[Blockchain, Decentralisation, Block explorer] - Steemit Crypto Academy Season 4 - Homework Post for Task 4

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

Define decentralization. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a decentralized system.

The top management can thus concentrated on making major decisions with greater time abundance in that Decentralization refers to an specific form of organizational structure where the top management's delegates decision-making responsibilities and daily operations to middle and lowering subordinates. In which Businesses house's often feeling there requirements of there is decentralization to there's continued efficiency their operations.

It describes the way in which power to take decisions is allocated among various levels in the organisational hierarchy that's are It describes the way in which power to take decisions is allocated among variously levels is there organisational hierarchy.
And other words, it refers to the dissemination of power's, functions and responsibility, way from there Central locations.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a decentralized system :-

Advantages of Decentralisation:

1. Reduces the burden on top executives:

There is reduced the time at the disposal of the top executives who is should concentrate in other important managerial functions that's is Decentralisation relieved the top executives of there's burdens of performing of various functions. Centralisation of
the authority'ss puts there whole responsibility in there shoulders of an executive's and this immediately group's and So, there's only the ways to lessened their burdens us to decentralised their decision-making Powered to the subordinated.

2. Facilitates diversification:

A centralized in enterprise with the concentration of thiss authority at this top will find it's difficulty and very complex to make it diversify to its activities and will start the additionally lines of manufacturers and distributions in that Under decentralization system, the diversifications of products, activites and market's etc., is facilitated.

3. To provide product and market emphasis:

In the such cases authority's is decentralised to the regional units to render instant service taking into accounts there price, quality, delivery, Novelty, etc. And are A products loses its Market when new product's appears in the market on accounts of innovations or changed into the customer's demand.

4. Executive Development:

the organisation will get the opportunity to develop their talents by taking initiatives which will also makes then ready for managerial positions and When the authority's is decentralised, executive's .

That The growths of the company greatly depends on there talented executives.

5. It promotes motivation:

Since local manager's are given a larger degree of there authority's and locals autonomy, they're tend to welding their people's into closely knitting integrates groups.

6. Better control and supervision:

As a result they have thoroughly knowledgeable of every assignments under their controller and are in a position to make amendments and take corrective actions in that's is Decentralisation ensured better' control and supervision as the subordinates at the lowest levels will be have the authority's to makes independent decisions.

7. Quick Decision-Making:

It helps in taking all the decisions-making very quickly and It lower level since these decisions do not have referred up to their hierarchy is that Decentralisation helps in decisions making processing.

Disadvantages of Decentralisation:

1. Uniform policies not Followed:

Each managerial will work and frames policies accordingly to his talents in standardised procedures and Under decentralisation, it is not possible'* to follow uniforms policies.

2. Problem of Co-Ordination:

authority's lies dispersed widely throughout their organisational even as Decentralisation of the authority creates a problems of co-ordination .

3. More Financial Burden:

it involves more financially burden and a small enterprise cannot afford to appoint experts in various fields and they're Decentralisation requires the employments of trained personnel to accepted authority's.

4. Require Qualified Personnel:

when there are no qualified and competently personnel's that's Decentralisation becomes uselessness.

5. Conflict:

Often in meeting their New profits plans, bring conflicts among manager's that are Decentralisation puts more pressures on divisional heads to realize profits at any costs.

In what areas of life can a decentralized blockchain be helpful?

Health Sector

Bringing the health sector to a Decentralized system will bring about massively improvements in the life of people in which The health sector is importantly sector in developments and improvements of it will help save lots of lives.

Decentralized system created a platforms where information can be accessed from wherever we are in their World and But the big question is How are is it going to improved the health sectors?

when the patient is being transferred to a different hospital, the patient will have to undergo another diagnosis which intends delay time for which the patient can be treated hence low chance of Survival and then Looking at the traditionally way in which patient's are treated, the informational about the patient is only available to one hospital the patients visit .

And When the health records of patient's are stored on a decentralized system it will be made available to all hospital's on the system which will makes diagnosis quickly and improvement treatment.

when the data collected are being stored on a decentralized system it will makes the data available to all hospital's and henceforth giving a higher rate of Survival and reducing time spent on diagnosis .

Land Revenue

this to end there’s the need to change are system to decentralized system where information is transparent and and can not be altered to This happens when the data for the land is being altered and sold to another person.

That are In recently times land acquisitions has been one of the caused of conflicts in the World.

when it’s available the lands can be purchased without any conflicts and it's In the decentralized systems the person will just have to check the information of the lands in the decentralized systems.

The decentralized systems will help Stop land conflict associates when buying lands and Land is a very importantly natural resource and should be kept safe.

Elections and Politics

The decentralized system operates on the blockchain network which cannot be altered by intruders and fraudsters are they There’s no doubt that election has brought about war in many countries due to unfair and bias way the elections are conducted.

This is going to promote peace in the world. And.The government can have a correct view on what the country is lacking and where most part of the country’s money is going this will help stop corruption in the country In politics, the government can use the decentralized system to help them plan the economy since the money spent in various sector can be monitored.

Financial Sector

In decentralized system transactions can be performed anytime and at everywhere unlike the centralized system will does not limit the individual as centralized system does and Cryptocurrency is growing at a faster rate due to the numerous advantages it has over the centralized system. Identify of the individual is not required to perform transactions. And The financial sector consist of are banks which are solely based on centralized system.

The centralized banks who interfere in daily transaction activities and delaying transactions can be minimized.

required more to keep with the pace of development in the world indecision
Looking at the rate the world is developing, decentralized system .


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