Crypto Academy / Season 3 / Week 1 - Homework Post for @imagen / Staking

Image by @imagen

1. Research and choose 2 platforms where you can do Staking, explain them, compare them and indicate which one is more profitable according to your opinion

“Staking” can be defined as “locking coins on a platform to generate interest or rewards”.

Next, I show a couple of alternatives that could be of interest and utility:


Public opinion places this multi-currency electronic wallet for Android or iOS phones as one of the best options. Not only does it allow trading with various cryptocurrencies, but its utility and versatility transcend the standards that basic wallets should meet.

Comparative descriptions:

  • Practical wallet.
  • Simple language.
  • Intuitive functionality.
  • Recommended for staking with small quantities.
  • More coins for staking.
  • Available for Android or iOS.
  • Multilanguage platform.
  • Compatibility with more than 160k cryptocurrencies.
  • Crypto price charts.
  • Diversity of businesses.
  • Outstanding credibility in your brand.


Coinbase is a multifunctional wallet that operates in a very similar way to truswallet; however, it has a certain exclusivity in its services. Some Latin and world countries cannot use this option, for example Venezuela, it is not allowed to carry out operations with the platform. For people from Spain, the United States, France, Belgium, Slovakia, The UK and The US, the experience of staking and other complete functions of the coinbase project is guaranteed.

Comparative descriptions:

  • Versatile and multifunctional.
  • Exclusive functions.
  • Seek a safe experience.
  • Developer tools.
  • Multilanguage.
  • Available for Android or iOS.
  • Crypto price charts.
  • Diversity of businesses.

Personal criticism: For a more complete and comprehensive experience, it is advisable to use coinbase, it is the alternative that best suits those people who have enough experience in the crypto world. On the other hand, for people who are trying to start in the cryptographic world, trying with sales, staking and others, it is recommended that they use trustwallet since it is a sufficiently complete, intuitive and versatile alternative.

2. What is Impermanent Loss?

Let's look at this example:

I have $50 in cryptocurrencies: 4SBD and 10STEEM.
1SBD = $10
1STEEM = $1

I want to protect this money from possible falls in cryptographic prices, so I deposit my $50 in a "liquidity pool", where there are arbitrators in charge of protecting and insuring my money.

As soon as I provided my money to this liquidity pool, I became part. The pool brings together nine people who will also provide $50 with the same cryptocurrencies as me (4SBD and 10STEEM); In total, the pool will have a value of $500 (100%) with me being the provider of $50 (10%).

Over the days the price of the SBD increased reaching a value of $20 each. The arbitrators do not see to it that my proportionate capital increases, but rather to keep the figures as they have been deposited (if possible). So they balanced: 1SBD and 30STEEM, for a total of $50.

I decide that same day to withdraw my 10%, then my $50 (1SBD and 30STEEM) will be given to me.

If I had not provided my money to the liquidity pool, I would now have 4SBD worth $20 plus 10STEEM worth $1 each, for a total of $90. That $40 that I did not earn while my money was in the liquidity pool is "The Impermanent Loss".

That is why it is said that "impermanent loss" occurs when the price of assets changes with respect to their price when they were deposited in a liquidity pool. It is also recommended, to reduce the risks of loss, to deposit in the liquidity pool preferably the “stablecoins”.

3. What is Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS)?

(DPoS) It is a process of delegation of roles, functions, responsibilities and tasks for the people who make a Blockchain platform work, calling for democracy, the parties interested in any currency would have the right to vote to carry out the resolution of the consensus. This process was proposed by Daniel Larimer, lead developer of Bitshare.

It is necessary to highlight 3 fundamental roles of the process: witnesses, delegates and shareholders.

  • Witnesses: are chosen by shareholders and interested parties. Twenty of these are tasked with verifying transactions and producing the blocks that keep the decentralized platform running. These witnesses receive transaction fees determined by the delegates.
  • Delegates: are voted on by shareholders and have the task of creating proposals for the improvement of the Blockchain. If there are things that should change in the network, these delegates take their proposals to the shareholders so that the necessary measures can be taken. These delegates do not actually receive fees for their services, at least not formally as witnesses do.
  • Shareholders: Being these the highest authority, they have the greatest influence regarding the decisions made on the Blockchain platform; however, following the decentralization model proposed by Larimer, these shareholders try to limit their taxation, delegating responsibility to witnesses and delegates, as well as allowing people interested in the currency to have the right to vote.

In this principle of democracy and decentralization, we must emphasize that two platforms stand out with great emphasis: Bitshare and Steem, both operating for some years now, promoting and demonstrating the power of the Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS).

4. Conclusion

The crypto economy opens the doors for humanity to prosperity. It is a process of growth and expansion that, of course, needs its training and education time, and that is why it has not yet reached the entire population of the world; however, the crypto culture continues to grow. Following these growth principles, Larimer wanted to include the values ​​of democracy in the Blockchain so that in this way true decentralization could take place. Is a decentralized ecosystem (DPoS) the right answer to centralization? So far, this is the way in which shareholders have managed to resolve the conflict of interest that exists between them and the other parties interested in cryptocurrencies in common and therefore involved in their project.

But all collective growth must begin with individual growth. There are basic and important notions for the individual development of people who are trying to reach certain positive and considerable numbers in the crypto market. It is important to know when we can find ourselves at risk of impermanent loss and how to get out of that situation, without forgetting that the use of stablecoins in liquidity groups is more profitable. This is an alternative that allows somehow to save and take care of money, but there are many ways to take care of it, generate it and multiply it, between investments, bets and even doing that staking of assets on a platform.

The growth capacity of an individual's capital will be greatly affected by his analytical capacity. If it were only a matter of investing money and going to bed, that would be fine, but at least at the beginning, you have to be willing to invest the necessary time, a lot of time to know and discover. And then we will know, we will know that we do not know enough, because every day we are learning something new.

An activity carried out to participate in the Crypto Academy. Crypto Academy / Season 3 / Week 1 - Homework Post for @imagen / Staking.


Hi @elisonr13. Thank you for participating in Season 3 of the Steemit Crypto Academy.

You made a good effort, however, you missed to add relevant information regarding the crypto offerings offered by the selected platforms, APR and/or APR rates, procedure to access them, among other vital aspects to establish which one is more profitable.

I look forward to continue correcting your next assignments.

Rating: 7.5

Thank you for the comments and the time you have taken to evaluate. See you in another round!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 67831.26
ETH 3460.55
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.72