Crypto Academy Season 3 Week 6 - Beginner's Course | Cryptocurrency Investment Tools from @reminiscence01 submitted by @beautybb

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago


Homework Task

1a) Explain CoinGecko and why it is a good cryptocurrency investment tool.

b) Explore CoinGecko and explain at least 5 unique features of the platform (Take a screenshot of the page).

2a) Give a brief explanation of Tradingview platform.

b) Explain the steps involved in adding indicators on Tradingview chart. You can add any indicator of your choice except moving average. (Screenshots required)

c) With relevant screenshots, illustrate how to modify the indicator you have added to your chart.

3a) In your own words, explain cryptocurrency Portfolio and Watchlist.

b) Explain the need for Portfolio management.

c) Select 5 cryptocurrency assets you wish to add to your Watchlist and explain your reason for selecting each of them. (Show screenshot of your Watchlist. It can be any platform).

Explain CoinGecko and why it is a good cryptocurrency investment tool.

CoinGecko is a Singapore based company that helps cryptocurrency investors to get the needed information as per cryptocurrency market price so that they can make wise decision before investing.

I would say CoinGecko platform is a good cryptocurrency investment tool because;

  • It gives reliable background and informations before hand.
  • It also shows the team behind a particular project.
  • It helps keep in track the Github of cryptocurrency project and also shows market statistics of a cryptocurrency project.

Explore CoinGecko and explain at least 5 unique features of the platform (Take a screenshot of the page).

Five unique features of CoinGecko

Coin prices;

This is the global volume-wieght average price of crypto-asset

Market cap;

This used to measure the relative size of crypto asset and the 24hrs trading volume.


This is the total trading volume of crypto asset across an active exchange tracked by CoinGecko


Trust score/Exchange;


This is used to measure liquidity on trading pair and to get scales of operation in crypto exchange and this enables users to make the right decision on their investments.

Coin Ranking;

This shows the users the categories of cryptocurrency in the market which includes newly added coin.

Give a brief explanation of Tradingview platform.

Trading view platform is a social platform where traders interact with each other and discuss market ideas.
More to that trading view platform also provides screeners and charting tools for traders,which will enable traders to customize their own chart,trading view has built in technical indicators and candle sticks patterns for trading.

Explain the steps involved in adding indicators on Tradingview chart. You can add any indicator of your choice except moving average. (Screenshots required)

Step 1

First open trading view on my browser or download trading view app from playstore

Then open and click the chart icon as stated it in the below screenshot
Then we have a chart that have different icons
Then click the indicator icon as we can see below

It will now bring out a search section,i decided to search for Hull moving average indicator.
And added it to my chart.

To configure this indicator to my chart i clicked on the indicator bar at the top left

Then i click the setting icon


Then change the parameter from 9 to 30,and i can change both the color and font size if i want

Finally this is my configured Hull moving average chart.

In your own words, explain cryptocurrency Portfolio and Watchlist.

Cryptocurrency portfolio is a total investment across all cryptocurrency types,which has a tracker that can help track investments to know how they are doing,mismanagement of cryptocurrency portfolio leads to loss of money.

Watchlist i a platform where an investor can add selected cryptocurrencies which he thinks has the potential of yielding profit,while in the wacthlist the investors will be monitoring the performance of all the cryptocurrencies to make a better decision on trading.

Explain the need for Portfolio management

An investor has a motive of making profit thats the main reason for investing,and mismanagement of portfolio will lead to loss,so to minimize the loss and maximize the profit,portfolio should be on check always.

More to the cryptocurrency is unpredictable it can rise and fall in just 10-20mins.

Select 5 cryptocurrency assets you wish to add to your Watchlist and explain your reason for selecting each of them. (Show screenshot of your Watchlist. It can be any platform).

I will wish to add the following cryptocurrencies to my wacthlist so as to monitor there performance and know if i can invest on them




Cryptocurrency investment is risky because the price are liable to change in a couple of minutes,for that reason it is vital to know how to manage our cryptocurrency portfolio and learn how to use our trading view chart.

Am grateful for today lesson because i have learned more on how to access my indicator on trade view chart and how to configure my indicator,i also learned the importance of tracking my cryptocurrency portfolio in other to minimize loss and maximize profit.

Thank you @reminiscence01 for this timely lesson


Hello @beautybb, I’m glad you participated in the 6th Week of the Beginner’s class at the Steemit Crypto Academy. Your grades in this task are as follows:

Presentation / Use of Markdowns1/2
Compliance with topic0.5/2
Spelling and Grammar0.5/2
Quality of Analysis0.5/2

Recommendation / Feedback:

  • I'm not impressed with your work. You are always in a hurry to perform this tasks without putting the amount of time needed to produce a quality content or understand the lesson.
  • In the second question, you were expected to explain the features of CoinGecko platform which i have some clues in the lesson.
  • In the last question, you were instructed to give reasons why you selected the cryptocurrencies and not to just list them.
  • The student have completed the assignment for this lesson.
  • The student also answered all the questions in his/her own words.
  • Your overall presentation is not good.You need to improve your writing skills by working on your markdown styles.
  • There were some grammatical errors that can be avoided using Grammarly. So I suggest you use it in your preceding tasks.

Please put in more time in doing this assignments and also pay attention to understand the questions better.
Thank you for completing this homework task.

 3 years ago (edited)

@reminiscence01 Is not fairoooo at all

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 63064.93
ETH 2468.39
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55