Steemit Crypto Academy | Summary for Season 4 Week 5 | Stability in Digital Currencies

Season 4 Week 1 Homework Summary.png

It is always a relief when a week in the season comes to an end with such level of success. From the 4th to the 9th of October, we looked into how the stability attribute exists digital currencies. The topic covered the following:

  • Volatility and Control in the Crypto Market.
  • Sablecoins.
  • Central Bank Digital Currencies.
  • Rebase Tokens.
  • Importance of Stability in our crypto portfolio.




There were a total of 96 entries under the tag #awesononso-s4week5. The distribution for the week is given below;


  • Plagiarized is for posts with spun content.
  • Below average is for scores below 5.
  • Average is for scores within 5 and 5.9.
  • Good is for scores within 6 and 8.9.
  • Excellent is for scores within 9 and 10.
  • Invalid is for posts from users who do not qualify to perform the tasks.
RatingExcellentGoodAverageBelow AverageInvalid EntriesPlagiarised contents

Mean - 5.91

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On the question of CBDCs, the students were asked to weight the pros and cons of the concept and state their opinion on its future. The question was meant to be a form of analysis but some students did not properly comply because they simply stated their opinions and wrote out the pros and cons.

Rebase Tokens:
There was a bit of confusion on the functioning of rebase tokens. The issue arose from how the supply of these type of tokens is adjusted. Some students stated that when the price of a token rises, that the supply would fall but that is not the case.

To understand this better, the students need to understand the law of supply; The more the supply, the less the value and vice versa. Scarcity is the key ingredient here people. What happens is that if the demand of a rebase token rises, the price is normally supposed to rise but instead more tokens are created to make the coin more available and push the price down.

In a case where the demand reduces, it means the interest is low and so the coin would lose value. To combat this, the supply is reduced to create scarcity. Something that is scarce is always worth more. Like I've said before, water is worth a lot more in the desert.

For example, if Nonso owns 1 unit of X, a rebase token, and the price increases, Nonso would own more tokens because the supply has increased. If the price reduces, Nonso would own less tokens.


Observations and Suggestions

Image presentation:
It is really discouraging when students do not put effort in editing their images. Some students just sketch on their images to indicate important parts. Some students do not even indicate anything. Presenting clear images with clear indications add to the beauty of the work and encourages the professor to read on.

In this part I am not addressing the issue of bad grammar rather I am addressing the issue of too much of it. I really have to point out that English, or any other language, is not a measure of intelligence. There are a number of students that try to use big words to probably impress the professor. Well, I just have to say that it does not work. In fact, it does the exact opposite. Too much grammar makes your work tedious to go through and that can be very discouraging. I would always advise students to stick to simple grammar and divert that extra energy to research and understanding the lesson instead.

Lack of improvement:
I have to say that it has been tough to see that a number of students do not improve in the tasks. Every week, the students are advised on the aspects that need improvement but some do not take heed. It would be great if the students took our comments and reviews more seriously otherwise it feels like a waste of time and effort.


Top 3 Students

As is the tradition, I will now announce the best tasks for the week. Out of 96 entries, there were a few good entries. Taking all the factors into consideration, I have been able to select the best posts for the week. A round of applause as I announce them...

The top 3 for the first week are;

UserTask Link

Let's all keep up the good work with the tasks and learn from one another.

Thank you.

 3 years ago 

Gracias profesor! No me lo esperaba

 3 years ago (edited)

I'm glad I participated in your class Professor @awesononso. I look forward to seeing your next lecture. Congratulations to all the winners

 3 years ago 

Congratulations TK

 3 years ago 

Thank you @cinnymartins

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much Prof. @awesononso, I'm entirely grateful to have learnt under you

 3 years ago 

Hello professor @awesononso, please here is my entry to the homework post for week 6.

I mistakenly made a mistake by leaving a space in front of my hash tag, that was the reason i edited the post to correct it. Please sir i need the work to be graded.

Please here is a proof, because i had made the post 3 days ago

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