Steemit Crypto Academy Semana 3 | Proyectos Blockchains.

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago
Hello my beautiful people of Steemit! today I'm stopping by to do the homework corresponding to the teacher's class @imagen of week 3, personally I have always liked the works where you are invited to play with your creativity and make fictitious projects but made based on your imagination, there is nothing better than having the freedom to create new things and propose new ideas, even if they seem a little crazy to you.

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Imagen de mi autoria, creado en Photoshop

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Un Whitepaper


Now that we live in the digital era and almost everything has been digitized, I am delighted to launch a great idea to the market, this project was born from the need that exists among consumers of technology, who have many services to pay, and the high costs make it difficult for them to meet all the bills on time. This project will allow users to easily pay their phone bills, internet bills, electricity, water, gas, cable bills thanks to the world of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain network, therefore the name of our token is PHONE to make it easy to recognize in the market, the utility of this token will help users to pay all the bills of the services they have subscribed in the application of the project. Our ICO will work under the Ethereum network using the creation of token under TRC-20 that will allow the support of the project, providing Phone token to our users who download the application.

We would work with a team of 50% experienced and 50% new developers to support the growth of new talent alongside those who already have the experience. Mainly 20,000,000 Phone tokens will be created, where 25% will be distributed to our workforce, our developers and the whole team, another 25% to the service providers, 25% will be blocked to sustain the project and maintain the creation of new PHONE tokens over time, 20% will be used to promote the project on the exchange pages that support ICOs and another 5% will be distributed among the first 1000 users who download the application and bring new users.

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Imagen de mi autoria, creado en Photoshop

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We are going to make the right use of technology to make life easier for people in the world of payment of services, because we know that for each service you have to enter a different page, open many users and the cumbersome of creating multiple passwords, so this project allows us to unify with all service providers and their customers to download our application can cancel all outstanding accounts in one place, with a single username and password.


The way to financially maintain this project, apart from leveraging the Ethereum network will be in the collection of small commissions on payments made by our users to their service providers.Thanks to the use of our application with each transaction and payment made by the user will be added to your Phone token wallet, which will allow the accumulation for later use in recharges balances or payment of outstanding accounts.


We want to take advantage of the use of technology and through the application send a reminder notification to the user so that when the due date of any of their payments is near, it is an easy reminder. We also want to implement the use of partnership with game developers, where users can have leisure time through a game and can accumulate Phone tokens.

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Imagen de mi autoria, creado en Photoshop

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Un Roadmap. (Hoja de Ruta)


Every great project needs to have a good planning in order to visualize its goals and objectives to be achieved in a short and long term period, our Roadmap is presented for a period of 2 and a half years, as we reach each objective of the roadmap, the project will be expanded on a large scale to be launched internationally.


2021 Q1 - Meetings with various suppliers in the country to present the project.


2021 Q2 - Creation of a total of 50,000,000 Phone tokens.


2021 Q3 - Presentation of the project to game developers.


2021 Q4 - Marketing plan to launch and publicize the use of this new way to pay for your services.


2021 Q5 - The project will be presented to exchange sites such as Binance, Poloniex, Bitrex, for the use of cryptocurrency exchanges.


2022 Q5 - Meeting with developers to implement updates and improvements to the application on its functionality.


2022 Q6 - A new PHO token will be generated to support Phone to combat the country's inflation.


2022 Q7 - Propose to international markets the project, for the use of this application in the cancellation of all domestic services.


2022 Q8 - Proposal to make a quarterly PRO token raffle for the most loyal users and who promote the application among friends and family.


2023 Q9 - Diversify our proposal and raise new investors for the support of the creation of a new token, allowing the subscription and payment of life insurance, health insurance and funeral home insurance through the use of the blockchain.


2023 Q10- Proposal to upgrade fiber optics for better Internet service.


With this Roadmap we seek to embrace the entire market of payment of services, and thus achieve that no one is left without paying their outstanding accounts and make it much easier and practical for everyone. With the vision of becoming an internationally active and profitable project.

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Although it is not a real project, the idea was born from the need that many users have with the problems of the payments of our telephone bills, the high costs in the monthly rates of the plans, increase in the price of the megabytes, the need for a better service of the fiber optic Internet, because we do not receive a quality service, where we can navigate comfortably at a fast and decent speed, where we can always count on a good signal for our phone calls, and that the problem with the gas is solved through the use of cryptocurrencies.


I think that as long as each of the services can be paid by the users in the most correct and fair way, new solutions can be implemented to provide quality service in each of the areas mentioned above. I feel that people are tired of so much bureaucracy in this industry, the excessive increase without prior notice of each of the services, is something that has many dissatisfied. And I hope that thanks to the blockchain, the use of cryptocurrencies this could be solved in the not too distant future.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.21
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 69618.00
ETH 3376.33
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.76