Summary On Homework Task Week5-Season 3. @allbert: Psychology and Market Cycle

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Hello again my Crypto Gears!!!

This fifth week has shown that anything is possible when you have the will to improve. I was pleasantly surprised to find some very good work that far surpasses last week's.

This time 80 students joined under the tag #allbert-s3week5; 17 more students if we compare it with last week. As I am in the habit... again, thank you very much for your trust.

Class 5, which I titled:
Psychology and Market Cycle
, aimed to talk a little bit about the cycles that occur in the market, especially the psychological and behavioral cycles of people with respect to the price variation of crypto assets...

With this topic what I was looking for was for each student to understand the correlation and symbiosis that exists between traders' decisions and market behavior. Naturally, every decision or position that a trader makes is based on a psychological state of mind that pushes him to act in a certain way. In other words, we do what we think.

For this class again I decided to have a purely practical approach. For me, it is more important that each student learn to read and interpret a graph, rather than memorize a concept. So the assignments for this week were based on this approach, and the assignments had to be completed in their entirety by the students in order to receive a grade. The assignments were:

The assignments were:

1-Explain in your own words what FOMO is, wherein the cycle it occurs, and why. (crypto chart screenshot explanations needed).

2- Explain in your own words what FUD is, wherein the cycle it occurs, and why. (crypto chart screenshot explanations needed).

3- Choose two crypto-asset and through screenshots explain in which emotional phase of the cycle it is and why. Must be different phases.

4- Based on the analysis done in question 3, and the principles learned in class, make the purchase of 1 cryptocurrency in the correct market cycle. The minimum amount of 5USD (mandatory), add screenshots of the operation and the validated account.



Rating ContentExcellentGoodAverageUnder averageInvalid submission

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General observations:

As we can see in the second graph the average rating was 6.9, this represents a noticeable improvement over last week where the average was 6.12. Additionally, I must say that something that fills me with satisfaction is that overall most of the ratings were in the GOOD range, as indicated in the first graph.

This also represents an improvement, as last week the vast majority of ratings were in the AVERAGE range.

What does all of this mean my Crypto Gears?.... It means that we are improving, week by week the quality of your work and your knowledge is increasing. To all of you my congratulations

As a side note, I must comment that we received a few invalid entries this week, which include incomplete posts, outside the class parameters and the odd post with outstanding cases of plagiarism. Again I remind you that Plagiarism of any kind will be severely dealt with within the Academy.

The first and second questions dealt with virtually the same thing. The result was mixed, on the one hand, everyone clearly understood the concepts of FOMO and FUD. On the other hand, some students failed to locate which emotional phase they are in.

In fact, many only limited themselves to answering that FOMO is in the bullish phase and FUD is in the bearish phase completely ignoring the 13 emotional phases.

In question 3, although most managed to understand the requirement, there were also wrong answers which again ignored the 13 phases. In fact, I wish to share the graph again with you.


Another important factor in chart analysis is the use of the correct timeframe. To make a good analysis of the current market phase you should use a high timeframe, at least 1 hour or 1 day onwards so that you can visualize at least the last 3 or 4 months of the asset.

Otherwise, we will be fooling ourselves, as we will be seeing irrelevant up and down patterns that have nothing to do with the large-scale cycle.

Another question I got asked a lot was how to be sure that an asset was in one phase or the other. The answer is the breakout and confirmation of resistance and support.

For example, some people told me that BTC should be in a HOPE phase as it had reached as high as 42000 USDT. However, after breaking that support, the price was not able to retest and fell back below 40000. This is indicative that it has not yet changed phase and is in DISBELIEF.

Another detail, which although it may seem small is somewhat relevant to our platform. Many students share images from other platforms but are not posting the links and references of where they belong. Remember that not doing so can be taken as a type of plagiarism, since you are not giving credit to the person or platform that provides the resource.

Similarly, the overall presentation of the publication plays an important role. The use of subtitles, centered text, justified text, the use of separators, colored text are factors that will make your work stand out above that of others... on the other hand, the mishandling of them will detract from its value.



I think the best recommendation I can give this week is based on the main problem I detected. People are not reading the questions correctly, many answer hastily before understanding what is being asked.

There were clear and precise indications that were simply ignored (such as indicating emotional phases, performing the analysis of two assets in different phases, buying an asset analyzed in question 3). This is an indication that they are answering what is in their minds, or what they prefer to believe, and are not allowing the acquisition of new knowledge.

The clearest indication of this is that 99.9% knew how to define FOMO and FUD, which is the knowledge you may have acquired in other classes with other teachers. However many ignored the 13 emotional phases of the graph, which I also explained. They just glossed over them and continued to talk about the FOMO and FUD.

Others talked about topics that were beside the point. Don't get me wrong, I agree with using extra material, but only after you have covered the assignment question.

As a friend rather than a teacher I recommend that you read the whole class well, then re-read. Then read the questions, then read them again when you are answering. Do not answer the first thing that comes to mind, as this is not the goal of the Academy.

The goal of the Academy is to acquire new knowledge week after week and to use that knowledge to change our lives. But first, we must open our minds and our eyes and not simply limit ourselves to what we already know or think we know.



I know I always say the same thing... but this time, it was more difficult than ever to choose only three people from such good work. Something that makes me happy is that this week we have three new winners, different from the previous two weeks.

The three most outstanding Gears of the week are:

To those selected, congratulations and keep up the good performance. To the rest of you, don't give up, study, improve and keep trying. Next week your name could be right here.

I see you next week my Friends. Your Crypto Professor @allbert.





 3 years ago 

Thank you Professor @allbert. I'm happy I attended your lecture and to be part of the top 3. Thanks.

Thank you professor @allbert for this week’s lesson. Please can you help me with your text justification?

Of course mate!!



Thank you professor @allbert the lesson was indeed an insightful one. I'm happy to have participated.

Thank you once again.

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