Crypto Academy Season 3 Beginners' course - Task 1: STEEM & TRON

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

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Greetings from me to all my brothers and sisters who are working on this platform. Guys, this is my first homework post on Crypto Academy. I had never attended Crypto Academy classes before. I wanted to do my homework after studying Steam and Tron for about a day and He has also continued to learn about crypto to broaden his horizons.
Task 1 posted by Professor Sapwood has three questions that we can answer, for which I chose Question No. 2, namely:

Explain the difference between [SP, STEEM, SBD] & [TRX, TRC10, TRC20 tokens](with examples)? Explore to indicate the rank, coinmarketcap, and circulating supply of STEEM and TRX? Which exchange are you familiar with where both STEEM and TRX are listed? Does it cost any fee for transacting STEEM and TRX? How important is the use of Memo while transferring STEEM from Steemitwallet to an Exchange wallet, do you essentially need a similar memo for transferring STEEM from Exchange wallet to your Steemit wallet?

For example the difference between STEEM, SP, SBD and TRX, TRC10, TRC20 tokens?


Steam is the most basic currency on the stock. For all the money we post on Steam, the Steam platform pays us what we call Steam Token. We can trade the statement because it is a liquid. We can put our steam power at stake by force. And later the steam will become frozen steam power.

Steem Dollar (SBD)

You should all know that SBD stands for Steam Dollar. There is an SBD for rewarding every user who writes a post. This means that it can be traded directly without any force. And SBD costs more than steam. The more SBD currency you have, the more steam you will have.

Steem power

Steam power is also basically a steam token. The more sp you have, the more power your account will have and the more power you have to post, comment and vote. Usually when we create a new account on STEMAT, STEMAT gives us 14 SP. Which you can increase. You can create it by posting or installing it in Steem Power. And we can power down to take back the steam power, which enters the steam year after a week in the process.


The TRX is also called the Tornx.
TRX is also called cracked
Is ,The calculation is that the more steam power you are given, the more TRX you will get. For example, if you get 100 steam power, you will get 100 TRX. TRX has its own price. Just like the price of Steam and SBD.


TRC10 is a technical token that anyone on the TRON network can pay 1000 TRX, this token is very similar to tokens created on other platforms, NXT and NEM.To send TRC-10, we need bandwidth that can be obtained every day for free.


TRC-20 is a technical standard. Tron is used with it to enforce tokens. Tron is also used for smart contracts on blockchain.

While TRC-20 and ERC-20 are equal and identical, no new script is required to create TRC-20 as this is sufficient for the existing script on ERC-20. Therefore, developers can transfer their coins from ERC-20 to TRC-20 without re-coding.

Explore to indicate the rank, and circulating supply of STEEM and TRX?


After checking with coinmaketcap, I have given a screenshot below. In which the rotation of Steam is 386,966,084.79 STEEM and the market is #179. You can see it in the screenshot.



As far as the TRX is concerned, it also has a better rating than the steam supply circulation, its price is cheaper than the steam, it currently has a circulation of 6,520,588,181 and a temperature of 25. I have taken this screenshot and explained it below. You can see below.


Which Exchange Are You Familiar with?

I am well aware that there are many exchange sites that we can all use to exchange Steem and TRX.

Does it cost any fee for transacting STEEM and TRX?

The Beatrix Exchange is a site fee that must be paid to withdraw and repel Steam and TRX, a very small amount. This will have no effect because the Steam return transaction fee is only 0.01 Stem and 1 TRX for the TRX return fee.


How important is the use of Memo while transferring STEEM from Steemitwallet to an Exchange wallet, do you essentially need a similar memo for transferring STEEM from Exchange wallet to your۔

When we send the steam to the exchange site from the statement vault. So it is also necessary to use a memo because the memo is a special address that is transferred to the steam exchange site. It's that simple. If we leave without knowing our destination. So we will be lost. It's not like we know. Where are we going So this conclusion has been drawn. That the memo must be used when transferring Steam from Stemate Vault to the Exchange.

As long as they are sent from Steam to Exchange. This is called a return to the exchange. There is no need for a memo here. Because there is already an address here. Which will be provided by Steam. This means that we do not need to use the account name memo again. This means that the memo is not important. And you don't have to spend a lot of time sending the steam from the exchange to the steamer vault.


SBD, Steam Power, and Steam are separate tokens. There are differences in all of them. We can convert them all into separate coins. While TRX, TRC-10, and TRC-20 are completely different tokens. And none of them is the same. Because they are all in the TRON network. This does not mean that they are the same token. It does mean that they are different.

Hope you all know who we are. Stem can be transferred to any token. There is no user tax. And when we move Steam from Steam Vault to another token, we need a memo.


آصف بھاٸی آپ نے کرپٹو کی بہت اچھی پوسٹ لکھی ہے

شکریہ بھاٸی

Hi @asif1234, Thank you for taking interest in the 1st Task of the Beginners Fixed Class. Your grades are as follows:

Assessment AspectsRating
Presentation/Use of Markdowns0.7 / 2
Follow Rules and Guideline1 / 2
Quality of Analysis1 / 2
Clarity of Language1 / 2
Originality1 / 2
Total4.7 / 10

My Review and Suggestions:

  • You have completed the task.

  • Your article writing structure is messy.

  • The information you put in is still lacking, please learn more.

  • Use numbered lists, bullet listed, etc. to highlight important points.

  • Many grammatical errors.

  • Get in the habit of putting a watermark on every screenshot you make.

Thank you!

 3 years ago 

Mashallah congratulations dear brother and very nice post with amazing points

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 61402.08
ETH 3386.94
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.49