SteemitCryptoAcademy, Season Two, Episode One: Week 9: Discuss Two Crypto Platforms

Good day! Today we will be comparing and contrasting two different cryptocurrency platforms, Tron and Steem. Thank you in advance for your time and attention.

Tron is a blockchain-based defi currency that was created by a non-profit foundation headed by Justin Sun. The underlying purpose of the currency is to bring creators of the arts closer to the patrons of the arts. The end result is to promote the cutting out the middleman (typically the producer or managers, plus the record labels and other corporate types) and their profiting from the creativity and marketability of those they represent.

Tron is used as a way to exchange value for talent, but it doesn’t award the talent directly—it has been created to form a global entertainment storage array, a sort of digital jukebox, so that content is able to be enjoyed and shared without the high expenses generally associated with the conventional artistic industry.

Steem is a blockchain-based defi cryptocurrency that was created to foster social interaction and the exchange of original ideas. By rewarding those displaying creativity and originality in writing and other mediums of expression, it is unique in that it is awarded to the artists or creative types directly based on the popularity of the content they produce.

The content produced by the creative types is curated by the members of the Steemit Community, and for this, the curators are likewise rewarded with steem currency. The amount of the award is based upon how quickly the work is curated, i.e. the faster the person curating it finds it, the more reward they will get. This is to foster the popularizing of great content for the whole community to enjoy.

Both steem and Tron have a goal of taking the middleman out of the picture and rewarding the creativity of the artist directly, albeit in different ways.

Tron is a bit more overreaching in its ultimate goal though, which is to create a decentralized internet wherein the playing field is leveled for everyone. Its popularity amongst the cryptocurrency fans is assured based upon this goal as many of them are boisterous supporters of a free, unfettered internet experience, without a centralized governing body.

Steem seems to have a bit more of a modest raison d’etre: in combining the lessons gathered from social media and also from cryptocurrency, it exists to reward creators of content with its blockchain currency in proportion to their direct input—and the resulting output—of their creativity.

I hope you have enjoyed this primer on the commonalities and differences between Tron and steem. Thank you again for tuning in, and I look forward to next time we meet on another topic.

@alternatively @alphafx


I like that you compared the two platforms whose collaborated efforts give us this platform, that is unique. But, your presentation of the work was lacking and there were a lot more features to be compared


Structural Presentation0needs work
Adherence to instruction1.5all rules followed
Quality of content2Nice work, but needed more on the detailed comparisons
originality1.5Post is not plagiarized, nice job.
TOTAL5please endeavour to edit your work, use images and make it look professional next time

Thanks for participating

This is upvote for your achievement 4 tasks post that we have missed the curation window. You have been curated by cryptokannon with steemit community account.

Thank you for your upvote! Unfortunately since this one is so close to payout, it hasn't affected the payout appreciably but it was nice of you to get back to me. Is there something I ought to do next time a post is missed so I can get it curated in time to receive appropriate author rewards? I understand that it was my poor interpretation of the instructions that caused this mess. I do not wish to put you out any further. Thank you!

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