Steemit Crypto Academy [Beginners’ Level] | Season 3 Week 2 | The Genesis Block: The Beginning of the Beginning / @fucho80

Hello, this is my post in response to the task proposed by the Steemit Crypto Academy professor @awesononso.

Cryptocurrencies are a digital asset that is becoming more and more popular, more and more investors are involved in a project with cryptocurrencies, the number of people who have or who in any way want to have access to this revolutionary technology in any of the projects and currencies are increasing. existing.


What cryptocurrencies have generated since their creation twelve years ago, was unthinkable for experts of the traditional economic system, however, many of the actors of the so-called traditional economy are forced to recognize, accept and adopt this new system of economic exchange that it is gaining ground day by day, threatening the traditional system.

This is how companies of any branch, institutions, celebrities, artists, athletes and governments surrender to this technological marvel called Blockchain that has become the basis of "Digital Cash", the investment option with the highest growth in recent years.

Now, how do I start it all? What is the source that gives rise to this river that grows and becomes immense with the passing of days, months and years. Today we will be sharing about the beginning of everything, GENESIS.

What is the Genesis Block of a Blockchain.

As is well known, genesis means, beginning, beginning or origin, that is, the genesis block is the block that starts any chain of blocks, the first "link" of that chain and the one that carries the "genetics" that is replicated throughout the chain as new blocks originate, which makes this first block the cornerstone of the construction of said chain and the most important of all.

This genesis block will determine how the information of all the blocks that will be extracted in the future is stored or decoded, thus conditioning the operation of the chain over the years or the time determined according to the amount of coins that will be put into circulation.



Write on the Bitcoin Genesis Block and its significance.

To talk about the genesis Block of Bitcoin we must start from the most basic information such as: its creation by an individual or group of individuals who called himself Satoshi Nakamoto, who had the brilliant idea of ​​creating a digital asset with the intention of replacing the traditional money or Fiat, and in January 2009 they started an operation that is revolutionizing the world economy.

With this action, he or they started an economic system that is reaching relevance and greater importance for citizens who see Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as a form of economic liberation. The importance of Bitcoin is not only in the benefits it leaves when increasing its value and with it wealth, I think that the greatest value is the freedom to manage your own resources without having to deliver them to third parties (Banks or governments), in addition to the security that Blockchain can give you as it is a very difficult technology to violate.

With your bitcoin wallet you decide where and when to invest it without intermediaries and your funds are there to use at your discretion.

I think that the genesis block of bitcoin ushered in a new world economic era, opened the way to financial freedom by providing new opportunities to people who with only access to the Internet can access the invaluable wealth that comes with this technology.

Bitcoin is the future and it is here.

Go to and locate the Steem Genesis Block (You must provide screenshots and sign in as proof of completion).

Capture 1, by @fucho80

Capture 2, by @fucho80

Capture 3, by @fucho80

Capture 4, by @fucho80

Capture 5, by @fucho80


Personally, I think that the generation of the first block in 2009, opened a number of opportunities and brought changes to the world economy, which, although they have not yet been finalized, surely in the coming years we will see how this technology appropriates the forms of commercial exchanges totally or partially replacing the traditional form of the economy.

It is only a matter of observing the news regarding blockchain and cryptocurrencies to realize the ground they gain in economic and financial matters, although bitcoin has its detractors such as the case of personalities like Elon Musk or what happened intimately with the miners in China, this does not prevent the unstoppable development and advancement of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63237.60
ETH 2647.23
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.81