagement and collaboration among user can foster culture of inclusivity and diversity. This could involve Participating in discussion supporting each other work and collaborating on projects or initiatives. By Working together we can create more vibrant and inclusive community Where everyone feels valued and empowered to contributed.

i am inviting @mainuna @f2i5 @irawandedy


My friend I like the way you presented this topic. Whales on Steem blockchain work tirelessly to make sure the platform is moving smoothly. Being in this position is not easy and I'm sure it's every users wish to be in this position. In order to bring every user to participate the whales should look beyond Steem power and support good content writers.

Thank you for your thoughtful comment

Hello friend...

I just wanted to express my gratitude for this incredibly insightful post about whales on Steemit! I've been curious about the term and its implications for a while now, and your explanation was thorough, clear, and engaging. I love how you delved into the different effect, types, and levels of influence and impact on the Steemit ecosystem. Your post has given me a brand new appreciation for the compound system at play in our community and the importance of understanding the roles and motivations of different users. I especially appreciated your thoughts on how whales can shape the platform's culture and activites - it's crucial for us to be aware of these dynamics as we strive to build a vibrant and inclusive community. Thanks again for sharing your expertise and helping us all become more informed and engaged Steemians or steemit users....

Thanks for sharing and good luck with the challenge...

Thank you so much for your kind words and thoughtful feedback

We support quality posts and good comments posted anywhere and with any tag.
Curated by : @artist1111

Greetings friend @hamzayousafzai,
Your post is super exciting and packed with really helpful information. It gives a big-picture view of how important whales are on Steemit. You've done an amazing job of explaining things in a way that's easy to understand, even for people who are new to Steemit. Not only that, but you've also included some really motivating elements that encourage users to get involved and participate. Your post is a perfect blend of breaking things down and getting people excited about Steemit. It's like a one-stop shop for all things whales and user engagement. Keep up the fantastic work and Good luck in the contest.

Thank you so much for your incredibly kind words

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Thank you for that complete presentation, dear friend @hamzayousafzai... It is a topic that is easy to understand but complicated to explain. Good contribution, good luck in the contest. Greetings from Venezuela.

 5 months ago 

Love how you have pointed out ways in which these users known as whales have positively impacted the steemit platform, ofc Things go both ways, they are the king and they highly influenced the platform in such a habitable way..

Thank you so much for your feedback ☺️ yes 🐳 influence platform

 5 months ago 

Sincerely speaking I love what you did to this contest, you literally serve it justice. The content said all that is needed to be known about steem whales. Whale are large holders that helps stabilize the price of assets on the market, because of the large holdings they can affect the movement of price of assets at every period in time.

Thanks for sharing such good quality article, you can engage on my entry through the link below

Its my pleasure to check your contest entry post

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