Crypto Academy Homework Task Season-2 Week-5 Post For @yousafharoonkhan by @azizulhassan

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone and welcome back to my post I hope that you will learn something from my post this is my homework post for Crypto Academy after attending the lecture I have learnt many things and I hope that you will learn something  from my homework


Write the definition of Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms in your own words.

Centralised social media  platform

 well centralised social media platforms are those website or platforms which are under control in one Central authority means there is a company running that platform for website and there is one owner who is giving all the order in our case I will give you an example of  CEO the whole website and platform is controlled by a central authority  aur a group of people in higher authority like the board members and there is a very little that the user can control you can not control the website or platform you can't control your data you can't control anything on that platform any changes that occurs on that platform will be from the the owners of that platform or  website

 for example

reddit  is a social media website which is owned by a company if they make any mistake there is no one to ask them if they want to make  any change in the platform they can do it they don't have to ask any of the user if they want to block   a person a profile they can do it easily and no one can ask them if they want they cancel your data Dekhen do anything with your data without anyone accountable because they are the owners of that platform they can do whatever they want and one more thing centralise social media platforms come under the government so government can also do things with that platform a government wants to ban that platform they can do it if government want to to gain some data from the platform they can also do that to that is centralised social media platform

 decentralized social media platform

Decentralized social media platforms are those platforms which can't be controlled by one Central authority it means there is no company which on the website or platform completely and there is no so there is no real time employees and most of the time these platforms are based on blockchain technology E and they are completely decentralized platforms  ll it means that the user can decide what he want to post and what he don't there is no limitation and there is no no fear of being blocked or suspended we see that most of the time in centralised social media platforms our profiles are suspended without any reason in decentralized social media platforms that will never happen your data will always remain in your control no one will control your data

for example

Steemit  it is a social media platform built on blockchain technology and its completely decentralize it means that there is no Central authority controlling this platform and every user has their own control on its own data  in this platform you are not forced to watch ads and there is no tampering with your data your data is always safe and this platform gives you the the opportunity to earn money as well from your content well on the other hand decentralized platforms never do that 

Explain in your own words the difference between decentralization and centralization Social Media Platforms

In centralised social media platforms you can recover your password in case if you forgot or use your account or in case your account has been hacked you can easily recover your password by contacting the the company which is running the platform and decentralized social media platforms you are not able to do that there are ways but once you lose your master password it's Impossible 2 to recover your account 


  e decentralized social media platforms your account can be suspended any moment without any reason or with a reason and you can't do anything about that because you don't have any control over that the company decides which user should stay and which user should be blocked or suspended from the platform and decentralized social media platforms you can never be blocked or suspended from the platform you can write whatever you want to write and you can do whatever you want to do


In decentralized social media platforms there is no value of your content if you produce original content you don't get anything for that only the company benefit from your content and decentralisation media platforms like steemit  you get paid for your content and there is a value of your content on decentralization media platforms


 there are no employees in the centralised social media platforms and there is no physical company registered with government in centralised social media platforms they will have to register a company with government and government can ask them about anything and they will have to provide

Which One is The Future of Social media ? Decentralized or centralized Social media.(answer must be written in own words)

According to my knowledge I think that decentralised social media platforms are the future of social media because there are many reasons for that the first reason is that in decentralised social media platforms you are sure that you will never be blocked or suspended from  the platform so you can build your account with time you can give it your time and energy and you are completely sure that you will never be blocked your account is always safe

 the second reason of I think the decentralised social media platforms are the future of social media is the money factor everyone wants something for their content and as much as we see with the decentralised social media platforms they are providing early good value to the content provided by the user and on the other hand in social media platforms which are centralised such as Facebook and Twitter there is no no value and there is no economic benefits to the user from the social media platform for their content so I think that's a big factor and I think that will be the factor which will bring the decentralized social media platforms on the top

Control of government on social media platforms which are centralised  if there is something happening in the world and if you put your opinion on that you can be censored and muted even suspended from the platform by the order of government and it can be Biased sometimes so so on decentralized social media platforms because there is no Central authority there is no one that can order for the suspension or or removal of your content from the platform I think that's a big factor  more more

How steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook.(answer must be written in own words)

 Steemit Is better than Facebook and Twitter the first thing that I feel is a really great thing and that is there is no duplication and no repetition of content the biggest problem with the Facebook and Twitter is that there is a lot of repetition of content which makes a user annoyed when they see the same thing again and again on steam at there is no less for Plagiarism and repetitive content which makes each and every post a unique post and that's a very good User experience

 on Twitter and Facebook there is a huge problem of account suspension without any reason they will suspend your account and the recovery process is very hard and in 80% cases that don't even recover your  account and on steam at that is not the case ON STEEMIT  your account will never be suspended or blocked you can always use your account even after years and that's really great thing about St Matt

STEEMIT Is better than Facebook and Twitter because those website can be e hack very easily and that we saw many times because the password when the ability is very easy and hackers can easily get into the account and hack it on the other hand if you are talking about steemit  it's impossible to hack this platform I mean the accounts if you have a account on this platform it's impossible to hack so which makes it better than those  platforms

What do you say? How do Steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users?(answer must be written in own words)

This platform is not less than magic if we are talking about the change it made in people's life we cannot right in two Worlds I know many people they had price list talent and skills but they had no place to showcase their skills and this platform give them a chance to show their skills to the world and then this platform supported them with the full heart they are doing great there is been a lot of change in their life 

People can write and earn money through their writings writing is a very hard thing to do and I used to do it on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter where they were only get I like aur Main Bhi Aahat and when you don't get the appreciation you deserve money is a very big factor in everyone's life people earn through this platform by showcasing and writing their talent to the world

 this platform has changed the lives of people with zero Talent by providing them an opportunity to learn a skill you want without a skill just tell your story to the world and you will be rewarded for that just by sharing your life with other people teammate has brought a huge change in millions of people

Steemit Has changed my life completely I had many skills but I had nowhere to go I tried many platforms and many websites before coming here when I got to know about this I started working over here and thanks to almighty Allah I am very happy with this platform this platform give me alot nothing that I can describe I can just say a lot and into meaning it changed my life I can write well because I write everyday I have good friends because of this platform I am living a good life because of this platform I can afford to help other people because of this platform it changed me it's changed my life in a positive way

How can we make money with Steemit's decentralized social media.(write your own experience)

We can make money with this platform is very easy it's the most easiest thing that you will ever do you just have to create a post and it can be anything you can show the world your skills if you are good at cooking you can make a post about a recipe if you are good at painting you can teach other people how to paint you and you can show them your work just your painting and tell them how you made it if you are a teacher you can teach them online by creating a lecture post and at the end if you don't have any skills you are just a new user to all these things you have got a new mobile phone and you want to do something with your life you can start posting here just your regular days write your day and your post and post it and you will be rewarded on that as well

 you can make money through a  upvotes  by creating post in different communities the second way is you can invest in the  steem  and then you can power up you can give up votes to other people and is a reward you will get the curation reward and that is is really good way of earning money on this platform

How to create communities on Steemit social media ( practicle step by step ) & Promote your homework post on two social media ,twitter and facebook (just share link in comments area)

step 1

 first go to the main page and then click on Explorer communities and there on the top of the communities you will be able to see where it says create a community Just click on that


step 2

After that you will be redirected  to your wallet then there will be two options the first it was a title and the second option will say description of your community you will have to fill both of them in first option you will have to give the name of your community which one you want will have to select a unique name and then in the description you can tell a little bit about your community


step 3

After filling both of the boxes you can click on next


step 4

After clicking on next you will be able to see e a new window where there will be to thing on the name and owner password you will have to secure both of them in somewhere secure where you usually keep your ki because this is really important you can to changes in your community with this and this is very important to keep it somewhere safe and then  click on Create community


step 5

 then there will be a new POP of which cells confirm Account create You must have 3 steem in your wallet to create community if you  have 3 steam then click OK


step 6

Then you will get a message like this that your community is created and you should click on get started


step 7

Education after clicking on that my community is successfully created you can now use it you can post on it you can share it with your friends and tell them to post any and as you can see my community is completely successfully created that is how you create a new community


you are done

my twitter share



my Facebook share




 we all know that decentralized social media platforms is the features and for that we should promote this platform in our circle like friends and family so they can take benefit from this platform and they can make their life better and valuable

 if there is an unique idea that you think you can make a community on I think it's really good that this platform provides the option of creating community to everyone and anyone which is a true decentralization everyone can create a community and they have potential theywill grow 

thank you to the professor for class



Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • you tried explained every question well
  • look fine homework

thank you very much for taking interest in this class

Grade : 8


Well explained assignment
Each and every point is explained very clearly.
before reading this, i thought that centralized is best as compare to decentralized as the most apps, we used are based on the centralized platform.
But after reading this post, i come to know many more things Which i didn't before
But my question is, if the decentralized is offering this much facilities, then why they are less popular till now as compare to centralized. No doubt that they are more beneficial for people as we can earn so much on these platforms. But why they still are not in use of a layman

many people dont know about them and becouse they are little hard to use

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