Steemit Crypto Academy | Homework Task 6 For @sapwood. Isolated and community judgement.

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

My submission for homework task set by @sapwood .

Homework Task

What are the economic & social ramifications of self-upvote in Steem Blockchain? Do you gain better curation rewards by upvoting others as compared to self-upvote? (Include real examples)

Self upvote means voting ones own content. As for my understanding of topic is concerned, usually self upvote is done by an author on posts with low payout, in an attempt to push that content up. Since the adoption of convergent linear reward system by steemit, self upvotes as a means of isolated system is not beneficial economically when compared with community judgement. It is because in convergent linear system the reward is much lower with lower input and it improves with the increase in input value. The worth mentioning point about this system is, linear output at much higher input values.


As self upvoted posts are usually poor quality post , they remain in sublinear zone of the chart and therefore with low inputs in this zone, outputs are much lover too. So self upvoters do not reach an agreement with community and their posts tend to have poor payouts.

Moreover steemit as a community with good faith entrusted upon by its users does not like any mischievous attempt by anyone for whatsoever. I consider self upvoting as a mischievous attempt to gain community attention therefore it is not liked by steemit community.

Correlating self upvote to isolated judgement and voting on other's posts as community judgement, real examples and calculations are given in below question.

What is the difference between isolated judgment and community judgment in curation? How do you adapt to community judgment on quality content in Steem Blockchain? Does that bring economic incentive for you? If yes, explain with real examples, (include screenshots and compare them with your isolated judgment)?

Actually there are no set definitions of of isolated and community judgement . However I'll explain, what i understood by these concepts.

Isolated judgment in curation means voting on posts that are not able to fetch attention of community and therefore are not able to secure good post rewards. It is because isolated judgements are not able to reach consensus in community judgements in such cases.

Community judgement on the other hand refers to voting on good quality posts that have reached wider sectrion of community and has therefore gained good post rewards. Here isolated judgements are converted to community judgement.

Adapt to community judgement on steem blockchain by carefully analysing what community is voting for and than vote for the same. It is possible by voting on trending posts till you develop capabilities to judge posts in early phases so as to be able to gain early voter advantage. This adaptation is definitely going to bring more economic incentives to you .

Isolated judgement

I have voted on below mentioned post and post couldn't reach community judgement (whatsoever be the reason)


When i checked my upvote worth for this post, i found


I have voted 0.05$ on this post after 2h 40m 42s ( > 5 mins) mins

Let's calculate the curation reward from this post.
Pcurator= (1/2) * (√PT) * (√P1-√P0) Δt

PT= Post Payout at the end of 7 days
P0= Post Payout before voting
P1= Post Payout after voting

P0= 0.02
P1= 0.07
PT= 0.20

Δt= 1, as i have voted after 5 mins.

=> Pdrqamu= (1/2) * (√0.20) * (√0.07-√0.02)= $0.027

In this example,

Isolated judgment produces a curation reward= $0.027 , which is even lesser than my upvote value.

Now taking example of another post on which I have voted 0.09$ and the post payout is $26.56


Let's calculate the curation reward from this post.

Pcurator= (1/2) * (√PT) * (√P1-√P0) Δt

PT= Post Payout at the end of 7 days
P0= Post Payout before voting
P1= Post Payout after voting

P0= 0.59
P1= 0.68
PT= 26.56

Δt= 1, as i have voted after 5 mins.

=> Pdrqamu= (1/2) * (√26.56) * (√0.68-√0.59= $0.148

In this example,

Community judgement produced a curation reward = $0.148, which is more than my upvote value.


Community judgement brings more economic incentives than isolated judgement.

Go to, check your Upvote value( at the current SP, VP). Take a screenshot. Then go to the Steemit trending page, find a post with a payout of more than $10 but less than $50(Age less than 6 Days 12 hrs). Upvote it. Take screenshots before and after upvote. Similarly, go to another post on the Trending page, find a post with a payout of more than $100( Age less than 6 Days 12 Hrs). Upvote it. Take screenshots before and after upvote. Tell the differences between the two. Which one has produced a greater Upvote value & Curation reward for you with the same resources(SP, VP)? Explain?

Below is screenshot from my account showing my voting power (89.80%) and corresponding vote strength (0.05$) at the time of taking this shot.


Than i selected following post from steemit trending page. It is 2 days old ( less than 6 days and 12 hours)

Before voting

IMG_20210315_184131.jpg After voting

Before voting, the post payout was= $44.36
After voting, the post payout is= $44.48

Difference= $0.10

What does it mean?

It means that with the same resources (SP, VP) community judgment produced $0.10 which is twice the isolated judgment ($0.05).

Let's calculate the curation reward from this post.

Pcurator= (1/2) * (√PT) * (√P1-√P0) Δt

PT= Post Payout at the end of 7 days
P0= Post Payout before voting
P1= Post Payout after voting

P0= 44.38
P1= 44.48
PT= 44.48 ( presuming it to be final)

Δt= 1, as i have voted after 5 mins.

=> Pdrqamu= (1/2) * (√44.48) * (√44.48

  • √44.38)= $0.0.024

In this example,

Isolated judgment produces a curation reward= $0.010

Community judgement produces a curation reward)= $0.024

So community judgment is more beneficial to me than isolated judgement as it produced more than double the curation rewards.

Than i selected another post which is 11 hours old and has payout more than 100$.

Before voting

IMG_20210315_184256.jpg After voting

Before voting, the post payout was= $306.27

After voting, the post payout is= $306.51

Difference= 0.24$

What does it mean?

It means that with the same resources (SP , VP) , community judgment produced $0.25 which is 5 times as that of isolated judgment ($0.05).

Let's calculate the curation reward from this post.

Pcurator= (1/2) * (√PT) * (√P1-√P0) Δt

PT= Post Payout at the end of 7 days
P0= Post Payout before voting
P1= Post Payout after voting

P0= 306.27
P1= 306.51
PT= 306.51

Δt= 1 , as i have voted after 5 mins.

=> Pdrqamu= (1/2) * (√306.51) * (√306.51-√306.27)= $0.061

In this example,

Isolated judgment produces a curation reward= $0.017

Community judgement produces a curation reward(linear reward)= $0.061

Here again we saw that community judgment is more beneficial than isolated judgement as it produced more than five times the curation rewards than isolated judgment.

Thanks @sapwood


Nice Explanation

 3 years ago 

Thank you.

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