Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2, Week 1 // Homework Post For @yousafharoonkhan //Decentralized and Centralized system , Advantages & Disadvantages and which one is best for business?

Hello Everyone,
Welcome back and thank Steamit Crypto Academy because through this academy I got to know a lot of strangers like I like to do critical coinage and blockchain work. It is very difficult to understand these platforms through Google, but we can easily understand them by considering many posts through this platform. Professor @yousafharoonkha I have studied your post well and at the end of the study I have presented to you what I understood and what I understood above.


Write the definition of Decentralization and Centralization?

Centralization is the structure of a business so that an individual makes important decisions and provides initial strategic direction for the organization.

Decentralization means the transfer of authority from the central government to a sub-national entity, which is the transfer of power and authority from the top level to the level of activity.

The difference between decentralization and centralization system?

The concept of power and authority over planning and decision making with top management is known as centralization.

The responsibility of the authorities at different levels of management is known as decentralization of responsibility and accountability.

Means Centralization Decentralization
Involves Systematic and continuous preservation of authority. Dispersal of authority is systematic
Decision making Slow Relatively fast
Communication There is no official communication in the central organization. Extends to all sides of communication
Power of Decision Making Lies with top management More than one person has the power to make decisions
Advantage Proper coordination and leadership Understanding and sharing responsibilities
When implemented Inadequate control over the organization Adequate control over the organization
For best suited Organization Size Is Small Organization size is large
For best suited Organization Size Is Small Organization size is large

Write five Advantages and five Disadvantages of decentralized and centralized system?

An effective centralization gives the following advantages.

  1. When an organization follows a centralized management structure, it can focus on fulfilling its vision with ease. A

  2. A central organization benefits from clear disciplined commands because everyone in the organization knows who needs to report and junior employees know that who to go to whenever they have concerns about their organization. The senior executive, on the other hand, follows a clear plan to assign duties to employees who have acquired certain competencies.

  3. A central Bhutanese organization follows standard procedures and methods that guide the organization to help reduce office and administrative costs.

  4. In a centralized organization, quality of work is improved as a result of consistent procedures and better supervision. The use of advanced tools helps to promote potential from manual work and guarantee high quality work.

  5. In a centralized organization, decisions are made by a small group of people and then communicated to lower level managers. The involvement of just a few people makes the decision-making process more efficient because they can discuss every decision in a meeting.

The disadvantages of centralization

  1. Centralized management is similar to the authoritarian form of leadership where employees are expected to deliver results according to the results determined only by the top executive. Employees are unable to contribute to the organization’s decision-making process. And they are only a high-level decision-making staff when they face difficulties in implementing certain decisions. Then the executives will not understand because they are not the only decision makers and decision makers. The result of such measures is to reduce the efficiency because the employees without the input of the lower level employees.

  2. The organization's management is under tremendous pressure to make decisions and lacks control over the implementation process. The failure of executives to decentralize the decision-making process adds a lot of work to their countries. Executives suffer from a lack of time to oversee the implementation of decisions. This leads to reluctance on the part of the employees so the executives can make many decisions which are not badly implemented or ignored by the employees.

  3. Delays in the delivery of records to the head office at the head office and in the case of sending work depend on the information provided to them by the employees at the top and if there is a delay in relaying the records, there will be a loss in human resources. Workers will be less productive if they have to wait a long time.

  4. Employees are loyal to an organization when they allow a job to be a private enterprise, they cannot show their creativity and certain ways of performing. However, centralization is not an initiative because the work is conceptually performed by the top executives of the employees, which limits their creativity and loyalty to the organization due to irregularities in the work.

  5. Centrally established organization privacy is not possible because here orders and decisions flow from one place and are communicated to all.

Advantages of decentralization

Centralization is not possible or desirable for all types of activities. Due to the following advantages, it can be performed better departmentally.

  1. The privacy of departmental specialties is duly maintained.

  2. The operation is extended because it is performed in the department where it is needed

  3. Employees attached to 3 departments develop a sense of loyalty to it and develop a personal interest in the work

  4. Since a worker is working, the work can be done immediately in the working department.

  5. Department staff communicate with department problems and keep technical knowledge of the department.

Disadvantage of Decentralization

  1. The total workload of the office cannot be distributed among the employees of different departments

  2. The quality of work can be poor due to lack of expertise and specialized machines.

  3. The similarity of the effort will have copies of equipment and machines etc. It leads to exclusive operations.

  4. Different departments may not have uniformity in following office procedures.

  5. It is not possible to standardize the pass office method and equipment.
    source of Information

Which one is better for Business/trading and why?

In answer to this question I think the decentralized system is good for business and trading. However, decentralized and decentralized systems have many advantages and disadvantages, so there may be times when such systems are convenient to trade. Some businesses' central systems may be more convenient. Decentralized systems can be more convenient in other businesses.
In short, we have to follow what we will gain and follow it. In other words, it is very difficult to say whether the centralized system is more convenient or the centralized system is less convenient. And I need to expand my position to make a better profit, but the central systems for business can be a bit ahead. Because they are already installed.
But I think in the coming years decentralized systems will be more convenient to trade because they will be more popular and these will come under more general rules and people will also start using it more and more.

How do you know if a blockchain is decentralized or not? You can describe any method?

Dear Professor Question number five, I did not answer this question because I did not have a clear idea about it.
Thanks for read my homework task.


First respected student Thank you very much for taking participate in Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2, Week 1 course class..

  • Good, explained
  • All looks good

thank you very much for taking participate in this class

Grade :6

Thank you sir.

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