Governance of Tron Ecosystem - Crypto Academy / S4W7 - Homework post for [yohan2on]

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)


Hello everyone and a heartwarming welcome to week 7 of steemit crypto academy

Who are Super Representatives, SR partners, and SR candidates? (The Governance of the TRON Ecosystem)



A super representative in the Tron ecosystem is an individual who has been selected by the majority of Tron voters to generate and validate block every 3 seconds, every 6 hours another selection takes place where the Super representative might change or remain in the position depending on the number of voters he has.
In the TRON ecosystem, every one can participate in the selection of representatives provided you have Tron staked which in turn gives you Tron power, the more Tron one has staked the more his Tron power he has which equates to his voting efficiency 1000 Tron = 1000 TRON POWER
The primary function of Super representative is to produce a block which happens every 3 seconds and sequentially if SR 1 generates a block he has to wait for 3 * 26 seconds approximately 1 minute and 19 seconds more before he can generate another block giving a total of 7200 blocks to be generated before next SR selection. In cases where an SR misses his turn to generate a block, the responsibility is passed on to the next SR and the normal chain continues.
For Every block generated an SR is rewarded 16 Tron which is sent to their sub-account and these rewards are usually withdrawable once every 24hours. Every 24hours all 27 SRs have rewarded an accumulation of
3 seconds = 16
A minutes = 60 seconds : 60/3 = 20
This implies that within a minute all the SRs are rewarded 16*20 = 320 Tron
60 seconds = 1 minute
60 minutes = 1 hour
24 hours = 1 day

32060(mins)24(hours) = 460,800
This implies that a total of 460,800 Tron is divided among the SRs depending on the number of blocks the SR generates

During Tron voting hundreds of candidates apply and the top 27 are selected by the platform as the Super representative and their activities are kept in check by other SRs, SR Partners, and their voters in case of malicious or fraudulent transactions the blockchain will reverse such transactions and freeze the individual Super representative’s staked Tron as every Super representative is required to have a specific amount of Tron frozen as a requirement.
A list of trons latest Super representatives can be seen in trons official page here


The Super representative partners are candidates who applied for the Super representative position but didn’t make it among the top 27 candidates but fall within the top 28th to 127th candidates they are automatically made SR partners by the platform.
The SR Partners do not perform functions of generating new blocks as the SRs do but they partake in receiving rewards for every block generated, vote rewards, and also have the right to submit a proposal if a change is to be implemented which can either be approved or disapproved depending on the SR's majority vote.

The daily vote reward of the blockchain is 160 Tron per day and this reward is split among SR, SR partners, Candidates and Voters daily
The daily percentage of the reward for an SR partner is
4,608,000 Tron (daily rewards) X ( Individual vote / total votes ) X 20%

An SR partner can also overview SRs action and flag for attention or review by other SRs if he notices misconduct or fraud


A super representative candidate can be anyone with staked Tron on the platform and interest to become an SR. Among the applicants of the SR those who don’t make it to the top 127 are regarded to as SR candidates, PS every applicant for the SR position is expected to have at least 9999 trx which is burnt by the blockchain


2 What’s the difference between DPOS and POS consensus mechanisms?

The PROOF OF STAKE is a type of consensus mechanism which uses an election process to randomly a node that will be responsible for validating the next block, validators aren’t chosen just randomly for a node to become a validator he has to have some amount of coins staked away on the blockchain.

The larger the amount of coins he has staked the higher his chances of the node becoming a validator is in the Proof of Stake consensus mechanism but the number of tokens isn’t the only factor else only wealthy people would be validators factors like stake age and low hash rates
In the Proof of stake consensus mechanism, blocks are forged and are verified by validators who are rewarded with the transaction fees attached to the transaction on the block he has forged, verified, and added to the blockchain. The Consensus mechanism keeps its validators in check by seizing their staked assets away if a fraudulent transaction is found in the block since the number of asset validators often have is usually more than what they will make from validating a block. A typical example of a blockchain that uses POS is the Cardano (ADA) blockchain


DELEGATED PROOF OF STAKE is a consensus mechanism that requires coin holders in the blockchain to vote for delegators, the delegates are responsible for forging new blocks and validating transactions in blocks. The DPos practices a democratic system of selecting validators where the higher the number of votes a node has the more his chances of becoming a delegate and the more asset one has staked the more his voting power is and a typical example of a blockchain that uses DPoS consensus mechanism is the Tron Blockchain

Tabulated Difference between PoS and DPoS

The more you stake you have the more your chances of becoming a validatorThe more vote you have the more your chances of becoming a validator
Was developed in 2011Was developed in 2014
Validators are choosing at random with some factors put in placeThe choosing system is entirely democratic
Has slower scalability when compared to DPoSFaster scalability when compared to PoS
Every node with staked asset is a potential validatorOnly nodes who apply can be potential validator


Write a Step by Step tutorial showcasing how to stake/freeze TRX and vote for SRs

I will be using the TronLink app for this assignment.

To freeze/stake your Tron on the TronLink app after complete set up of the wallet,
simply click on the freeze button and select the number of tron you desire to stake
select confirm and input your wallet password to confirm its you performing the action





To Vote for a Super representative one can use the Voting power gotten from staing Tron.
Select the vote button in the homepage
Select the Super Representative you would like to vote for
Select the number of Votes you want to cast for the SR







The PoS and DPoS revolutionized the consensus mechanism and Cryptocurrency world by introducing concepts that can be used alternatively to the power-consuming PoW consensus mechanism which was the only mechanism available at the time. Today we have lots of other Consensus mechanisms with greater scalability and lower transaction fee and with time we will have mechanisms that transfers instantly and feeless in the near future.
cc: @yohan2on


Hi @churchangel

Thanks for participating in the Steemit Crypto Academy

Rating criteriaScores
Quality of presentation1/1.5
Compliance with topic1/1.5
Clarity of language1/2
Quality of analysis1/2
Grand total6

Total| 6/10

Fairly done. Always attach a reference to statistical information used in your article otherwise it might be considered plagiarism. Secondly, your article lacked an in-depth analysis of information regarding the governance of the Tron Ecosystem.

Why have you included the #club5050 tag when you have not made a power-up?

 3 years ago (edited)

the tag has been removed
cc: @steemcurator01

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