Crypto Academy Season 3 Beginners course : Task 6 by @chiabertrand :Blockchain Wallet types and uses

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)


Steem greetings to you all. Trust you all are doing great. This is @chiabertrand from Cameroon who is very happy to be submitting his final home work task for the begginners course on the types of Blockchain wallet and it's uses.


(1) How do you store/secure your keys? What are the different forms of Private Key(Examples/Screenshot)? Download & Install TronLink Wallet(Android/iOS/Extension)? How do you store the key(Hint- write it down on a notepad, demonstrate it with examples)? Which form of the key are you comfortable with to handle your TronLink Wallet? Include Screenshots & hide/blur the sensitive information.

A) How do you store/secure your keys?

I remembered storing and securing my keys was the very first thing my steemit buddy taught me when I joined steemit. At first I knew that storing my passwords like that of my Facebook, Instagram and many others online was the best way to ever keep your passwords safed and secured.

Upon dealing with a Decentralized Blockchain system, I came to realize one has to be cautious when securing his keys because there are lots of hackers and scammers out there. As my steemit buddy had told, I had to secretly copy all my keys in a book and keep it extremely safe. I copied it in three different papers and hide them on separate places so that if I can't fine one then definitely I will be able to see another one should Incase my account have a problem and my keys are needed.

I have also encrypted all my keys then upload them to my Google account because I know with encryption, it is hack proof and secured.

I have a spare Simcard of which I'm not using it. I always insert the Simcard in my phone only to store my important phone numbers and passwords. So I have Also stored all my keys there and preserved it in my secret place where even my mom can't see.

Inside all, the best way of securing your password is by memorization especially the recovery key Because I think no body can read your mind.

The different forms of Private Key

We have basically three main types of Private keys which are namely Mnemonic, Private and Store file keys. I will give a little understanding of the forms of keys below

Private key

These are combination of both upper and lower case letters mixed with digits randomly. This key is use to access your wallet with and your account has a QR code system which provides you with this key. Below is an example of how the key looks like


Mnemonic key

They consist of only letters which are mixed randomly and are readable and understood by humans. It is the first key your account always provides emmidiatly after registration. By having these keys means also owning and having full control over your wallet so it's always good to make sure you should store these keys extremely safe for security purposes because once it is hacked, your account is at extremely high risk. Another important Note is that you should never by any means take a screenshot of your Mnemonic keys for safety precautions or if you take a screenshot of it, make sure you safe it very secured out of your phone then delete it to avoid people that may use your phone should have access to it. Below is an example of how this key look like.


Store key file

This is the most un-popular form of Private key found in one's account because of its nature as it consist of mixed letters and digits with uncountable punctuation marks like brackets, comma, semicolon, colon, question mark, hyphen and so many others. So it's extremely hard to ever memorise this key unlike that of Mnemonic keys. But it is advisable to always encrypt before storing this keys online so that it should be hack proof or better still take a screenshot of it then store it in a safe place like your USB flash then delete it back from your phone because a lot of people may have access to your phone. Below is how this key look like


Download & Install TronLink Wallet(Android/iOS/Extension)?

My first step was that I went into my wallet then scroll down and simply click on download tront link wallet


I then went further by clicking on download for android and selected players tore


By doing so, it now took me to play store


When I successfully installed it, I now open it and found out this 3main futures which are asking me to Create account[for new users], Import account [for already registered users with keys] then with Cold wallet[which is completely offline and very secure]


I then clicked on accept for users privacy agreement because

After accepting to the agreement privacy, I then set my username which is @chiabertrand

After I now proceed and create my password which consist of one uppercase, one lower case, one digit and at least eight charecters


I still repeat the password again to be sure that I know it well

After that I had two options, either to backup my Mnemonic Private key or to Skip

I successfully backup my Mnemonic and my account was successfully created

How do you store the key(Hint- write it down on a notepad, demonstrate it with examples)?

I have stored 9 out of the 12 Mnemonic key phrases offline on my secret Diary note book and have memorized the 3 remain phrases because with this method, if should incase one ever have access to my secret Diary, he/she will not still be able to steal all my assets. As you can see from the image below, I have written on 9 out of the 12 phrases in my diary and have memorized the remaining 3


Which form of the key are you comfortable with to handle your TronLink Wallet?

Of all the three forms of the private keys, I am most comfortable with the Mnemonic key why? Because they consist of only letters which I can memorized and even write them down without making any errors unlike the other keys most especially the Key store file which is extremely difficult to memorize and even when copying it inside a book, you may make several mistakes because it's too lengthy and mixed with both letters, digits and punctuation marks.


After going through the lessons taught by our able professor @sapwood, I can boost now that I have a Tron link account and it was extremely easy for me to create it after going through his lessons. It is also very important to always provide a backup for all your keys and I have been able to learn the mixed system of securing my keys because it is highly secured.

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