Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S2W3 - Blockchain in our lives. by @drqamu.

in SteemitCryptoAcademy2 years ago

Hello friends , accept my . We are in third week of steemit engagement challenge. Today I am writing homework task for cryptpacademy which is about blockchain in our lives.


Blockchain is changing everyday life for everyone, what is your opinion on the matter?

To begin with, blockchain was anticipated for fields like Defi and related smart contracts etc. Moreover, the technical knowledge needed for the operation of blockchain-related projects was limiting its use-cases and adoption. With the boom in technology, blockchain was explored and begin to show its influence in day-to-day activities. So I support the statement that blockchain is changing everyday life for everyone.

Besides being a core technology in Defi, conventional fiance could be revolutionised by facilitating global transactions, speedy transactions with low transaction fees, no server down issues, enhanced security and transparency and also saving manpower.

Non-editable nature of blockchain revolutionizes the field of record-keeping in revenue departments where tons of records have to be maintained. Looking for these records by the general public is always time-consuming with traditional means.

Blockchain could do wonders in the field of entertainment like Bollywood, Hollywood, sports etc. it’s not uncommon to face difficulties in booking movie tickets at counters off-line and similarly booking tickets for watching sports match is a tedious task. With the incorporation of Blockchain in these fields, one could book these tickets and even seat numbers add a single click in your bedroom. These are some of the examples of the fields that Blockchain is liable to revolutionise on a day-to-day basis.

Besides the above-mentioned uses, blockchain has great scope in education, health, cybersecurity, governance and voting in elections etc These are some of the examples through which one can understand the importance of blockchain.

What are the main advantages and disadvantages, of adopting the use of blockchain in everyday life?

Following advantages would be accrued in every field in which blockchain is adopted.


As blockchain is a cryptographically run technology, all the operations performed on the blockchain are highly secured via cryptographic algorithms. All the transactions performed on the blockchain are recorded only after verification by notes. After verification, transaction records are publicly distributed across the nodes. This storage unit of transactions is known as a block and each block of a transaction is connected to the previous block through a cryptographic hash until the genesis block is reached. Such an arrangement of data storage makes it highly difficult to forge the data.


Blockchain is a decentralized public ledger system where recorded transactions are publicly accessible to everyone. Moreover, the transactions recorded once cannot be edited or deleted. These features ensure transparency.


As blockchain operations are recorded only after verification and are non-editable and cannot be deleted after recording. So blockchain incorporates an inbuilt auditable system into any field where it is put to use.

Quality Service

With all the features mentioned above, the quality of service provided in any field would be increased. In addition to the above-mentioned fields, let me give you one more example to clarify this feature. With the boom in technology in recent years, online shopping has gained popularity. With conventional technology, we can place and track orders. Blockchain being an advanced technology, would therefore further enhance every step of e-marketing from order placement to delivery.

Elimination of dependency

Blockchain is a decentralized public ledger system that is accessible to everyone with a single click. As this technology is free from any third-party interference, incorporation in any field would eliminate dependency.

Disadvantages of Blockchain.

Technical Knowledge

The operation of blockchain requires ample technical knowledge. As of now, people are not that tech-savvy which would foster mass adoption. Even conventional systems that require more than usual technical knowledge are struggling for mass adoption. For example, the non-repudiable nature of transactions is a clear-cut disadvantage that one can encounter, if transactions are performed using the wrong address.

Non - regulatory system

Being a decentralised system, it is not under the control of any third party. All the individual users perceive it as an advantage, it is viewed as a disadvantage by authorities who otherwise enjoy absolute control over systems.

Disadvantages in Finance

Blockchain in finance would pose threats like the use of finance in illegal transactions, irreversible transactions and evasion of tax.

Discuss the future of blockchain, and how this technology is impacting the world.

The future of blockchain is very bright as it is gradually diversifying its use cases. To begin from BTC and Defi, blockchain is now being used in everyday life as mentioned above.

Everyone wishes for a transparent and highly secure system. Flaws of conventional systems are experienced by every one of us in some way and therefore any system that would reinforce transparency and security is likely to be welcomed by all.

Health care and education are basic needs of everyone. Conventional systems are being constantly upgraded to provide the best possible facilities to citizens by governments but no one in the world is satisfied with the existing system for multiple reasons. Any system that would bring dramatic change in this field are likely to be adopted by masses in future and blockchain is the best possible alternative.

Rigging of elections and excessive time consumption by ballot paper voting have given rise to electronic voting machines. Even these enhanced technology-based machines have remained unsuccessful in conducting fair elections. A blockchain based voting system would be a miraculous step in conducting fair and transparent elections.

Cybersecurity is an issue of great concern for governments as well non-government organisations who wish to keep their data confidential. To emphasise the importance of cyber security, let me give you an example.

In the recent Russia - Ukraine war, an anonymous group of hackers infiltrated the telecommunication network of Russian forces and revealed their voice recordings online. That could have been a great threat to Russia. If blockchain is adopted en masse, cyber threats can be almost nullified.

With the handful of examples given, future of blockchain and its impact could be envisaged.

What is your opinion about the implementation of blockchains in the health sector? Has the implementation been positive or negative? Explain a use case.

Implementation of blockchain in the health sector globally would be a great step forward to bring dramatic changes in this sector . Its positive impacts would outnumber its cons. As for the use-cases of blockchain in the health sector are concerned, we can discuss it under following headings :

  • Blockchain for patient care.
  • Blockchain for health professionals.
  • Blockchain in the healthcare supply chain.

Discussing each of these fields would be lengthy. Let's pick a single use-case as demanded in question :

The introduction of blockchain in patent care would revolutionize this sector of health in the following ways:

  • Patients who suffer from chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, chronicle liver disease, chronic kidney disease etc need to maintain their records for decades. Maintaining written records for so long is a cumbersome task and patients often lose records and are therefore liable to hinder the treatment protocol. With the incorporation of blockchain, Electronic Medical Records (EMR) would be available at a single click online and therefore patients need not carry their records manually and therefore would be benefited by getting proper treatment anytime and anywhere.

  • ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORDS (EMR) would help in the identification of a particular disease pattern in real-time and initiation of response thereby. As records would be available online, pandemics or epidemics would be identified in real-time as a particular symptom complex would manifest at a higher frequency than usual and would trigger real-time action.

  • ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORDS would help in the identification of a pattern of disease. We know that, if we compare our lifestyle with that of people living 20 years ago, our lifestyle is more sedentary. With a change in your lifestyle, the pattern of disease has also changed from that of more infectious to more lifestyle besides diseases. With blockchain, such shifts in disease patterns would be easily identified and interventions would be taken on time.

  • Anonymity and decentralisation of blockchain could be utilised in performing clinical trials to bring new medicines into the market. As clinical trials require confidentiality of the data about the drugs and the patients, blockchain is best suited to perform such operations. Moreover, the confidentiality of the data is also required in certain diseases like HIV, tuberculosis etc. With conventional systems, a breach of professional secrecy is not uncommon.

  • Patient can share their medical records with health professionals globally and therefore can choose the best possible Health care for themselves. Similarly, system-generated notifications would enhance compliance with the treatment as patients would get notifications about their medication timing and follow-up to the health care professional.

  • All the benefits of blockchain in finance could be utilised in providing better Health care insurance facilities to the patients.


Blockchain is a decentralized public ledger system that made its presence with Bitcoin and other decentralized finance basis projects but later widened its horizons to the majority of the field catering to our day-to-day life and that too in away better than our conventional systems.


 2 years ago 

Indeed you have written so well about how blockchain is changing our everyday life which I so much love. Thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for the compliment.

 2 years ago 

forces and revealed their voice recordings online

Yeah I heard those clips . I think they are still available.

performing clinical trials to bring new medicines into the market. As clinical trials require confidentiality of the data about the drugs and the patients, blockchain

Kindly help in understanding clinical trials .


 2 years ago 

Yeah I heard those clips . I think they are still available.

Good to hear that you could relate it.

Kindly help in understanding clinical trials .

Clinical trials are different phases of testing of medicines before they are brought into the market. During clinical trials, the individuals and drugs to be tested are classified into groups. The purpose is to hide the identity of drugs to the patients so that there is no bias.


 2 years ago 

Thanks for detailed explanation .

 2 years ago 

I love your work @drqamu. You were brief but your work touched all aspects of what was needed.

Like you rightly mentioned, blockchain has helped in creating so much convenience in acceessing the entertainment industries. It is doing much better in healthcare delivery.

Though not intended for everyday use, it has found application in our every day life and it is positively affecting lives.

Please help engage in my post.

Thank you.

 2 years ago 

Though not intended for everyday use, it has found application in our every day life and it is positively affecting lives.

That's a step towards mass adoption .

Thanks for standing by.

 2 years ago 

Good luck to you...
I get more understanding about blockchain...

 2 years ago 

That's the real purpose of blogging here.


 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Previously a lot of blockchain users thought once a transaction is completed that it. It cannot be reversed and then you are good to go. But as we are evolving and technology is advancing we are seeing things we thought could not be done on the blockchain happening.

I think we all heard of the news where a man sent his tokens to a wrong address but it was recovered when the man taught he has lost his tokens.

We are seeing hackers stealing NFTs and then they are immediately frozen and sale of that stolen NFT is not possible.

I like the fact that we always want to bring new ideas into the health sector and I support the idea that the blockchain system could totally change the system of the health sector and make it a better one.

Patient can share their medical records with health professionals globally and therefore can choose the best possible Health care for themselves.

I love the idea.

This eliminates that fact that when a patient needs medical attention somewhere else he or she has to wait for his details to be sent by the hospital to the other one for approval before he or she would be accepted.

Sometimes this takes weeks and even months and the expenses on the patients head keeps increasing.

I think your article has all that is required and I really enjoyed reading it.

 2 years ago 

I think we all heard of the news where a man sent his tokens to a wrong address but it was recovered

That's ool but I haven't heard about it.

We are seeing hackers stealing NFTs and then they are immediately frozen and sale of that stolen NFT is not possible.

Yes that's true . I like your knowledge about blockchain.

Sometimes this takes weeks and even months and the expenses on the patients head keeps increasing.

Yes that's true .

Thanks for being there.

 2 years ago 

You are welcome 🙏

Hey dear friend, you have given a very classic post. With the way you explained the benefit of Blockchain in the health care sector, one would easily say you are a Dr or your work is health related. One interesting fact is that blockchain has helped health care officials reach each other globally.kudos!

 2 years ago 

Yes you are right to identify me as health care worker (Dr). I have give more detailed post in previous season of cryptoacademy where i have covered other benefits of blockchain in health sector other than patient care .


Wow! What a beautiful presentation you have made sir. You made everything look simple, in such a way that even a layman would understand how blockchain has contributed in shaping our lives. I wish you success in this contest

 2 years ago 

Good to hear that you find it simple . My purpose of posting is done , if it is simple .

Thanks for your good wishes .

 2 years ago 

Wow... You have presented this beautifully. You have talked on Blockchain in our lives in a very simple way and have shown how important the Blockchain technology is in different sectors. Blockchain technology has really impacted do many aspects. As a result of blockchain technology, many projects have come to be which has improved businesses and organizations.

Thank you for sharing with us.

Kind regards!

 2 years ago 

Pleased to hear that you find it simple to understand.

I appreciate your time to go through my post.


You spoke very simply about blockchain technology in our daily lives and showed how important blockchain technology is in many industries. Blockchain has helped a lot in facilitating almost everything. It has had a significant impact in many areas. Thanks to blockchain technology, many new projects have emerged that have improved businesses and organizations. @drqamu, I am impressed with your work. Although your work was short, it covered all aspects of expectations.
Although it is not in everyday use, we use it in our daily lives and it has a positive impact on people's lives. It is interesting that blockchain has helped healthcare workers to communicate with each other globally.
Thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago 

I am please to hear that you find my work simple. Actually my real purpose is to make things clear to those who give their valuable time to my post. I presume that they should end up getting something from my work.

Although it is not in everyday use, we use it in our daily lives and it has a positive impact on people's lives. It is interesting

Blockchain is yet to be adopted en masse due to various reasons. We are gradually heading towards that.


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