Steemit Crypto Academy | Season 2: Week 5 || Steemit Decentralized social networks, centralization and decentralization social networks

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)


Question 1
” Write the definition of Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms in your own words. Explain in your own words the difference between decentralization and centralization Social Media Platforms (answer should related Social Media Platforms. (answer must be written in own words, copy-paste or from other source copy will be not accepted)

1. Brought together Social Media

Incorporated Social Media is an online media stage that has a framework where the whole organization of web-based media is constrained by a particular creator or guideline. This makes Centralized Social Media a stage that has constraints in utilizing it, we don't have total opportunity over our online media accounts.

Each substance and whatever we do on our online media records will be known and perused by the proprietor or designer of the web-based media. Indeed, even online media with a Centralized framework is truly helpless against hacking, we have regularly seen a many individuals individual information hacked by flighty gatherings and there has even been news where the proprietor of a web-based media offers his client information to different gatherings, this makes a many individuals presently don't have their own security.

There are numerous instances of web-based media that utilization the Centralized framework, including:





and so on


2. Decentralized Social Media

As opposed to Centralized Social Media, Decentralized Social Media doesn't embrace a framework where the control of web-based media is completely constrained by the maker. In the event that somebody makes a record on an online media that uses a Decentralized framework then he will have full power over his record, nobody gathering can preclude the client from doing anything to his record, since this is the reason numerous individuals call web-based media dependent on the Decentralized framework is a "Web-based Media Freedom".

Decentralized Social Media has an extremely ensured level of safety where it utilizes Blockchain as a spot for it to run, this causes Decentralized Social Media to have an awesome degree of safety where it will not be handily hacked by programmers, regardless of whether hacked, we can without much of a stretch discover the offender on the grounds that each exchange in the Decentralized framework will be written in a straightforward way and can be seen by anybody.

There are a few instances of online media that utilization the Decentralized framework, including:



and so forth


Question 2
Which One is The Future of Social media ? Decentralized or centralized Social media.(answer must be written in own words)

The Decentralized online media stage is unquestionably and apparently the eventual fate of web-based media dependent on the reasons recorded underneath:

Autonomy/Freedom of Expression: Social media brings individuals from various nations, with various philosophies, ethnicity,religious foundation into a local area of collaboration, association,and articulation. There is each propensity that such a stage that urges individuals to uninhibitedly articulate their thoughts with others without dread or favor,from any gathering or offices unquestionably will draw in more individuals into their local area, not at all like stages where correspondence or opportunity of articulation is stringently directed by set down rules and guidelines managing the stage. Subsequently, the world been a worldwide town, and the way that cooperation/correspondence will increment in the future,the Decentralized web-based media stage gives clients or potential clients the chance to uninhibitedly put themselves out there now and later for unafraid of them been suspended or obstructed.

Business advert/openings: The Decentralized web-based media stage sets out freedom for clients to advantageously promote or do their business, share their thoughts, offer thoughts that might be gainful extra time, just as set out business open doors for others online without been exposed to any authoritative bottleneck or obstruction from influential individuals or offices. Nonetheless, with the current worldwide monetary trend,where most deals are done online,and looks sure to increment later on, the decentralized web-based media stage is unquestionably the best approach.

Gives Complete Users Protection: Every online media stage clients will need to keep for utilizing them, as long as they realize that their record will be very much secured later on. The Decentralized Social Media Platform ensures that, as it totally shields the clients account from any encroachment or data control by any individual or gathering. The Decentralized web-based media stage guarantees that account clients data are all around secured and in safe hands now and later on.

Future Money Bag for Investors: In a Decentralized online media stage like Steemit for example, the clients have the chance of getting remunerated for simply making post,sharing individual diaries,or addressing questions dependent on a talk educated without contributing any asset. As such, regardless of whether the client is utilized or unemployed,skilled or incompetent, proficient or uneducated, poor or rich, as long as he has a record and dynamic in the stage, either by posting unique substance, remarking, sharing journals or what he is energetic about,etc, he gets paid and over the long haul, he will have enough to serenely support himself and his family on the loose.

Question 3
How steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook.(answer must be written in own words)

Steemit decentralized online media stage is obviously better than Twitter and facebook as a result of some explanation which are given beneath,

No Repetition of Content

As we probably are aware, in Twitter and Facebook you can share some other substance from any writer and numerous clients do this, so there is a ton of substance which are rehashed and it makes exhausting for clients to see one substance on various pages. It likewise make less gainful on the grounds that there is a duplication of many substance. There is no severe guidelines for literary theft. However, in steemit, counterfeiting would not go on without serious consequences and through this client distribute quality substance as opposed to duplicating different substance.

In steemit decentralized online media stage, there is no record suspension in light of the fact that steemit is decentralized stage and there is no association of focal authority very much like in Facebook and Twitter. In the event that client can do contrary to rules and guideline and set there own principles in Facebook and Twitter than there record will be suspended.


As we probably are aware decentralized stage are more gotten than incorporated. Its difficult to hack decentralized sites and applications in light of the fact that in decentralized stage, information are put away in better places.

Thus, that is the reason steemit decentralized web-based media stage is superior to Twitter and Facebook.

Question 4
What do you say? How do Steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users? (answer must be written in own words)

STEEMIT has truly been a groundbreaking stage to a large number of clients with me comprehensive. From the very day I joined this respectable social stage, my life and that of a few different clients have changed in the spaces recorded beneath:

Improving/Enhancing Users Academic Know-how: Through consistent exploration, participating in the crypto institute addresses and accomplishing the home work from there on, just as posting unique substance, clients have had the option to improve intellectually and scholastically. They are presently very much educated about things they don't knew the slightest bit about. Their direction and attitude towards things and issues has improved as well. It has made clients self-assured and gainful with their time.

Monetary Reward: Personally, been on Steemit has upgraded my monetary status. With the prizes given to me for my post,articles and task, I have had the option to advantageously figure out some squeezing needs. Additionally a great many people who are not very monetarily steady, similar to those looking for work around my area, enjoys accepted benefit of the open door made by Steemit to improve their monetary status and that of their loved one.

Question 5
How can we make money with Steemit's decentralized social media.(write your own experience)

Individuals bring in cash on steemit by making post or making substance. These posts are any posts as well as quality ones.

Quality and copyright infringement free posts create a great deal of votes structure caretakers, clients and even some of the time whales on steemit.

So before you can bring in cash on steemit, you need to make great and innovative substance which will pull in electors to decide on your posts everytime. Counterfeited posts and awful or helpless substance are typically hailed and disregarded individually.

With quality substance, you can rake in boatloads of cash on steemit.

Additionally, another way you can bring in cash with steemit is putting resources into steemit and furthermore other crypto with the tokens you get on steemit.

Controlling up is truly urged on steemit to become your Steem power with the goal that your votes can really check or essentially affect different posts. You get return compensations in the wake of curating on different posts which additionally creates more steem influence for you which really implies you have more cash. Shutting down isn't empowered on steemit and you can lose favors from guardians in the event that you continue to do that.

You can likewise utilize your procured steemit tokens to exchange other digital forms of money to acquire more benefits.

Question 6
How to create communities on Steemit social media ( practicle step by step ) & Promote your homework post on two social media ,twitter and facebook (just share link in comments area)

• Firstly go to and you can see my communities click on it


• Presently you will see various alternatives click on Explore communities


• What's more, presently click on create a community


• Presently you will see Title, About, in Title enter your community name and in About enter What Type of community you have made and click NEXT


• Presently it will divert you to another page where it will show you the proprietor name and secret phrase you need to save the name and secret key don't impart this to any individual after you have effectively saved it click on to make community


• To create community we required 3 steem in your wallet click on OK


• This is the last advance presently click on start


• presently we have effectively made a communitie, presently anybody from steemit can join your local area and post in it



It isn't important to do studies to know the nature of unified and decentralized organizations. Taking everything into account, the concentrated ones are more well known however ruled and subordinate. The decentralized ones are less well known yet autonomous and with better advantages for the normal client.

Later on, decentralization will have incredible strength. Before long with the assistance of your developers all that will change and advance. Then again we have the superb steemit stage that changes lives, changes homes, brings a future, is steady and best of all decentralized, it is the most ideal choice to get benefits and with more benefit than the Facebook and Twitter organizations.

Grateful for the consideration offered and to educator @yousafharoonkhan for his undertakings that inexorably instruct and spur more individuals to join this incredible institute.


Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • look fine homework, and but need more detail information to clear the concept of every question

  • given details are very much short in answer

thank you very much for taking interest in this class

Grade ; 5

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