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RE: Steemit Crypto Accadmy Contest "Season 8 Week 4" Blockchain Oracles

in SteemitCryptoAcademylast year (edited)

Your explanation of blockchain oracles is very clear and concise. I like how you emphasized that oracles act as a bridge between the blockchain and the outside world, providing access to external information for smart contracts. It's also interesting to note that different types of oracles exist, each with their own unique mechanism and purpose.

I appreciate that you provided an example to illustrate how blockchain oracles work in a real-world scenario like NFTs etc . It's easy to understand the importance of oracles when you see how they enable smart contracts to function properly and transfer funds to the correct party. Decentralised oracles in finace have reduced dependency on third parties.

Your explanation of the different types of oracles is very helpful. I like how you categorized them into software, hardware, inbound, outbound, centralized, decentralized, and contract-specific oracles. It's great to see that you understand how each type of oracle performs a specific function and how they differ from one another. In a way, every type pf oracle has something to offer .

Overall, your comment is very informative and well-organized. I enjoyed reading it and I'm sure others will find it helpful as well. Good luck with the contest!


Thanks alot dear @drqamu for reading my blog and thansk you soo much for appreciating me.Firstly i serached about all these things and then i make this blog in simple words that any user can understand this topic and i love to do search about blockchain and again thanks for your valuable comment ✨

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