Crypto Academy Week 13 - Homework Post for [@yousafharoonkhan] Steemit & Decentralized and Centralized Social Media

Hello respected professor @yousafharoonkhan. It's about time Steemit was talked about in Crypto Academy. It is good to know about this wonderful platform that has been a blessing to all of us.

Let's get started.

0.pngImage edited by me in Powerpoint. Steemit Logo taken from Source

Q1. Centralized Social Media

Refers to any kind of social network that is based on the principles of centralized systems, in which users control the content they post on their account, but the permanence of such content on the network does not depend on them.

Q1. Decentralized Social Media

Refers to any social network based on decentralized system principles, in which users not only control the content they post but also control their accounts as a whole, making it impossible for their accounts to be closed by a central figure.


We could say that the first difference is that in Decentralized Social Media, the users build the community and dictate the rules of coexistence, giving complete power to the people about platform direction. On the other hand, in a Centralized Social Media, it is a central figure who dictates the rules and controls the destiny of the platform.

Another difference is that in Centralized Social Media the user does not own the account. That's right, maybe you think that because it is your content and your name that appears in the account and you have a secret password that makes you the owner of the account; well, it is not so.

The truth is that Centralized Social Media provides users with a public password, however they keep a secret password with which they can access your account and unlock it for example in case you lost your password. Making a comparison, in Centralized Social Media you are a tenant of the virtual space, not the owner... the owner is the platform's server, which can kick you out if you break its rules.

On the other hand, in Decentralized Social Media, you are the sole and legitimate owner of your account. When you create your account you are given a series of secret passwords that only you possess. In fact, this is one of the most delicate points of having a Decentralized Social Media account, because if you lose your passwords, you literally lost your account. No one else has control of your passwords.

Q2. Which One is The Future of Social media ? Decentralized or centralized Social media.

The answer is Decentralized Social Media, 1000% for sure.

The reason is simple but at the same time profound: Freedom!

Freedom to express yourself, to show who you are with the assurance that no one will take advantage of you.

Freedom is something that all the peoples of the world have fought and died for. There is nothing more valuable than freedom, thousands of wars have been fought to obtain it. Human beings are unhappy when they feel they are oppressed.

And let's face it, many of the Centralized Social Media behave worse than a King or an authoritarian dictator. When a person is presented with Decentralized Social Media and all its possibilities they will never go back to traditional Social Media.

Q3. How Steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook?

Centralized Social Media takes advantage of its users. The owners of these platforms present their sites as places to meet people, however, what they do not say is that they also sell their platforms as showcases for products of large companies.

There is no equitable distribution of profits. In other words, the only ones who profit are the platform owner and the big companies based on selling their advertising on the websites.

The companies and platforms also profit through free labor from users and ideas for advertising campaigns, benefiting from the creativity of the content creators. In other words, when a user proves to be good enough or creative enough he does not receive a reward, but the platform uses his idea and his fame to self-promote itself and its customers.

This does not happen in Steemit, where there is an equitable distribution of profits, and each user can take advantage of his creativity without anyone taking advantage of him.

On the other hand, Steemit's security protocol is superior to any other Centralized Social Media. Being built under blockchain technology makes it almost impossible to hack. On the other hand, Social Media like Facebook or Tik Tok are vulnerable to account theft as they are governed under a central server.

Q4. How do Steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users?

Steemit's main impact on society has been financial. It has allowed millions of users to find a way to generate money in the midst of one of the worst global crises in recent times.

In my case, I was one of the millions of people who lost their jobs because of Covid-19. Steemit and its reward system have given us a way to support our families, especially in the midst of a devastated economy. Steemit has changed my life and my family's life.

I live in Venezuela, and every day our currency suffers devaluation, this has produced that the living conditions in the country are getting worse every day. However, Steemit and its cryptocurrency offer a possibility to protect our finances from devaluation.

Another way Steemit has changed lives is through Education. Programs like #cryptoacademy have opened doors to the world of trading. This is changing the world, as for the first time in human history, education and knowledge are not only free and universal but you are rewarded for learning and gaining knowledge.

Steemit is the experiment for tomorrow's society.

Q5. How can we make money with Steemit's decentralized social media?

The entire Steem blockchain is based on Proof-of-Brain, meaning that the way to generate rewards is through the generation of original and quality content.

In my case, I have been able to generate money through interacting with communities and sharing my perspectives on life as well as my unique talents, through artistic photos, poetry, and writing, participation in lifestyle contests such as #thediarygame. Mostly giving awareness of our environment, our country, our community to the world.

Lately, the crypto academy has been a blessing to my life, since I have not only received rewards for the assignments but through the knowledge acquired has allowed me to earn money in cryptocurrency trading.

Q6. How to create communities on Steemit social media?

Creating a community is quite simple in practice, however, I think it is important before doing so to ask ourselves the question of what will be the reason and objectives of that community.

What will be the focus of the community and what kind of users will be targeted?... once we have this clear we proceed to... (All images have been edited by me and taken from my Steemit account).

1- Click on Steemit Main Logo. Up and left. 1.png

2- Once you are on the home page, scroll down and click on the communities link in the red box. 2.png

3- Then click on the link in the red box to create a community. 3.png

4- In this section you have to log in wallet in order to continue. 4.png

5-Type the name and description in the fields marked with arrows. Then click on "next".5.png

My community will be called SportsManiacs, and it will be a community specialized in sports topics. I love Sports!

6-Copy and save the community password. IMPORTANT: DO NOT lose it, you won't be able to get it back later. Then click on the agreement and finally click on the "Create community" button..6.png

7-Confirm account create by clicking on the "OK" button. Then you will receive a verification of the creation of your new community .7.png

8- Enjoy your new community and start bringing it to life by inviting your friends and contacts. Your imagination will be your best ally and you set the limits.8.png


Social media are here to stay and to change the world. We do not perceive the world in the same way since it came into our lives.

Every day millions of people consume social media content, making this ecosystem one of the most profitable and proactive in human history. What's more, the average person spends between 2 to 4 hours a day in front of their favorite social network screens. This tells us about the impact they have had on our modern society.

However, today we are in a new stage of social media. We are entering the era of Decentralized Social Media, which will influence people's lives not only on an entertainment or emotional level but also on a financial and tangible level.

As platforms like Steemit continue to grow and develop, we will continue to see the development for a more balanced and fair society, as well as the demise of the old centralized social media.

Maybe in the future, we will see all these platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, Instagram become decentralized... maybe.

Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • every questions is well explained, but you did not promote the homework to 2 social media that was the part of the last question

  • look fine homework

thank you very much for taking interest in this class

"Grade : 8

Hi Professor. Please check My reply comment ir Your post. I did promote in facebook and Twitter. I,ve post the links and the photos to prove it.

You can see it in here. I did as you said.

Hello again Professor. Do You know why this post haven't been voted yet? Tomorrow is its last day.

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