Homework | Week 06 |The Security Benefits of Applying Blockchain Within any Industry, and the impact of cryptocurrency on the industry.

Hello steemians,

I hope you all are well. This is one of my homework recommended by professor @gbenga. Here I am going to talk about the security benefits of using blockchain for an industry and the impact of cryptocurrency on an industry.


The Security Benefits of Applying Blockchain Within any Industry, and the impact of cryptocurrency on the industry.

By professor @gbenga.

The Security Benefits of Applying Blockchain Within any Industry.


Today, many people in various fields are aware of the benefits of blockchain technology and are working to add blockchain technology to those areas. They are looking for ways to integrate blockchain into infrastructure in other fields, including medicine. Due to the reliability and decentralization of blockchain technology, various industries are tempted to integrate with blockchain.

As soon as we hear the word blockchain, we are immediately reminded of cryptocurrency exchange. But blockchain is not limited to such cryptocurrencies. Blockchain technology also provides solutions for businesses in various industries. Blockchain also brings many benefits to the industry.

In this homework we have to write about the security benefits of blockchain technology to the industry, so I will first mention its security benefits.

🔹Blockchain is made up of a complex set of mathematical numbers that cannot be changed once it is set up. This irreversible nature minimizes the damage caused by fake information. For this reason, customers can carry out their transactions with complete confidence.

🔹Also, blockchain technology is more secure than record keeping systems because every new transaction is encrypted and linked to previous transactions, as a block is created by a computer network that is integrated into one another.

🔹 Every time a blockchain goods exchange is recorded, there is a way to check where the goods came from, it is not only to verify the authenticity of the trading assets, but also to prevent fraud in exchange-related transactions.

The security benefits I mentioned above are common to any industry, but the impact of cryptocurrencies on each industry varies. To talk about that impact, I present, for example, the impact of cryptocurrencies on the music industry.

The impact of cryptocurrency on the music 🎶 industry.

The ontheaside.com website thus describes the impact of blockchain on the music industry.

The launch of cryptocurrency in the music industry is potentially one of the most hype collabs of 2018. Seriously. Hip-hop legend 50 Cent was the first musician to make a crypto fortune this year. Source

🔶 In the field of music, blockchain influences its artists, entrepreneurs and music lovers. Blockchain helps to avoid problems in the music industry.

🔶 Blockchain technology is very helpful for artists to enhance their work. They may need to work hard to prove the value of their services. This can reduce the employment of experienced report labels.

🔶 Purchasing cryptotokens can help fans invest directly in the success of the artist.

🔶 It also strengthens the bond between fan and artist by allowing fans to reap the benefits of their favorite endeavors and to promote their favorites.


The End.

Thanks for reading.

Cc :-

#steemitcryptoacademy #gbenga-week6 #steemexclusive #steemit #srilanka #blockchain #industry


Thanks for being a part of this week's class. It will be of great pleasure to see you in subsequent weeks.

Music and blockchain are going to two great industries that will work for hand in hand. Technology is fast improving in the entertainment industry and music is one very good place to start with the blockchain.

Rating 5

Thank you professor @gbenga for check my homework.

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