NFT Markets - Crypto Academy S4W5 - Homework Post for @imagen

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)



1.) Describe in depth the Nifty Gateway platform Who are its founders? What market or target is it aimed at?

Nifty Gateway is a platform where digital art such as NFT art is auctioned online. It is a centralized platform for the easy transaction of Nifties. It was founded by Griffin Cock Foster and Duncan but was later bought over by the Winklevoss twins by name Tyler Winklevoss and Cameron Winklevoss. On the Nifty gateway platform, Some NFTs such as LOGIK, Beeple, Grimes and some other important NFTs of various artists have been sold.

Nifty Gateway is in collaboration with popular brands and artist in a quest to create exclusive collections with high quality and limited editions. Michael Kagan is one of the artist which they have teamed up with for NFT creations.

Just before the inception of Nifty gateway, one couldn't actually posses a digital item. For example, if have sword NFTs in your World of Warcraft account and your accout goes away, then the swords which you own will disappear into thin air. With Nifty gateway, you could purchase and own Nifties on the Blockchain without fear of being dispossessed even by the creator of the Nifty.

The main aim of Nifty gateway is to make available NFTs to those that would want to acquire it.


2.) What are ERC-1155 tokens? How do they differ from ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens?

What is ERC-1155?

This refers to type of ERC token standard that is best suiting for the creation of both Fungible and Non Fungible Tokens. In batch token transfers, it is more efficient and faster to use. This token standard under it's control, has the ability to store tokens that will behave like ERC-721 or ERC-20 or even the both of them simultaneously and under a single address. This simply implies that the ERC-1155 token can be used to do what both the ERC-20 and ERC-721 can do simultaneously. Ontop of this feature, it also comes with an improved function of the previous standards and so, all errors or short comings of the previous token standards cannot be found in the ERC-1155 token standard.

Difference Between ERC-20, ERC-721 and ERC-1155 tokens.

1It is a Fungible TokenIt is a Non Fungible Token (NFT)It acts as both Fungible and Non Fungible Tokens
2It is used in the creation of new cryptocoinsIt is used in the creation of digital assets that is not directly digital currencyCan be used to create boh new cryptocoins and even digital assets that are not directly digital currency
3there is no reduced gas costthere is no reduced gas costupto 90% reduced gas cost for gamers and artists
4has its limitations hence is inefficienthas its limitations hence, it is inefficientdeveloped with view of removing the limitations of the previous standards hence it is more efficient than the previous standards
5incompatible with ERC-721 tokensincompatible with ERC-20 tokenscompatible with both ERC-2 and ERC-721 tokens


3.) Login to Etherscan. Please indicate the number of ERC-1155 tokens in existence at the time of writing your assignment. Indicate the first 5 tokens by volume of transactions in the last 24 hours. Indicate the Hash of the last transaction carried out and the identification of the token as well as its smart contract. Show Screenshots.

First, I open ]ehterscan website](
Next, I navigate to Tokens that can be seen on the top right of the page and then I click ERC-1155 Tokens.
WhatsApp Image 2021-09-23 at 06.39.14 (1).jpeg

On the next page that opens, I could see the total available ERC-1155 tokens to be


WhatsApp Image 2021-09-23 at 06.39.14.jpeg

On the same page, I could see the first five tokens ranked according to their 24 hours volume to be

1. OpenSea Shared Storefront (Openstore)

2. Lost Pet Collectibles

3. Merchant Token

4. Rarrible (RARI)

5. Zapper NFT (ZPR NFT)

To indicate the hash of the last transfer, I click on Transfer as seen in the screenshot above. On the page that opens, could see the different transactions and the last transaction at the time of writing is

Transaction hash : 0xf0951bb7ccabb021698092f1ac4bd82a2a1c0ae89c7f1d4970046cb7d32b2fa5

Token ID : 74857273924061293339526985223456472152818821852613239829843964191596529844225

Smart Contract : 0x7be8076f4ea4a4ad08075c2508e481d6c946d12b

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4.) Enter the Enjin wallet. Describe the functions that it presents in its user interface. Enter the Marketplace: indicate the number of items for sale, indicate the first 3 items on the list and their description. Show Screenshots.

Enjin is a gaming platform that is based on the Ethereum blockchain. I got knowledge of how the site works by opening and navigating through the wallet on Android which I have installed using Google playstore on my mobile device.

Some of the functions on the user interface include!

• Wallet: this shows the balance which you have in different available coins
• Asset: shows the amount of collectibles you have. You can also recieve or multisend these collectibles.
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• Scan QR code: this feature is used to scan QR codes.

• Exchange: With this function, you can exchange any coin which you hold in your wallet with another coin that is supported by the enjin wallet.

WhatsApp Image 2021-09-23 at 06.39.08.jpeg

• Market Place: this is a feature that lets you buy the NFT or collectibles of your choice.

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• DAPP Browser: this funtion shows how the enjin wallet can give you access to link your wallet with DAPP browsers.

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• Linked Projects: this function helps you to link a project to your wallet.

WhatsApp Image 2021-09-23 at 06.39.09.jpeg

• Contact Support: this is used to get response or help from the enjin wallet team if you encounter any challenge using the wallet.

• Settings: this is used to set up your wallet preferences.

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On the Market Place, there are 17,484 items for sale.

WhatsApp Image 2021-09-23 at 06.39.11 (1).jpeg

The first three items on the list and their description are;

1. Infowars Telegram

Below is a screenshot of the description


Below is a screenshot of the description
WhatsApp Image 2021-09-23 at 06.39.11.jpeg

3. Uncertainty (Skin)

Below is a screenshot of it's description
WhatsApp Image 2021-09-23 at 06.39.10 (1).jpeg


5.) In your personal opinion, what is the future of the NFT Markets? Give reasons for your answer.

NFTs to many people in the world today is a new concept. Just a few around the glove have full knowledge of NFTs while others have little or no knowledge on them. Arts and gaming industries give open welcoming hands to NFTs because it is utilised by them in the creation of collectibles for games and also for valuable artistic purpose. The use of Blockchain in the verify of digital art works has got more future use advantages than what we have today.

My expectations of the NFT market include

• Creation of New NFT markets that will saturate the request for NFTs in the future

• To broaden the availability of collectibles or NFTs far beyound digital arts and gaming Industry.

Since what NFT does is to transfer ownership of digital art or collection with proof then, NFTs could be used in revolutionizing music or even used for real estate businesses. For instance, instead of going through the hectic process of acquiring a house with all the required documents at different strategic offices, the Blockchain technology via NFTs could be used to make the ownership transfer rum smoothly and without intermediaries or stress.


Regards to professor @imagen

 3 years ago (edited)

Gracias por participar en la Cuarta Temporada de la Steemit Crypto Academy.

Escala de ValoraciónNotaObservaciones
Profundidad del Tema1.0/2.0Informacion incompleta
Coherencia del Método2.0/2.0
Calidad de Análisis1.5/2.0
Estructura / Lenguaje1.5/2.0

  • Cumples con todos los requisitos.
  • Buena presentacion. Uso de lenguaje sencillo y comprensible.
  • Nivel de contenido deficiente. Falta profundizar en tus respuestas.
  • Falta mayor originalidad.
  • Nivel de analisis aceptable.

Continua esforzandote, espero seguir corrigiendo tus asignaciones.


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