Crypto Academy Week 15 , Homework post for [ @sapwood ] Liquidity Mining (Tron :

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago
Hello friends, hope you are aall fine. Today i am writing homework task for professor @sapwood . It is about liquidity mining. A wonderful lecture as usual. Let's directly go to the specifica of homework.

How do I connect my TronLink Wallet to needed)

There are two ways of connecting Tronlink wallet and sun. Io. One is through web browser ( example; chrome) and another is through TronLink wallet. I find connecting sun. Io via TronLink wallet simple and easy . So I will demonstrate it step by step:

  • Open Tronlink wallet. At the bottom panel of the main page, click on "Discover".

  • Next a page of DApps will load. Look for SUN.

  • Click on SUN and it will lead you to main page of SUN. Io

  • To check your connection, click on top right corner to look for your Tronlink address .

  • You are done.




What are the different liquidity mining pools? Which one offers the highest APY? How many different rewards do I get by staking LP token? (Screenshots needed)

Different Liquidity Pools.

There are 9 different liquidity mining pools available which are tabulated below along with the APY offered;

Liquidity poolsAPY
SUN -TRX36.08%

Below are screenshots of above mentioned liquidity pools and their details.

So we can clearly make it out that highest APY is offered by SUN-TRX LP and that equals 36.08%.

The token rewards that we get for staking LP tokens are :

  1. TRX.
  2. JST .
  3. WIN .
  4. SUN .
  5. BTT .
  6. BTCST ( Recently added to Tron Century mining)

How do I obtain LP Token by adding liquidity in Justswap? What is the quantity(Explore through your wallet/Tronscan)?(Screenshots needed)

  • First we need to commect to JustSwap. For that open TronLink wallet, click discover, next from Dapps select JustSwap . On the main page of JustSwap, we have two options, one is "Swap" and second is "liquidity". Click on liquidity.

  • Select the pair you want to supply. I choose TRX and USDT. We have to supply them in 1:1 ratio or 50/50 . I selected 1 USDT for which corresponding TRX was automatically filled that is 1 USDT equivalent, and at the time of supplying, that equals 12.049 TRX (approx).

  • Next confirm authorisation type and proceed.

  • Confirm Transaction by entering Tron password.

  • Next click on Supply and sign the transaction by entering your password.

  • Next you got to see success notification.

I obtained LP token of 15.565334 USDT-TRX LP Tokens for staking 1 USDT and 12.049 TRX











How do I stake LP Token to earn five different tokens on (Screenshots needed)

  • Connect sun. Io to Tronlink as mentioned above. Select token to be staked. I choose USDT -TRX liquidity pool as i have these in my wallet now.

  • Next select the amount to stake. I selected Max. Click on stake.

  • Confirm the USDT - TRX stake and than proceed to authorisation type , than confirm the transaction with the help of password. Being smart contract triggered, it consumes both energy and bandwidt.

  • To check your staking, again go to main page of SUN, there you will seen "My stakings" under USDT -TRX LP and now you won't see option " select "as in the beginning, now you can see option " Mamage" there.








Which reward(out of five different rewards) can be withdrawn at any time? How do claim that (indicate that in the screenshot)?

Out of the five different rewards offered , 33% of Sun reward can be withdrawn at anytime while the remaining undistributed rewards are distributed by weekly schedule for a period of 24 weeks.

How to claim SUN rewards.

  • Go to sun. Io. Look for TRX -USDT liquidity pool. Click on manage.

  • On next page, we got to see two options, "Stake" and "Claim". Click on "Claim". We got to see mining rewards.

  • As only SUN rewards can be claimed because LP tokens have been staked only today. Others will be gradually released as mentioned above. So click on claim against SUN as marked by arrows on screenshot below.

  • Confirm transaction by entering Tron password.

  • Next transaction will be broadcasted on Tronscan from where details can be checked.







What is the schedule of unlocking the mining rewards? Indicate the total undistributed/distributed mining rewards in the screenshot?

As mentioned above, 33% of Sun rewards can be claimed at anytime while the remaining undistributed rewards are distributed by weekly schedule for a period of 24 weeks.

Value of distributed/undistributed rewards

Only Sun reward are available for distribution where as undistributed rewards are; SUN ( left over) , TRX, JST, WIN, BTT.

Include the real example of your interaction with Justswap and as required in this task? Indicate how a "stake"(in function consumes different "Energy & Bandwidth" than "obtaining LP token" (in Justswap)? You should add/remove a small amount of liquidity to obtain/redeem your LP token(as little as 1 USDT worth)? (Screenshots needed)

Energy and Bandwidth consumed on JustSwap.


As i supplied 12. 049 TRX and 1 USDT. For the same I obtained 15.565334 USDT-TRX (LP Token) . At Tronscan we find that the transaction consumed 383 bandwidth and 60902 Energy. Energy needed for transaction was not adequate. So to compensate for energy deficit 8.52614 TRX was burned.

Tron network doesn't provide any free energy unlike Bandwidth.So additional energy has to be obtained by either freezing or lending TRX.If adequate energy is not available at the time of execution of transaction, TRX will be burnt to accomodate energy deficit.

Energy and Baldwidth consumed on Staking


On liquidity mining pool, As i staked 15.566334 USDT-TRX LP into the USDT-TRX LP . The staking on consumed 313 Bandwidth and 89,516 Energy and burned 12.40722 TRX to compensate for energy deficit.

So we concluded that, staking transaction consumed more Energy but less Bandwidth than obtaining LP token on JustSwap.

How do I unstake LP token and claim mining rewards(

* Go to tronlink wallet. Connect to sun. Io. Click on TRX - USDT LP. Click on Manage.
  • On next page, click on claim and select MAx to claim all the tokens.

  • Click on " Claim and unstake".

  • Complete transaction with the help of Tron password.





That's all in today's homework from myside.



Thank you for attending the lecture in Steemit-Crypto-Academy- Season 2 & doing the homework task-7.

I obtained LP token of 15.565334 USDT-TRX LP Tokens for staking 1 USDT and 12.049 TRX

That's correct.

So we concluded that, staking transaction consumed more Energy but less Bandwidth than obtaining LP token on JustSwap.

That's correct.

Please note that after unstaking, you will keep getting your mining reward over a total period of 24 weeks based on the stake duration & proportion of the stake wrt to the total size.


  • The author has produced real transactions(Justswap & to demonstrate Liquidity mining. He has staked 15.927 USDT-TRX LP token.
  • The author has included all the relevant screenshots required in this Task.
  • One round of proof-reading is still required.
  • Center alignment of your image will render the best effect.

Thank you.

Homework Task -7 accomplished.

 3 years ago 

Thank you and suggestions noted down.

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Thank you.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 67144.34
ETH 3517.40
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.69