Crypto Academy Week 16 - Homework Post for [@pelon53] … by @benton3

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)


Hello my good friends. hope we are all having a lovely day. I am writing and doing a research on the homework task of professor @pelon53 with the topic Hashgraph Technology.


What is hashgraph Technology?

This technoogy is decentralized technology network technology which competes in so many mays with blockchain. We all known that blockchain was the first so known decentralized network, thus having so many cons of which recent recent network technologies having been working relentlessly to solve. One of these technologies is the Hashgraph technology.
Hashgraph technology is fast, safe, provides higher security and higher performance than bitcoin network technology.
One of the techniques used by hashgraph to ensure fast, fair and secure consensus is the Gossip protocol.

Explain in detail the Gossip protocol, used in Hashgraph.

The Gossip protocol is a process in computer that encourages p2p communication, this enables the fast dissemination of information within the nodes. Just like the name implies, gossips spreads fast and travels like the speed of light, in the same way, information performed via this protocol travels like speed of light.
It is a communication system in which digital systems are used to disseminate information via p2p network. This protocol is gotten from the way information is spread through social network

How does it work?

We can also look at the Gossip protocol just the the way a communicable disease spread within a population. Let us remember that there are nodes. Once a node is infected, it then spreads the disease it is carrying, in this case information, to other vulnerable nodes. thus getting them infected as well. these other nodes that are infected will then seek out other nodes not infected and transfer the disease to them. this process continues until all nodes are infected or in this case have that particular information.

Gossip protocol is based on the probabilistic distribution of the information selecting pair, to whom the nodes will distribute the information at random.

Each node has a pair it is going to share information with. This is done to ensure non-duplication of information already known by a node. it is also good to note that there is scalability within the gossip protocol as only fixed amount of information is distributed not minding whether the nodes are working or not.
As I have said before, the basic objective is to provide a fast and efficient exchange network such that information is dispersed as quickly as possible within the network.

Gossip Protocols

There are two types of protocols

  1. Broadcast protocol

This type of protocol works where there is group communication. In this type, the network nodes are always communicating with each other in a fast and reliable way. There is the possibility that while disseminating information, a bit has changed about it, sometimes becoming obsolete. however, this is a not cause for concern for the network.

  1. Aggregation protocol

In this type of protocol, the nodes gets the information, processes it and then send a summary to other nodes which is connected to the network. Thus, the system keeps a record of all the process date. This process is widely applied in DLT and is known Distributed data mining.

Advantages of the Gossip protocol

  1. Scalability- Gossip protocols are highly scalable. they very fast and distributes information with a high level of effienciency.

  2. Security- Information in this protocol is highly secured, it is hack proof and even when some nodes are intentionally damages, that would not disrupt the activities of other network nodes within the system.

  3. Decentralization -This protocol is highly decentralized and distribute information accordingly. it is not controlled by anybody.


If a node is tampered with and it becomes malicious, the information in it can be subtly modified. This false information is then distributed to other nodes, without interruption. This can cause a system failure within the entire network.

Examples of Gossip Protocol Applications

Presently, there are several networks that makes use of this protocol. One of them is Bitcoin. Bitcoin uses this protocol to send nonce values to each of its mining nodes. Apache is another software which makes use of this to lay down a communication base through which the nodes can receive information and communicate with each other within the network.
Ripples also uses this protocols to send information regarding the status and properties of its rings.
Hashgraph, which was mentioned at the outset is dependent on this protocol for communication within its network.
Dynamo applies this protocol in tracking membership, discovering new ones and detecting failures as well.
Apart from information dissemination. this protocol can also be used to replicate databases and solve difficult problems found in large networks.

Explain Tolerance to Byzantine Faults in Hashgraph.

Byzantine fault Tolerance provides the network with the ability to reach a consensus even where some of the nodes are faulty or responds with an incorrect information. This actually implies that the fault or failure of a single member will not stop the other network nodes from reaching an agreement neither can it be changed once reached.

Hashgraph makes use of the Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance(ABFT) consensus in securing and fortifying its system against malicious attacks. Even if some nodes are not trustworthy, the reliable ones work together reaching an honest agreement without paying heed to the actions of the maligned nodes that seeks to corrupt the system
So ABFT help Hashgraph to securely guard its network, while making it possible for the network nodes to reach their consensus needed to validate transactions within the system

Make a comparison between Hashgraph Vs Blockchain, for a voting process in your country. Which technology would you choose? Why?

The comparison between the two can be seen in the table below.

1. Scalabilitylowhigh
2. Energy consumptionhighlow
3. Securitylower securityhighly secure
4 .Efficiencylow efficiencyhigh Efficiency
5. speedlow speedhigh speed

Having seen the comparisons, it is not difficult to decide which one I would go for in a voting process in my country. I would choose the Hashgraph for the voting process in my country. This will ensure greater security than using blockchain. The use of the Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance will ensure that results are not manipulated, the results of the voting process will also be seen online real time because of its scalability, since delay gives room for manipulation.

4 Explore Hedera Hashgraph link show screenshots.

on the google search bar, type in

it the brings us to the homepage

home page

when you scroll down next you will see the network metrics, showing their activities for the day.

trx per day, latency
number of accounts on mainnet, API calls too
as you go down on the homepage, you will see other details like transactions per second, average fee charged, time taken for transaction confirmation, energy used per transaction.

10000 tps, $.0001,trx confirmed between 3-5 second, etc
then you will see an explanation of what Hadera is all about.

explanation of Hedeeras POS public network.

We will now go back to the first page of the homepage and click at the three lines at the top right. This drop down menu will appear


Each of the headings shown their, has activities you can use it to perform.

services found there
we view the explorer from here, mint tokens and configure accounts, etc

see transaction costs, make our own contribution towards improving Hedera, select the language we want to use, learn how Hashgraph works.

use cases
we can verify actions, pay at reduced cost, check to see how fraud is mitigated, manage and swap assets easily. etc

we can also choose Hedera for healthcare.

Here we learn about HBAR, which is the native crypto for Hedera, can create a Hedera mainnet account, find out wallets and exchanges supported by HBAR.

explains about the governing council

For other things you need to know about click on about.

We can also see other things like the mission, vision and the core values of the company.

Vision statement

mission statement

core values


Blockchain technology has proven that it can be a key element in changing the way things are done around the world. It can be used in all aspect of life. like health care, accounting. financial sectors, engineering, agriculture, etc. As the years go by, we will see improved developments in these technologies, just like the gossip protocol.
we will be expecting information to move at faster rates, transaction processing time reducing to the barest minimum. lower transaction fees and minimum human interference or manipulation.

Thank you all for going thru my homework task.



Gracias por participar en Steemit Crypto Academy:

Tienes imágenes que no son libre de autor, debes quitarlas.

Faltó mucha información de Tolerancias fallas Bizantinas. Como por ejemplo: menos de 1/3 de nodos maliciosos no impiden el consenso.

En las comparaciones de las dos tecnologías no fueron explicas, fue muy escueto la repuesta.

Espero seguir leyendo tus publicaciones.

Escala de Estimación.Puntaje.Observación
Protocolo Gossip.1.7Explicado.
Tolerancia a Fallas Bizantinas.0.8Faltaron muchos datos importantes.
Hashgraph Vs Blockchain (proceso de votación).0.7No explicó bien las comparaciones.
Explore Hedera Hashgraph.1.5Exploró la plataforma de Hedera.
Originalidad0.0No fue original, hay una imágenes que no son libre de autor.
Presentación/cumplimiento de reglas.0.0No cumple con las reglas.

Calificación: 4.7

Good day professor, I want to thank you for going thru my homework task. But please, the images was actually an error of commission on my part, which was not intended to. I did actually spend time in making sure that I participate in this homework task. I have removed those images, please, kindly re-assess my work as a man of goodwill that i know you are.
Thanks so much for your kindness.

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