Mastering the P2P Market

Hello Everyone!

I am excited to join this contest about “Mastering the P2P Market secure USDT Transactions.” I regularly use P2P platforms to Withdraw my Steemit earnings and I Have learned a lot about how these transactions work. This contest is a great chance to share What I know and learn even more. I use P2P marketplaces because they are flexible and convenient for my cryptocurrency transactions. I have learned about the TRC 20 USDT standard how escrow services work and the different payment methods available. My journey has been both educational and rewarding. I look forward to learning more about Safety measure to keep transaction secure and sharing helpful tips with other participant. In this entry I will talk about my experiences with P2P transactions share best practice and discuss strategie to make transactions safer and more efficient.

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How the P2P Market for USDT Works on Binance


I am from Pakistan and I regularly use the P2P (Peer-to-Peer) market on Binance to withdraw my Steemit earnings. This method gives me more control and flexibility compared to traditional exchange methods. Here how it works and how it’s different from traditional transactions on centralized exchanges.

How It Works

  1. Creating an Offer

    • Posting Offers: Users like me can post offers to buy or sell USDT. For example if I want to sell 100 USDT I can create an offer with my Preferred price and payment method such as bank transfer Easypaisa or JazzCash.
    • Browsing Offers: Other users can see my offer and decide if they want to trade with me. Similarly I can browse offers from other users if I Want to buy USDT.
  2. Matchmaking

    • Choosing an Offer: When I find a suitable offer I Click on it to start the trade. Binance will temporarily lock the USDT in escrow account. This means the seller Cannot access the USDT until the trade is complete.
  3. Payment Process

    • Sending Payment: If I am buying USDT I will transfers the agreeamount in Pakistani Rupees to the Seller using the chosen Payment method ( e.g. bank transfer Easypaisa or JazzCash).
    • Confirmation Receipt: The seller check their account to Confirm they’ve receive the payment. once they confirm Binance release the USDT from escrow to me.
  4. Completing the Trade

    • Transaction Completion: The trade is completed once the USDT is releasing to the buyer Both the buyer and the seler can leave feed back and rate each other helping to build trust on the plat form.

Difference Between P2P & Traditional Transaction

  1. Direct User Interaction

    • P2P Transactions: I trade directly with other users. Binance only facilitates the transaction and provides escrow services. This means I am dealing with real people not just the exchange.
    • Traditional Transactions: When using a centralized exchange I am trading directly with the exchange itself. The exchange sets the prices and handles the trade.
  2. Escrow Service

    • P2P Transactions: Binance locks the USDT in an escrow account during the trade. This protect both parties by ensuring that the USDT is only released once both parties have fulfilled their obligations.
    • Traditional Transactions: There is no need for escrow because the exchange manage the trades internally.
  3. Payment Methods

    • P2P Transactions: I can use various payment methods like bank transfers Easypaisa and JazzCash. This gives me more flexibility but requires trust between me and the other party.
    • Traditional Transactions: The exchange handles payments internally usually through direct deposit or credit cards which is more straightforward but less flexible.
  4. Fees

    • P2P Transactions: Fees are generally lower. I might only pay fees for posting an offer or using the escrow service.
    • Traditional Transactions: Exchanges often charge fees for each trade deposit and withdrawal.
  5. Privacy

    • P2P Transactions: I often have more privacy because the transaction is directly with another user. I don't need to link my bank account or credit card to the exchange.
    • Traditional Transactions: I have to provide personal and financial information to the exchange which manage all transactions.
  6. Regulation and KYC ( Know Your customer)

    • P2P Transactions: Binance requires identity Verification to enhance security but the proces can be more Lenient compare to centralize exchange.
    • Traditional Transactions: centralize exchange typicaly have stricter KYC & Regulatory requirement.


Imagine I want to sell 100 USDT on Binance P2P:

  1. Posting Offer: I create an offer to sell 100 USDT for 16 000 PKR using Easypaisa the payment method.
  2. Buyer Finds Offer: A buyer find my offer and decide to buy Binance lock my 100 USDT in escrow.
  3. Payment Transfer: The buyer sends 16 000 PKR to my Easypaisa account and confirms the payment.
  4. Confirm Receipt: I check my Easypaisa account and see the payment. I then confirm receipt on Binance.
  5. Release USDT: Binance releases the 100 USDT from escrow to the buyer completing the trade.

Exploring TRC-20 USDT and Comparing USDT Token Standards: ERC-20 vs. TRC 20 Vs. OMNI

What is TRC-20 USDT?

TRC 20 USDT is version of the Tether (USDT) stablecoin issued on the TRON blockchan. Tether is stablecoin pegged to the US dollar meaning each USDT Token is designe to be equivalent to one US $ The TRC 20 standard refer to the techncal standard for token issue on the TRON blockchain similar to how ERC 20 is the standards for token on the ethereum block chain.


Main Differences Between TRC 20 USDT and Other USDT Token Standards

Block chainTRONEthereumBitcoin
Transaction SpeedFast Usually few secondModerate few minutes to confirmSlow 10-60 minutes depending on network
Transaction FeesLow often negligibleHigher can be significantHigh can be significant
Smart Contract SupportYes uses TRON smart contractsYes uses Ethereum smart contractsLimited uses Bitcoin scripts
ScalabilityHigh TRON can handle many transactionsModerate Ethereum can get congestedLow Bitcoin network is slower
Adoption and Use CasesGrowing especially popular in AsiaWidely adopted many DeFi applicationsLimited mainly for specific use cases

Example Usage

  1. TRC-20 USDT:
    • Blockchain: Issued on TRON.
    • Use Case: Faster and cheaper transactions ideal for frequent transfer or microtransactions. For example if I need to send USDT quickly to an exchange or another user TRC-20 is a great option due to its low fee and fast confirmation times.


  1. ERC-20 USDT:
    • Blockchain: Issued on Ethereum.
    • Use Case: Commonly used within the Ethereum ecosystem Particularly for interacting with decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. If I am using DeFi service like lending or staking on an Ethereum based Platform ERC 20 USDT is often require.


    • Blockchain: Issued on the Bitcoin network using the omni Layer protocol.
    • Use Case: Less commonly used typically for those who prefer the security and infrastructure of the Bitcoin network. Its slower and more expensive due to Bitcoin longer block times and higher transaction fee.


  • TRC 20 USDT is best for quick low cost transactions on the TRON network.
  • ERC 20 USDT is ideal for interacting with Ethereum based applications and DeFi service.
  • OMNI USDT is Chosen for it integration with the Bitcoin network although its slower and more Expensive.

The Role of Escrow Protection in P2P Transactions

I have found that escrow protection is a crucial part of making these transaction safe and secure. Here how it works and why its so important for both buyers and seller.


How Escrow Protection Works

  1. Starting a Trade: When I agree to a trade on Binance P2P the platform temporarily locks the Cryptocurrency (like USDT) in escrow account. This means the USDT is held by Binance and neither I nor the other party can acces it until the trade is completed.
  2. Making the Payment: If I am the buyer I send the payment (in Pakistani Rupees) to the seller using method like bank transfer Easypaisa or Jazz Cash. If I am the seller I wait to receive this payment.
  3. Confirming Payment: The seler check their accounts to make sure they have receive the payments from the buyers.
  4. Releasing the Funds: Once the seller confirm they have receive the payment Binance release the USDT from escrow to the buyer.

Benefits of Escrow Protection

  1. For Buyers

    • Guarantee of Receiving Cryptocurrency: As a buyer I know that once I make the payment the USDT is held securely by Binance. The seller can not take my money without delivering the USDT because Binance controls the release.
    • Protection Against Fraud: If there any issue like the seller claiming they did not receive the payment Binance can step in to resolve the dispute ensuring my money is Safe.
  2. For Sellers

    • Assurance of Payment: As a seller I can be sure that the buyer has sent the payment before I release the USDT. Since Binance hold the USDT in escrow the buyer can not back out after I have sent the payment.
    • Reduced Risk of Chargebacks: Once I confirm the payments and release the USDT the transaction is final. This means I don not have to worry about the buyer reversing the payment or disputing it later.
  3. Building Trust and Transparency

    • Trust: Escrow services build trust between buyers and sellers. Even though we are stranger we can trust that Binance will ensure a fair trade.
    • Transparency: Both parties can see the status of the transaction. We know when the USDT is locke in escrow and when it’s released making the process clear and understandable.

Example Scenario

Lets say I am selling 100 USDT on Binance P2P for 16 000 PKR through Easypaisa:

  1. Creating the Trade: I post an offer to sell 100 USDT and a buyer accepts my offer.
  2. Escrow Activation: Binance locks my 100 USDT in escrow.
  3. Payment Transfer: The buyer sends 16 000 PKR to my Easypaisa account and mark the payment as complete.
  4. Confirming Receipt: I check my Easypaisa account and see that the payment has arrived. I confirm this on Binance.
  5. Release of USDT: Binance releases the 100 USDT from escrow to the buyer completing the transactions.

In this example escrow protection ensures that the buyer only receives the USDT after I have confirmed receipt of the payment making the transaction secure for both of us.

Escrow protection in P2P transactions on Binance is essential for safety trust and transparency. It protect buyers by ensuring they receive their cryptocurrency only after payment is made and protect seller by guaranteeing they get paid before releasing the crypto currency. This makes P2P trading reliable and secure for everyone involve.
Different Payment Methods Available on P2P Exchange Platforms for USDT Transactions

when using P2P exchange platform like Binance for USDT transactions several payment methods are available to faciltate the transfer of funds between buyers and seller. Here I will compare three common payment method in terms of speed security and fees Bank Transfer Easypaisa and JazzCash.

1. Bank Transfer


  • Bank transfer can take anywhere from few minutes to a few hours depending on the bank and Whether the transfer is within the same bank or between different bank.


  • Bank transfers are generally secure due to the robust security measure implemente by banks. However they require sharing bank account detail which might be a concern for some users.


  • Fees for bank transfers can vary. In many cases transfers within the same bank are free or very low cost while interbank transfers may incur higher fee. International transfers are usually more expensive.


  • If I’m buying USDT using a bank transfer I would log into my bank’s online platform enter the seller bank details and send the agreed amount. The seller would confirm receipt of the funds before the USDT is release from escrow.

2. Easypaisa


  • Easypaisa transactions are typically instant making them very fast and convenient for P2P transaction.


  • Easypaisa is a secure mobile wallet service in Pakistan but its important to ensure the transaction is conducted with trustworthy party to avoid scam.


  • Easypaisa charges low transaction fees for transfers within its network. These fees are usually minimal compare to traditional banking fees.


  • When using Easypaisa I can quickly transfer money to the seller Easypaisa account. This is done through the Easypaisa mobile app and the seller receives the fund almost immediately allowing the USDT to be release from escrow without much delay.

3. JazzCash


  • Similar to Easypaisa JazzCash transactions are almost instantaneous providing quick way to complete P2P transactions.


  • JazzCash offers secure transactions with PIN verification and other security feature but users should still be cautious and deal with reputable counterparts.


  • JazzCash also has low transaction fees making it an affordable option for transferring funds.


  • For a JazzCash transaction I would use the JazzCash app to send the agreed amount to the seller JazzCash account. The transaction is instant and the seller can quickly confirm receipt allowing the USDT to be released from escrow.


Payment MethodSpeedSecurityFees
Bank TransferModerate (minutes to hours)High (with bank security)Variable (low for same bank higher for interbank)
EasypaisaInstantHigh (secure mobile wallet)Low (minimal transaction fees)
JazzCashInstantHigh (secure mobile wallet)Low (minimal transaction fees)


  • Bank Transfer: Offers high security but can be slower and may have Variable fees depending on the banks involve.
  • Easypaisa: Provides instant transaction With high security and low fees making it an excellent Choice for fast and affordable transfer.
  • JazzCash: Similar to Easypaisa it offer instant transaction with high security and low fee ideal for quick and cost effective P2P transaction.

Completing a P2P Transaction to Purchase USDT on Binance

As a regular user of Binance P2P I often buy USDT using local Payment method likes Easypaisa. Here’s a detailed description of my recent experience buying 50 USDT and my observation about the proces.

Step by Step Proces

  1. Login to Binance
    • I open the Binance website and logged into my account.

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  1. Navigate to P2P Trading
    • I went to the "Trade" section and selected "P2P" from the dropdown menu.

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  1. Select Buy and Choose USDT
    • I clicked on the "Buy" tab.
    • Then I chose "USDT" from the list of cryptocurrencie available for P2P trading.

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  1. Filter Payment Method
    • I set the payment method to Easypaisa using the filter option to select Easypaisa as my prefered payment methods.

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  1. Find a Seller
    • I browsed through the list of sellers offering USDT via Easypaisa. I look for a seller with a good reputation high completion rate and reasonable Price.
    • I selected a seller offering 50 USDT and clicked "Buy."

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  1. Enter Purchase Amount
    • I entered the amount I wished to purchase (50 USDT) and its Equivalent in 14500 PKR.
    • I reviewed the terms of the trade and clicked "Buy Now."

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  1. Make the Payment
    • The USDT was placed in escrow by Binance.
    • I saw the seller’s Easypaisa account details and use my Easypaisa app to transfer the specified amount in PKR to the seller account.
    • Once the payment was made I clicked on "Transferred Notify Seller" in the Binance interface.

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  1. Seller Confirms Payment
    • The seller confirmed receipt of my payment.
    • Once confirmed Binance released the 50 USDT from escrow to my wallet.

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  1. Transaction Complete
    • I received a notification confirming that the USDT had been Successfully transferred to my Binance wallet.
    • I checked my wallet balance to verify the receipt of 50 USDT.



  1. Speed: The entire process from finding a seller to completing the transaction was quick. Easypaisa transfer are almost instant making the payment process very efficient.
  2. Low Fees: Using Easypaisa involved minimal transaction fees which was cost-effective compared to other payment methods.
  3. Security: Binance’s escrow service ensured that my funds were Secure until the seller confirmed receipt of Payment protecting both parties from potential fraud.


  1. Finding a Reputable Seller: It took a few minutes to find seller with a good reputation and the desired amount of USDT at a reasonable price.
  2. Payment Confirmation: There was slight delay when the seller took some time to confirm the receipt of payment. However this was minor inconvenience.

i am inviting: @ashley-p @rad-austine @olaiyidennis


You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Very nice and detailed information you shared on P2P market. P2P market is great to trade fiat currency especially it does not need adding bank details on site which secure.

thank you so much for your feedback .. i am waiting for your entry

Yes, was about to complete, but later come to know that the last one is need to buy USDT. Due to month end no more money left in the account, trying to manage that one hence waiting.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 66426.55
ETH 3459.91
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.62