Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2: Week 8 |Homework Post for @pelon53,HASHGRAPH TECHNOLOGY

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago


In this article we will be discussing the hedera hashgraph, the hashgraph algorithm seeks to carry out the activities that are carried out on the block chain, it also possess certain features of the block chain like its decentralized nature, it distribution and also it uses hashing to attain its security. The hashgraph is a very fast network for carrying out our transactions as its speed is quite amazing.
The data structure of the hashgraph seeks to make provisions for a system that carries out distributed agreement. The hedera hashgraph is referred to as the block chain killer by many persons, it is a little different from the typical crypto projects, it is an open review consensus algorithm that was developed in the year 2016. The hedera hashgraph is made up of several coporations like the Lg, the IBM, Google and several others, bring all of them together and you get hedera hashgraph, the only public ledger distributed in the world that uses the unique hashgraph algorithm with its very own native token HBAR, the HBAR’s are used to power decentralized applications, secure Hedera’s proof of stake network. The way the hashgraph works although it has some similarities with the block chain, it also is different from the block chain in several ways and also has certain improvements from the block chain network.


The gossip protocol the hashgraph got its name from the way the protocol is carried out, it works in the form of our normal or popular gossip, where a person discloses an information about another person to a third party, hashgraph employed this method to make the gossip protocol of the hashgraph, to better understand the concept of the gossip protocol used in hashgraph I would like to site an example; for instance Ayo is a member of hashgraph, if he is sending certain information, he will choose another member of hashgraph randomly, say Tolu, Ayo will tell tolu about everything she knows on the hashgraph, after telling tolu all the informations, he chooses another member of hashgraph and tells him or her the same thing, tolu will choose another member of hashgraph too and tell the person what ayo told him, he will continue to choose members of hashgraph and will keep telling them the same thing. The several persons he tells the same thing will also select other members of hashgraph and they too will tell them what ayo or tolu had told them. This continues like a cycle until that piece of information is wide spread about the hashgraph community. When these informations that are spread about the hashgraph community is brought together, it is referred to as a gossip sync. It is actually funny that when the gossip is actually completely circulated amongst the members of the hashgraph community, the members will always celebrate the circulation of the gossip sync with an occasion. Since it was ayo that started the gossip, he will make a new occasion to celebrate the complete circulation of the gossip, tayo also will make his own occasion to celebrate the circulation of the gossip, this continues until all the members of the hashgraph community is notified about the occasion created by ayo.


Have you ever heard of the word byzantine generals before, in the olden days when there is a battle and maybe the country has just two armies, the generals will need to come to a consensus on the time to carry out an attack probably to take the enemies by surprise, am sure we must have even watched movies that made use of this strategy, if the enemies are able to mount up resistance against one group of the armies then they definitely will not be able to do that when there are two groups attacking simultaeneously at the same time. This is the system employed by hashgraph too, like the generals in our illustration above the hashgraph networks have their own nodes that have the characteristics of the generals, these nodes just like the generals during an enemy’s attack must come into agreement to carry out things like the transactions that have been sent to the hashgraph platform, also transactions that have been ordered on the platform too. The nodes will need to ensure that trust is kept amongst us just like in our scenario above, they must be able to account for those of them that are rebellious, i.e those of the nodes that sends informations that are not correct to the network in order to mislead them, it could be that the node was high jacked by an hacker or that the node is sending those false informations deliberately.

When we say the hashgraph is tolerant to byzantine fault, we are simply saying that the nodes of the hashgraph have come to a consensus on the order and the time frame of certain transactions either sent to the network or ordered on the network. What the tolerance to fault is simply saying is what percentage of the nodes that are acting dishonestly can the hashgraph platform accommodate that will still bring the other nodes to a truthful and fair agreement.


To achieve real democracy in the voting process of a country, it is advisable to make use of the consensus algorithms as it makes provision for strong security and a stable system.


The block chain network to me is not advisable to be used in the election process of a country, the results of the votes casted can easily be thwarted by an hacker, once an hacker is capable of knowing the block chain that is responsible for carryout the voting activities, he could target and hack it and the results will read to his favour. When a voter votes with this system, an hacker can edit the vote and go undetected.

Also the block chain network is not as fast as the hashgraph when it comes to the processing of the votes that has been casted. The masses might not enjoy the voting process when it comes to using the block chain network as there will not be certain that their votes will count or that their votes could be high jacked and thwarted, so they would rather save themselves the stress of voting in vain.


Using the hashgraph in a voting process is actually more efficient than using a block chain network, before an hacker or anyone can attack the hashgraph system, he will have a hard time of attacking all the node (more than a thousand) that are present in the network simultaneously and at the same time. This is near impossible or even impossible as it is difficult to attack over a thousand nodes at the same time. So when the hashgraph is used in the voting system of this country, the election process will be free of looting, high jacking and rigging because the node of the hashgraph system can not be hacked at the same time, so before they are able to even get close to achieving success, a defense can be successfully erected and they will most definitely be caught, when this system is applied to the voting process of my country, the masses will be sure that their vote will count and so they would gladly vote for the candidates of their choice without the fear of the election being thwarted to anyone’s favor.


From the analysis above, it is certain that if I am to recommend a technology for voting in my country between the block chain and the hashgraph, I will most definitely go for the hashgraph, because of its high security system, any election without a tight security will undoubtedly be high jacked and rigged by power hungry individuals, so if my country makes use of the hashgraph’s technology for its voting activities, then the people’s choice will definitely win and it will encourage many persons to exercise their civic rights and responsibilities.


Let us login to the hedera hashgraph website and take a look at the various features of this seemingly block chain killer using the website
Once you login you will see several features of the hashgraph, features like Network, under the network you have token service, consensus service. There is also Devs – this is where you learn core concepts and also get to read the review in API


Under governance we can see, the various corporations that comes together to make up the hashgraph


Also create a wallet in hedera hasgraph you can click on the HBAR at the top of the page.


This will display the wallets available on the hedera hashgraph network, once you enter any of the networks you can successfully open your wallet on this platform.


The hash graph has a high potential of overtaking the block chain network in the near feature as it has more advanced features than the block chain does.

Thank you @pelon53 for the lesson and @steemcurator02


Gracias por participar en Steemit Crypto Academy:

Faltó en Tolerancias a Fallas Bizantinas asincrónica, que acepta hasta 1/3 de nodos deshonesto o maliciosos para llegar a un consenso.

Faltó una mejor comparación entre las dos tecnologías.

Faltó explorar más la tecnología Hedera hashgraph.

Espero seguir leyendo tus publicaciones.

Escala de Estimación.Puntaje.Observación
Protocolo Gossip.1.5Buena expliación.
Tolerancia a Fallas Bizantinas.1.0Faltaron datos importantes.
Hashgraph Vs Blockchain (proceso de votación).1.5Faltó más comparaciones.
Explore Hedera Hashgraph.1.0Se exploró muy poco.
Originalidad0.5No fue original.
Presentación/cumplimiento de reglas.1.0Cumplió con las reglas.

Calificación: 6.5

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