Crypto Academy Week 13 - Homework Post for @yousafharoonkhan

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago
Hello Professor @yousafharoonkhan, I'm grateful once again for this wonderful opportunity to learn from you. Thank you for your time and willingness to share the knowledge you have. Would head straight to my homework.

Question no 1 :
Write the definition of Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms in your own words.Explain in your own words the difference between decentralization and centralization Social Media Platforms (answer should related Social Media Platforms . (answer must be written in own words, copy paste or from other source copy will be not accepted)

Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms

Social media is a platform that allows users to interact with different kinds of people for all around the globe. It has made it possible to connect with people miles away for businesses, entertainment, learning and all other sort of activities. Before, there were only centralized media platforms, but with the rapid change and development of the world we have our first decentralized social media platform known as Steemit.

From our previous classes we learnt a lot about decentralized and centralized system and exchanges. Decentralized and centralized social media platforms share similar definitions to the systems and exchanges.

Centralized social media platforms are media platforms that are governed by an authority. This authority has access to all the data of users and governs the platform by a set of rules made by themselves. With the power they posses they can delete all records of your account. They give access for account creation and restrict contents provided by users. Basically, Decentralized social media platforms are platforms that do not give users full control over their account usage.

Decentralized social media platforms on the other hand is quite the opposite. Decentralized media platforms are platforms that do not restrict the freedom of the account user. Users have the freedom to express themselves and grow their account in any possible way without the fear of loosing an account. On Decentralized media platforms account records cannot be deleted by anyone with authority.

Differences Between Centralized and Decentralized Social media Platforms

Centralized and Decentralized Social media platforms have significant differences. Would take time and explain the main differences below.

  • Security
    Centralized social media platforms are governed by an authority. These authorities have access to the data records of the accounts of users. Most often, the government requests for information form these authorities and they hand over the data records of account users. Decentralized social media platform on the other hand does no such things. All records of your account are managed by you.

  • Restrictions
    Centralized social media platforms have a set of rules for all users to follow and also restrict content created by users. If you go against these rules and regulations set by the authorities you'd be penalized. Decentralized social media platforms do not have rules and regulations set by an authority. They do not restrict the content creation by users. The users are free to create contents based on any Idea they have.

  • Loss of Account
    There have been several cases of complains and reports of loss of accounts on centralized social media platforms. Since they are governed by an authority who has access to all data records it is easy to erase all the account data of users. This is very painful because it takes a lot of time, commitment and determination to build an account. Decentralized social media platforms are the opposite. Your account cannot be deleted by any higher ups.

Question no 2 :
Which One is The Future of Social media ? Decentralized or centralized Social media.(answer must be written in own words)

I have talked about what centralized and decentralized social media is and the differences. You can clearly see the one which is better. Decentralized media is going to reign in the future. This is because it solves problems when it comes to security, freedom of content creation and account loss. These are things users of social media platforms hold dear. They want a space to voice out their ideas and thoughts with no limitations, a place where it's safe and a place where after years of building a good reputation with their account they wouldn't lose the account because someone deleted the account without their permission. The future is bright with Decentralized social media.

Question no 3 :
How steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook.(answer must be written in own words)

Facebook and Twitter are examples of centralized social media. They have been reigning for a long time but now we have decentralized social media platforms like Steemit. Like I said earlier, decentralized social media is the future and I already told you why. Steemit is better than Facebook and Twitter. I'm going to explain to you how it is so.

What can you do on Twitter and Facebook that can't be done here on Steemit? Steemit makes it possible to do what you do on Twitter and Facebook. You know what is even better? You can do more with Steemit because you have no restrictions. Additionally, you can't loose your account on Steemit like the way accounts are lost and deleted on Facebook and Twitter. This alone should be enough to tell Steemit is better, but you know what's more? Steemit pays for your quality content created. I know you'd be like wow and how true is this. It is 100% true. What more would you want from a social media platform. Steemit provides security, gives you freedom to create whatever content you want, you have no fear of account loss plus you get paid for your ideas, entertainment and all other contents you create.

Question no 4 :
What do you say? How do Steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users?(answer must be written in own words)

The unemployment rate in my country alone is not something something I want to talk about. Even graduates have a hard time finding a job. Imaging graduating from the university with your bachelors degree at a standard age of 23, at this age where your parents would have grown old and tired of taking care of you. You then come home expecting you'd start working to repay your family for taking care of you and you struggle for years searching for a job and then you don't get any suitable one that can even support just you. I know many people who are in this situation and I've started trying to get them know about Steemit so they have hope.

Steemit has made it interesting to be on social media. Indirectly when you create content on Steemit you are working. Every good work deserves reward. Steemit makes you work hard to produce quality content with the assurance that you'd be rewarded. Even non graduates and those less privileged that weren't able to make it to school have the opportunity to work on Steemit. Anyone at all is welcome and rewards are available for everyone.

There are communities on Steemit that organize contests and award the winners with prices. Some of the communities teach you more about crypto and about Steemit itself. There are opportunities for everyone on Steemit.

It's not easy in this life. Poverty has killed a lot of people. Even food to eat and water to drink is a problem for many people. If I want to talk about how Steemit is helping people I'd go on and on. I know Steemains who have lost their parents and have to support themselves all on their own. Steemit brought hope with the reward system. I know what I'm talking about is not just in my country but it's global. Thanks to Steemit millions of lives have been saved and we can say bye bye to poverty.

Question no 5 :
How can we make money with Steemit's decentralized social media.(write your own experience)

I'm going to tell you how I made money with Steemit. Before, I lived solely on money given to me by my parents. There were times when I was out of money and I couldn't call home for money because I received money not long ago. This changed when I found Steemit. When I first joined Steemit I thought it wasn't real. I was Introduced by @njaywan. He was really on me because we were close friends. After my first introductory post I was like this is stressful and I have no proof it is real and so I stopped. @njaywan called me several times but I always gave excuses. God being so good one time I met him and he told me how well he was doing thanks to Steemit. I could see for myself and I had proof now it was real. The next day I rushed to his hostel for him to tell me more. From then, I started being serious with Steemit. It's been 29 days now and I've earned above $200.
This was possible because I did the achievements in the NewComers community. That wasn't all, the Newcomers community let me understand more about Steemit and how to create good contents. I partook in some contests organized by other communities like WORLD OF EXPILAR and Walkwithme. This isn't all that made me make money. The SteemitCryptoAcademy made it possible to acquire this much. 90% of my income is from this community. In this community you make money by learning what is taught and doing homework. When you get a grade 5 and above out of 10 you get rewarded.
This is how I made money with Steem. There are many other ways to make money on Steemit. Some communities organize diary games and other activities to reward users. What is important is your participation. Take part in contests, and other activities and claim your rewards.

Question no 6 :
How to create communities on Steemit social media ( practicle step by step ) & Promote your homework post on two social media ,twitter and facebook (just share link in comments area)

To create a community you should have a purpose for creating it. When you have it all set below are the steps to follow.

  • You need a Steemit account before you can create a community.
  • Login to Steemit and click on Steemit as shown below.


  • Scroll down a little and click Explore communities...


  • Click Create a Community


  • Enter your community name in the title box and the description in about
  • Click Next
  • Save your account name and owner password. Keep it safe.
  • Click Create Community


  • Creating a Community costs 3 steem, click Ok to create your community.


Simple and easy you've created a community.


Steemit social media is going to be on top in some few years to come. I do regret all the time I wasted on other non-profitable stuff that I could have used on Steemit to make some money to secure my future. Well, it's never too late to join the bus. I'm glad I'm here learning and making money.
Thanks once again @yousafharoonkhan for the wonderful lecture. You always explain things easily and make it easy to understand for everyone. I'm grateful for this opportunity to learn from you.


Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • look fine homework
    thank you very much for taking participate in this calss

Grade ; 7

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much Sir @yousafharoonkhan

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