Steemit Crypto Academy | Season 4 - Week 1 || NFT Games for Professor @imagen|| @azamrai

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)


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This is great lecture about Non-Fungible Tokens and NFT games. Information about Non fungible tokens and games are very helpful for me, I can earn buy playing games. In this lecture we learned how NFT works and what the benefits of NFT. Professor gives few questions as an exercise for more learning. I try to answer all the questions. Let’s start.

Question 1

Describe in your own words the main Advantages and Disadvantages (Pros and Cons) of NFT Games in relation to other types of games.

Before we are going to dive in NFT advantages and disadvantages, we will discuss a little about NFT. NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. It is a type of token or asset that cannot exchange with other tokens. It means that Non-Fungible Tokens are not replaceable. NFT is unique token that represent a unique asset.
Here we talk about NFT games. NFT games are developed and created on blockchain technology. We can earn NFTs buy playing games. These NFTs that are acquired by the player are tradable. We can exchange NFTs in to our fiat money.
NFT games are only rewarded when we meet the all the expectation of games. When we meet the games rules then smart contractors automatically transfer NFTs to corresponding player who meet the game requirements. Next, we discuss advantages and disadvantages of NFTs.


  • Security of NFT game is very high because NFT games are built on Blockchain technology so, this is because our assets are safe on NFT games.
  • It is good opportunity of earn money for those people who are interested in playing games.
  • If we meet the game requirements and objectives, then we will able to get reward in the form of money.
  • We can enhance our game element like weapons, players through exchange with other players on NFT games.
  • NFT token is just get from games, we can buy NFT token by other cryptocurrencies.
  • In present days it is not difficult to avail this opportunity, if you only have computer then you are in.



  • Technical knowledge about blockchain and game is required for participation in game.
  • If we want to participate in game, we need money. If won’t then we cannot participate in it.
  • Blockchain wallet is all about private and public keys, if loss these keys, then we lost our asset in game.
  • Due to reward attraction, NFT games are more addicting than other games.
  • Success is not based on your expectations. It is depended on your technical knowledge and intelligence.
  • There is a chance of losing the values of your asset when market crashes.


Question 2

Name five (5) recognized characters: writers, artists, athletes or others, who have digitized their works to produce NFT. Please indicate the value of the NFT or the collection, show photos or images and cite sources.

There are many artists, writers and athletes who digitalized their work to produce NFT. We will discuss only five as requirement.



1. Trevor Jones and Jose Delbo

Trevor and Delbo are first artists in our list. Work of these artist are making drawing and sketches on the canvas. They use Led pencil for black and white drawing. And oil is use for oil painting. They use the techniques in which one character is draw in two differing ways. In the figure you can see that one character is drawn in both black and white and oil paint. This is the most expensive NFT drawing at that time is sold on NFT. In 2020 It is sold in NFT market by $111,377.

2. Mike Winkelmann

He is an artist who design an artwork that is comprised of 5000 pictures. He belongs to United State of America. He packed his 5000 pictures in to one college frame. He named this artwork is “Everyday: The First 5000 days”. This artwork is sold to person who placed highest bid. He sold this art in NFT by $69,346,250.

3. Edward Snowden

This artwork is created by Edward Snowden. He uses to sell this art in NFT Market. He sold his artwork about 2,224 Ethereum. This artwork is bought by the PlasrDao. This Artwork is sold on Apr 16, 2021 at 4:27pm. The worth of 2,224 Ethereum is about 8 million dollars.

4. Elon Musk

He is very famous personality in today’s modern world. He is CEO of Tesla car company. He released a video in which he sings a song. The world of song is like “Vanity Trophy Computer Never Sleep”. He tweets in which he says that I am selling this song about NFT as an NFT. After this tweet he receives the offer of 1.1 million dollars for this song video. But latter on he decided to not sell the video.

Image Credit

5. Jack Dorsey

He is an inventor of Twitter social media platform. He sold his first tweet that is "just setting up twttr" March 22, 2021. He posted this first tweet at march 21, 2006. He sold this first tweet in NFT market. This Tweet is bought by the Sina Esavi. The worth of this tweet is about 2.9 million dollars. Jack Dorsey uses these funds for charity purpose in Africa. Sina Estavi is found of collecting the precious social media assets. This is why he bought this tweet by 2.9 million dollars.

Question 3

Describe in depth the selected game: founders or developers, launch date, objective of the game, operation, native token (price, market capitalization, position), availability in the various operating systems and any other relevant information. Show Screenshots.

I select CryptoBlades game. It is very popular NFT game among others. As the question requirements we will discuss and explore the different function and fundamental information about this game.

Founders or Developers

CryptoBlades is developed under Riveted Games organization. It is an American based company who has seven years of experience in games development. There are number of games in different platforms are developed by this company.

They develop different games that are run on Blockchain network, Desktop Computers, Mobile phone and Online games that are run on web. Basically, CryptoBlade is developed by a team that is comprised of four develpers including the real owner of the game.

No. Name Specification
2 Daniel KARSAI Blockchain Developer
3 Kyle Frontend Designer
4 Raymond Backend Developer

Games is Launched on May 31, 2021

Objective of Game

Objective of game is to acquire the people attention toward blockchain based games where we not only play game also earn money from them. The objective of this game is to make more addicted than normal games because this blockchain based game make you able to earn.

Operations of Game

In this game there are various functions. The main things use in this game is a Hero and Weapons that Hero use for fighting purpose. There are four players available at start. Each player has unique specifications. We can increase the strength of player by playing game with good score and also enhance the player functionalities and values by paying.

Image Credit
The more player means more reward and low power earn low reward. Four players, each have different weapons we can select one of the according our taste. If we select Fire then beat the Earth. If Lightening is selected then it is for beating the water. As the these two Water is selected for beating fire and earth is selected for the beating the Rayo.


Image Credit
Weapon are is comprised of five stages. These stages are acquired by two ways. One is manual way in which we continually play game and gradually our reputation is increase and weapon quality is also increased. On the other hand, we can buy high level of weapons in game. More high-level weapon you have mean more attack power that influence you earn ratio.

Native Token

SKILL is a native token of CryptoBlades Game. We will explore more information about this token from coinmarketcap website.
In the figure you see the following information about this token.


Price $19.83
Rank 800
Marketcap $17,443,263
Circulation Supply 879,524.81 SKILL
Volume $4,578,637

How to Acquire SKILL Token in Metamask?

  • Now we need to add funds in Metamask. For this purpose, we first need to add SKILL token to Metamask Wallet.
    Click on the Add Token Button.


  • Next form is appeared. In this form we need to enter the contract of SKILL. We can get contract of SKILL from the coinmarketcap.


  • Search for SKILL Token and copy the contract string from coinmarketcap page. And paste on the form. Next Click on the Next Button. In this way we add the SKILL token to our Metamask wallet.




Question 4

Show the complete process to acquire the tokens (it does not necessarily have to be the game selected in the previous question, as long as it is within the list provided). Indicate the platforms (wallets or exchanges) where it is available; the process for downloading, installing and configuring wallets or networks. Show Screenshots.

I choose SKILL token to acquire. I will explain the full procedure that how to acquire the token. I will do the acquiring process in steps.

Step 1:

  • First, we need to install the Metamask wallet on our chrome browser. For installation purpose we need to download the Metamask wallet. Search for Metamask wallet on search tap then we need to click on the download button as you see in the figure.


  • After downloading, click on the Install Metamask for Chrome button. Follow all the steps for wallet creation and save the private keys. I already have Metamask account so, just import my metamask account by enter the Knemonic private keys.


  • Next we add the extension to our browser.


In the following figure you see the our metamask wallet is ready.


Step 2:

  • Next step is to change the network. For this purpose, you need to click on the button at the top Ethereum chain.
  • Dropdown appears. you need to click on the Custom RPC. After clicking a form is appeared.

Step 3:

We need to fill the form requirements. In this form we fill the information about Network name, RPC URL, Chain ID, Symbols and Block Explorer URL. All these information is got from Binance Smart chain.

In the following figure we change the network Ethereum to BNB.


Next for the acquiring purpose we need to send the amount BNB that is exactly equal to SKILL token. At the current time the value of SKILL token is $19.83.

Step 4:

Next step is to open PankesSwap. And Click on the Connect Wallet Button.


  • Next select the Metamask Wallet type. After selecting the wallet type Metamask send the Network change request. We need to confirm this request. After the confirmation our wallet is successfully linked to pankesSwap.



Step 5:

The fifth step is to add the token in Metamask wallet. For this purpose we need to repeat the same step as we done in the previous qestion. I do not put those steps again.

Step 6:

  • Next step to swap the BNB Token to SKILL Token on PankesSwap. For this purpose we need to import the BNB token from Metamask wallet. PankesSwap is linked with our Metamask wallet. This is why BNB Token is automatically shown on PankesSwap.


  • Next we search the token name as SKILL and click on the Next. Again check the terms and conditions and Click on the Import button. In this way we can swap our BNB or other Token to SKILL Token.






Blockchain games are good opportunity for those who loves to play games. They play games as well as earn money from blockchain based games. If we want to play games then we should have a technical knowledge about blockchain and functions of games. Today’s world becomes digitalize everything moving toward this digital world.

In this scenario NFT token are made that are not exchangeable and having the uniqueness. We can sell our artwork and get NFT tokens on the behalf of artwork. In the same way we can buy any type of artwork by using NFTs.
This assignment helps me the most to understand more concepts about NFTs and Blockchain games. Playing blockchain games provides us unique opportunity of unique opportunity of earning with respect to other conventional ways of earning.

Playing blockchain games are not so much easy if we have complete understanding of how play and also have few amount funds to invest in it then we will able to play these games.



Written by:


 3 years ago 

hi, the correct tag is #imagen-s4week1

Oh, sorry missing, now tag is corrected,
Thank you @kwadjobonsu

 3 years ago (edited)

Gracias por participar en la Cuarta Temporada de la Steemit Crypto Academy.

Escala de ValoraciónNotaObservaciones
Pregunta 11.5/1.5
Pregunta 21.3/1.5
Pregunta 32.6/3.0
Pregunta 42.8/3.0
Pregunta 50.8/1.0

Felicitaciones, realizastes un buen trabajo.

Espero seguir corrigiendo tus asignaciones.

Thank you professor @imagen
I will do best in future.

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BTC 63101.67
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74