Crypto Academy Week 4 Season 2 Homework Post for @pelon53 Submitted by @awakpasnas

This time, I want to make a homework post that will answer professor @pelon53 from Steemit Crypto Academy, as the homework is to answer some questions given by our professor.

[A] Describe the ERC-1155 Token in detail



ERC-1155 is a token that is created for the purpose of being a token that runs on the Ethereum blockchain system. This token was created by a team consisting of Eric Binet, Ronan Sandford, Philippe Castonguay, James Therien, Andrew Cooke, and Witek Radomski.

The ERC-1155 token was created as an improvement from the previous tokens that were made, namely ERC-20 and ERC-721. Both of these tokens have shortcomings in serving transfer transactions made by their users, such as if a user experiences a transfer error, the token will be lost and cannot be returned. For this reason, the ERC-721 was created which has a system for overcoming these transaction problems.

ERC-1155 has a very good feature which is that it can display various tokens on the ethereum blockchain network system simultaneously, this is because this token uses only one smart contract which includes all existing tokens.

With this feature, it will make transaction costs between tokens more economical, because users no longer need to make repeated transactions just because there are different smart contracts that each token has on the Ethereum blockchain.

[B] Describe how you verified the number of ERC-721 tokens present while doing your homework. Current screenshot (use etherscan)

The first step to verify the number of ERC-721 tokens using etherscan is to search for "etherscan" in the google search field. After that select the first option that appears.


After you are taken to the Etherscan start page, select the three-striped tool on the top right.


Then select the "Tokens" option, after that select the "ERC721 Top Tokens" sub-option.


The current number of ERC-721 tokens will be shown. When I made this article, the number of ERC-721 tokens was 11,137.


[C] Describe the TRC20 Tokens and check the number of TRC20 tokens you have while you do your homework. Show screenshot (use tronscan)

  • Describe the TRC20 Tokens

The TRC-20 token is a token that is created and runs on the Tron blockchain platform. This token is created to create a new platform and software that will run on the TRON blockchain. And the TRC-20 token is also almost similar to the token that was previously created on the Tron blockchain, namely TRC10. However there is a striking difference between these two stores, the TRC20 has more blocks in its work system than the TRC-10 does.

The TRC20 token provides a different experience in the trading process for traders and this token is also very friendly for investors because it has a good level of security quality so it is not prone to the risk of errors in the transaction process.

In addition, the TRC-20 token also has similarities with its counterpart, the token made from the Ethereum blockchain, namely ERC-20. TRC-20 has various similarities that are almost similar to the ERC-20 token, this makes the two tokens compatible and transactions on each token can be extended to both network addresses of each blockchain.

  • Checking the number of TRC20

To check the current number of TRC-20 tokens through Tronscan, the initial step is the same as the way to check the ERC-721 number, which is to first search for "tronscan" in the google search column. After clicking on the first option appears.


After entering the Tronscan start page, click on the 3-striped tool in the top right corner.


Select the "Token Tracker" option in the tool options earlier.


Then you will be taken to another page that shows the number of tokens on the Tron blockchain, select the "TRC20" option in the middle of the page.


After selecting this option, the current number of TRC-20 tokens will be shown, which is 16,059.


Thank you for reading my blog, hope it will be useful for readers.
I would also like to thanks professor @pelon53 for creating such an excellent study like this.
See you in the next post!!


Gracias por participar en Steemit Crypto Academy:

Tarea superficial, hay que investigar más. Faltaron datos importantes.

Escala de Estimación.Puntaje.Observación
Explicar ERC-1155.1.0Faltaron datos importantes.
Verificar Token ERC-721.0.8Verificado.
Explicar TRC20.1.2Faltaron datos importantes.
Originalidad1.3Su propio trabajo.
Presentación.0.9Puede mejorar, justificando el texto y conclusiones.

Calificación: 5.2

Thanks for the feedback prof

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