Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S2W3 - Blockchain in our lives. by @cryptobitcoins


I hope all of you will be fine and enjoying good health with the grace of Allah Almighty. My name is Ali Hassan and Today I'm going to participate in the Steemit engagement contest season 2 week 3. Actually this Post is my participation in the contest of Steemit Crypto academy. I hope I will deliver my best and I need your support and show your support by posting Comment under my post and By voting for appreciating me and Giving me confidence.

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Blockchain is like a evolution. Blockchain is evolving our lives and changing into digital world. Blockchain change world as well a me.
Blockchain has become a good source of Income as through it's inovations specially I'm earning handsome living.


As we can see that Steemit is a project on Blockchain and all of we know the value or importance of Steemit in our life. You can imagine the goodness that Blockchain do with Humanity by just realizing that steemit changes Millions of lives and make them entirely change is just because of Blockchain. There are Millions of projects which are launching on Steemit on daily basis.

The Web 3.0 projects are amazing and they are changing the world in every field. In the field of traveling, meetings, offices and even in enjoyment or fun side. All of the credit goes to Blockchain.

In Fitness:

As of you are well aware about the Stepn project which is a web 3.0 walk to earn project. This project urges to make our fitness better my earning coins by walking, jogging and running. This is way we good benefits financially as well a physically. So, Blockchain playing it's role in the field of fitness of human body.

A way to eradicate unemployment:

Blockchain is like a business which need infinity no of employees which will never get retired and can take salary according to thier will. Yes Blockchain provide us a job where we have opportunity to make Millions of Dollars within few days and Blockchain is helping us to use our Youth in a healthy field where number of vacancy never fullfiled.
Even I'm and many of my friends are working on several projects and earning good income and same is the case with Steemit where you can make handsome income and you can take it as a job and can earn your living.

Making life easy through innovations:

Blockchain is making our life easy and more comfortable by it's innovations. Now there is a complete revolution In the financial field after Blockchain and the Difficulties of payment issues are solved by it's Decentralized nature.


As a source of Storing Information:

Blockchain is not just meant for storing the Records of transaction it store each and every activity. As we know that our Activities on our profile are being stored on Blockchain and we can see our activities on Blockchain.
Same Blockchain is being used to save public data because the data on Blockchain can't me change, edited or manipulated so the data stored for forever and become save and secure.

Innovations in near Future:

As Blockchain it's is evolving day by day and getting better with the raise of everyday so, there are many Things which are under consideration to work on it and hope they will be available in future.

As we know that we can Vote and can gave our opinion on Blockchain projects by holding the coins. This can be implemented in the voting system for selecting the Government. In this way there will be no chance in manipulation of the votes and Dishonesty and all the parties will accept the Results.

In real Estate:
It has been under consideration that the paper of Property can be converted digitally like NFT and the holder of the paper will have the authority of the property, through this is quite risky but more work and suggestions suggest that it can be considered and may it works in future.

Utility bills:
Utility bills such as Electricity, Gas, Water and Internet bills can be digitalized with the help of Blockchain. In this way users may have more control over thier basic needs of life.

The Innovations of Blockchain will never come to end Until the Human mind is thinking.


What are the main advantages and disadvantages of adopting the use of blockchain in everyday life?


Everything has pros and cons. Nothing is perfect and complete. There is nothing in the world which is perfect. When we see Blockchain we also find Something good and bad in it. Here I will try to explain both the expects of Blockchain.

Blockchain and it's Advantages

Blockchain has large no of Advantages but Here are some important Advantages listed below.

Decentralization is the backbone of Blockchain and due to this feature Blockchain allow us to make transactions which are take place without any intermediary and Third party which reduces the time of transaction and the cost of transaction. Due Decentralization users have full control over thier wallet and assets and no third party such as bank and authority regulate your assests.

Blockchain is immutable which means that information on Blockchain can never be deleted, edited or manipulated. This is one of the best feature of Blockchain. So, the transactions history is easily available and the risk of frauds reduce to great extent due to the immutability of Blockchain.

Blockchain is more secure than any Institute like Banks. Even banks have surety and are supported by government but they are not liable like Blockchain is. Blockchain provide high end security because the source code is digitally untraceable so the risk of hacks are thousands time less than your bank account.

Distributed ledgers:
Blockchain has distribution of ledgers across all the participants and in this way a copy of Transaction is saved on the system of all the validators of that transaction. So, there is no chance of manipulation in the transaction because it is saved at different places.

Blockchain and it's Disadvantages

Blockchain has fewer disadvantages which are listed below.

No privacy:
One of the drawback of Blockchain is that due to it's Decentralized nature there is no privacy of user. As we can see the wallet, transaction details and the activities of a user on Steemit same is the case with all other decentralized platform which are created on different Blockchain. Due to no privacy transaction can be tracked easily from anywhere and by anyone by just putting the Transaction Id TxID.

Can be Used for Illegal purpose:
Blockchain is being used for some illegal proposes like deal in Drugs, weapons and international findings to Terrorist are done by using Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. Which is a major threat for all of us.

Not completely Decentralized:
As all of we know that Blockchain is a Decentralized technology but even it is Decentralized but is still regulated by some authorities and the founder. As we see that regular updates are done and upgradation take place on Blockchain which shows that it is still regulated by someone so the Trust of people on Decentralization is effected.

Scability is still a problem on Blockchain although this problem had been solved to a great extent but Scability is still an issue on Blockchain because day by day the no of transactions taking place per second are increasing which sometime Causes problem.

As the transactions ate stored on Blockchain. But the no of users joining this technology is increasing day by day and it is a fear that the capacity to store the Transactions on Blockchain may run out.


Discuss the future of blockchain, and how this technology is impacting the world.

There is no controversy on the Future of Blockchain. You and me Know the answer to the Question well.

Future of Blockchain is Bright.

Yes, Blockchain is making it's own way day by day in our lives because it is changing our lifestyle and is giving us more comfortable zone. In spite of great effort of some people who are against Blockchain, it is Becoming popular day by day and everyone want to understand it to make it's life better and for financial Relam.

It is in our nature to go against the change. But now it is clear to everyone that the betterment of Humanity is in the embracing of Blockchain technology because it is making a remarkable change in every field of life.

It is predicted that all the countries will adopt Cryptocurrency and Blockchain within a decade even some countries had already started the adoption of Cryptocurrency. Blockchain can never be slow down because of it's inovations.

All of we Know that Blockchain is growing in spite of the limitations even the adoption is about 20% where it is declared as crime to deal in it.


What is your opinion about the implementation of blockchains in the health sector? Has the implementation been positive or negative? Explain a use case.

Well, as it is unknown that Blockchain is Famous for it's ability to record data, information, transactions. There are digital ledger which accurately store the data which can't be edited, deleted or manipulated.

So the use of this concept in medical field is quite interesting as we know that the supply chain of medicines and other stuff related to medical field is hard to manage and the record of the patients, thier Medicine and payment from them is a major aspect of medical field.


There is need of some transparent application which have all in one features to manage the data of patience, thier Medicine record, supply of medicine thier cost and the payment method. So, there is nothing better than Blockchain to manage these things with great Transparency.

Blockchain will help to boost up and to take the medical records to next level and in this way our health sector will make a sky High success and the patients will also facilitated.

Use case of Blockchain in medical field

Blockchain technology can be used to store the details of the medicine and the record of patients. As the record of medical field is very important and a single mistake in record may cause a big problem even death of patients because the misuse of medicine and wrong use of medicine cause other problem too.

So, Blockchain can be used for accurate record of patients, Medicine and to maintain the supply chain of the medicine.

Medical Chain:

Medical chain js a good example of the use of Blockchain technology in field of medicine.
Medical chain gathers the data of patients and record them digitally for the future use.


Medical chain allow it's users to share thier medical records online with the doctors. Medical chain also provide access to online Doctors where they can consult with any doctor and can show them thier Medical record. Medical chain is a good step to provide online access to Hundreds of doctor at your door step and facilities the patients and as well as doctor in a number of way.
Medical chain also allow to pay the fee of doctor at the same time through Blockchain.


Patients can regular check-up themselves through online Doctors to maintain thier physical condition.


Finally I want to conclude from the above discussion that Blockchain change our life in number of ways and urge to bring more innovations day by day. There is nothing perfect on this Earth and Blockchain also has advantages and disadvantages. But viewing it's benefits we should encourage it in every field of life like fitness, health care and financially.

I want to invite my friends @steemdoctor1 @jani786 and @blue0 to participate in this amazing contest.

Participant: @cryptobitcoins

Special Mention: @kouba01

Thank you for reading my Article, Please give your precious comments and I hope I will get good support from the community.


 2 years ago 

realizing that steemit changes Millions of lives and make them entirely change is just because of Blockchain

Yes, steemit has really changed a lot of lives and is still changing a lot of lives.

As of you are well aware about the Stepn project which is a web 3.0 walk to earn project. This project urges to make our fitness better my earning coins by walking, jogging and running

Ive heard about the stepn project but In all sincerity I didn’t know that they have launched a project for earning whilst you exercise. I have to take a look at this ASAP. I might be lucky enough to earn some coins for myself😁

One of the drawback of Blockchain is that due to it's Decentralized nature there is no privacy of user

I though with the elimination of a third party meant that business men and people enjoyed more privacy.

It is predicted that all the countries will adopt Cryptocurrency and Blockchain within a decade even some countries had already started the adoption of Cryptocurrency.

I for one does not think it will take up to a decade as countries are drastically taking measures to either control it or accept it.

And I think the accept it will be the best option and the only option in the very near future.

Ive heard about the stepn project but In all sincerity I didn’t know that they have launched a project for earning whilst you exercise. I have to take a look at this ASAP. I might be lucky enough to earn some coins for myself😁

Yes brother you must to visit this platform. Just you have to purchase a NFT sneaker according to your budget and you can earn Gmt and Gst token through running, walking and Jogging.

 2 years ago 

It is in our nature to go against the change. But now it is clear to everyone that the betterment of Humanity is in the embracing of Blockchain technology because it is making a remarkable change in every field of life.

This is the real deal, the digital age we are today needs something extra. Blockchain technology is that extra that will make things better. The disadvantages can be improved upon and some can be eliminated. For a better digital world, the world needs the technology of blockchain.

Yes, brother you're right that today is the era of technology and especially Blockchain technology. We need to work on the drawbacks of Blockchain and I think this is not too difficult to eliminate the drawbacks.
If our Government and International financial organization urge to make the right use of Blockchain then it is not too hard to eliminate it's bad effects.

Technology can't be slow down even not by hook or Crook.


This can be implemented in the voting system for selecting the Government

Implementing blockchain in the voting system will surely reduce manipulations and improve transparency.

Yes, you're right implementing Blockchain in Voting will make a environment in which all of the leaders will accept the results.

Blockchain can be used in every field of life. There are big opportunities in Blockchain which we have to explore for the well being of humanity and making life more easier.

Impressive entry my friend. You have beautifully shared the knowledge about the Blockchain technology and its invilvement in all the fields of the life.

No doubt, the blockchain technology has entirely changed the lives of many people due to its involvement in the financial, health, sports, advertising, shipping, politics, and all other important sectors of the life.

Medical chain allow it's users to share thier medical records online with the doctors. Medical chain also provide access to online Doctors where they can consult with any doctor and can show them thier Medical record. Medical chain is a good step to provide online access to Hundreds of doctor at your door step and facilities the patients and as well as doctor in a number of way.

Wow, this thing really impressed the whole world a lot. Now, we don't have to visit the doctors far away from our areas for the treatment if malicious diseases. We are now availed with the online doctors and we can contact our related doctors within no time. Also, we can consult them and get our treatment so simply.

In short, thanks to the blockchain technology and also thanks to you for sharing such an impressive entry here.

Good luck 🤞.

Now, we don't have to visit the doctors far away from our areas for the treatment if malicious diseases.

Yes, brother we don't have to visit doctor and no need to travel to distant places for medical check up. Now doctors will be available online through different Blockchain.

Thank you for Appreciation.


 2 years ago 

As we know that we can Vote and can gave our opinion on Blockchain projects by holding the coins. This can be implemented in the voting system for selecting the Government.

I acknowledge that you have raised a very important issue. In fact, blockchain technology is a technology through which we can easily perform our various tasks and blockchain technology has a lot of transparency at a high level. So through blockchain technology, no one can commit corruption even if they want to, no one can hide any information. And if this blockchain technology is used in voting, then it will be open to everyone and everyone can see it. So I think the voting system, the health sector, the banking system, the government websites in the country should be brought under blockchain technology. Then it will be very beneficial for all the citizens of the country

 2 years ago 

Such a wonderful engagement in the academy, I really love your conclusion where you hinted that there is nothing perfect on this earth and I buy into your idea. Thanks for such a beautiful research.

Thank you so much for appreciating me.

Hello friend,
Greetings from Nigeria.

You have written absolutely well. I love the way you applied markdown to buttress your points. Blockchain has helped to improve lives. The use of smart contract has made it more secure and convenient to use. In the healthcare sector, it has being used to verify the authenticity of drugs. Kudos

Than you so much for kind words.

Love from pakistan 🇵🇰

This is very beautiful article. I read it carefully I observe your creativity and way to explain things its really fantastic.
Brother please explain a little about the following paragraph.

  • Immutable:
    Blockchain is immutable which means that information on Blockchain can never be deleted, edited or manipulated. This is one of the best feature of Blockchain. So, the transactions history is easily available and the risk of frauds reduce to great extent due to the immutability of Blockchain.

My question is that if any institute of government wants to take our transaction history so how we can provide them.

Please keep it up. You are really doing well me best wishes are always with you.

First of all Thank you so much for reading my article.

My question is that if any institute of government wants to take our transaction history so how we can provide them.

If any institute of Government like FBR or FIA or any other want to take or view our transaction history then it is not too difficult to provide them.

  • If we are using any Centralized Exchange then we simply excess our Transaction Deals like Deposit and Withdraw and even our purchases on the platform.

  • But In case of Decentralized Exchange then simply navigate to your assests and then after clicking them you can easily see the Transactions history.

Almost both are same and there is no need to worry about our Transactions history because it is safe om Blockchain forever and we can easily excess it at anytime.

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