Crypto Academy | Season 3 - Week 2 | Post for @awesononso | THE GENESIS BLOCK: THE BEGINNING OF THE BEGINNING | By @danimarvalentina

A cordial greeting to the entire crypto academy community, a pleasure to be here presenting my homework for the class of professor @awesononso who on this occasion gave us an excellent explanation about the genesis block in blockchains.

Image made by me in Canva

1. What is the Genesis Block of a Blockchain.

The genesis block is the main and fundamental piece in a chain of blocks, since it is the base, the first block of the blockchain and the one that starts a cryptocurrency. Every blockchain has a genesis block, which marks the beginning of the blockchain.

The genesis block is the foundation of any blockchain, whenever you look back at a blockchain, you will find its genesis block as the beginning of the cryptocurrency. The genesis block fulfills the essential function of creating a basis for the start of a blockchain.

Two nodes of a blockchain are compatible and can be paired only if they have the same genesis block, so the genesis block can guarantee communication between two nodes. The genesis block is characterized by never being able to be replaced by a less difficult one, when creating a huge interweave, since each node has an initial block.

All cryptocurrencies that are based on a blockchain have their genesis block, although in some blockchains they are called block 0, block 1 or first block. The genesis block does not have a previous reference block, since it is the first block that exists in the chain, usually its previous value is 0 and it is characterized by being non-transferable.

2. Write on the Bitcoin Genesis Block and its significance.

Bitcoin is the first successful cryptocurrency in history, it was created in 2009. The bitcoin genesis block is the first bitcoin block that does not have any reference block, it is designated as block 0.

The beginning of the blocks began on January 3, 2009, and with the creation of bitcoin genesis block the first 50 BTC were added on the network, which have never been moved and will not be able to be moved either.

The bitcoin genesis block is the only block that is different from all the other blocks in the chain, since it is the only one that does not have a previous block but is the main one, which led to modifications in certain parameters to its creation.

The creation of the bitcoin genesis block marked a breakthrough for blockchain technology as it allowed a breakthrough in the storage of bitcoin and different blockchain transactions with cryptocurrencies.

If not for the success of the bitcoin genesis block, other blockchains and cryptocurrencies would not exist; this was the basis used for the creation of Ethereum, Tron, and many other cryptocurrencies and blockchains.

3. Go to and locate the Steem Genesis Block (You must provide screenshots and sign in as proof of completion).

The first thing we must do is enter the page and select the option block explorer

Then we will select the block to consult, in this case block 1.

There we can observe all the characteristics of the Steem genesis block.

Then, to finish, we log in with our username and password.


In general lines, the genesis block is the beginning of every cryptocurrency and / or chain of blocks. It marks the beginning of a new beginning, it does not have any previous block that can serve as a reference, on the contrary, that first block is the reference for the rest of the blocks that make up a chain.


Hello @danimarvalentina,
Thank you for taking interest in this class. Your grades are as follows;

What is a Genesis Block1/1
Bitcoin Genesis Block and significance0.2/2
Find the Steem Genesis Block1.5/2
Presentation/Use of Markdowns1/2
Clarity of Language1/1

The following caught my attention:
  • You really missed a lot of points on the second question.

  • Always follow the instructions stated in the lesson before attempting any task.

Feedback and Suggestions

Thanks again as we anticipate your participation in the next class.

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