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RE: Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S10W2 - Bots in the STEEM Chain

Thank you for participating your studies on entering the world of Steemit. I fully agree with you that maintaining integrity, ethics, and happy quality are pivotal aspects of erecting a good character on the platform. While advancing bots may give exposure and implicit earnings, it's important to flash back that they shouldn't be reckoned upon as the sole means of gaining recognition.


Thanks for your comment! I fully agree with your views regarding maintaining the Integrity, Ethics and quality of content on a platform like Steemit. Having good character and promoting these values ​​is very Important In building a healthy and mutually supportive community.

While there are bots that can provide exposure and income, it's important To stay focused on quality content and authentic human Interaction. Relying exclusively on bots removes the human element from the experience on the platform and reduces the overall value of the community.

It is important for users To continue to make valuable contributions, interact with others, and actively participate In the community. This will build stronger relationships, Increase content visibility ,and generate genuine recognition from fellow users.

Continue to maintain quality and integrity In the content you share on Steemit and similar platforms. By adhering To these values, you will be able To build a good reputation and earn rewards that are far more valuable than mere bot recognition.

Thanks again for this meaningful comment, and good luck on your journey In the world of Steemit!

Welcome 🤗

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