Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2: Week2 | TOKENS, PART 1: by @ pelon53

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

What is Security token


Security token is a sort of advanced resource that addresses or gets its worth from some other, outer resource and is given on top of outsider blockchain network. Security tokens can both address genuine material resources like square meters of land or grams of gold and non-material resources like, for instance, organizations' offers. The way toward creating security tokens is known as a security token contribution. Security token contribution (STO) is a kind of raising support that is performed with an organization offering tokenized protections. The characterizing highlight of safety token contributions is in its definition. At the point when ICOs are directed with cryptocoins and IPOs with protections, STO is a mix of both.

Advantages of security token

Security tokens increment liquidity, open up the market to a more extensive scope of financial backers, increment settlement times, and the quantity of organizations that can really show themselves on trades.

Real-World Example of a Security Token

You may utilize a security token to get to a delicate organization framework, for example, a ledger, to add an additional layer of safety. In this example, the security token is utilized notwithstanding a secret key to demonstrate the record proprietor's character.

Another examples

  • Polymath
  • Smartlands
  • Securitize
  • Harbor
  • Swarm
  • Securrency

However security token administrations can be given by the stages that don't practice only on the improvement of safety tokens. Ethereum, Cardano and other blockchain projects additionally give security tokens advancement.

Swarm token or coin

Now we discuss about swarm coin. I show you it's price graph. These screen shots taken from coinmarketcap. The graph of swarm show very cleanly ups and downs about swarm.




What is utility token



Utility symbolic definition is an advanced resource that is utilized to back the organization by furnishing its purchasers with an assurance of having the option to devour a portion of the organization's items. Utility tokens versus security tokens and offers don't give the privileges of responsibility for part of an organization.
Utility tokens ought not be mistaken for coins (Bitcoin, Monero, Litecoin, etc) as they are not mineable and depend on outsider blockchain. Notwithstanding, also to coins, utility tokens are esteemed uniquely for its intrinsic capacities and properties.

Utility symbolic executions


Utility tokens are utilized for Initial Coin Offerings (ICO). While playing out a utility token ICO organization gives a specific number of tokens that are offered to the local area (for the most part in a few rounds at various costs). The proprietors of the token are allowed a particular right in the utilization of the organization's items like being first to get to it or getting different advantages. This methodology assists an organization with acquiring subsidizing without losing its freedom.

Advantages of utility token

They likewise permit a presale of administrations and merchandise on account of the utilization of utility tokens. The tokens that circle on the stage are an advantageous method to subsidize a task, including a local area with trades between individuals. The symbolic assists with building another sort of plan of action, which some allude to as tokenization.

Utility token examples


Some examples of Utility tokens are given below:

  • Funfair

  • Essential Attention Token

  • Brickblock

  • Timicoin

  • Sirin Labs Token

  • Golem

Presently, the vast majority of tokens are utility tokens, which means they have a worth because of the capacity or property they address. For instance, Basic Attention Token (BAT), Ethereum ERC-20 standard-based token is utilized for the associations with the Brave web program. BAT tokens are utilized for publicizing blockage, explicit changing sort of saw advertisements or to procure tokens for survey it.


Now we discuss about Funfaircoin. I show in front of you it's present price graph.These screen shots taken by coinmarketcap.Graph clearly show about funfair ups and downs.





What is an Equity token?


A equity token is a sort of security token that capacities as a customary offer, in either the hidden organization, outsider resource or adventure and takes its worth from the organization's prosperity or disappointment.
Similarly as with any stock buy, holders in a real sense own their given level of the complete endeavor. They can likewise be qualified for a part of the organization's benefits and an option to decide on its future.

Advantages of equity tokens

It permits you to control, keep up or give control. The issuance of equity token can prompt the offer of resources that permits purchasers to have or pass on the choices of your organization or action. It keeps up its worth.

Equity token examples are given below

Un equity token is a sort of safety token it works more like a conventional stock resource. As such, the individuals who hold equity tokens have some type of possession in their ventures.

A few examples of equity tokens


  • Neufund.

  • The Elephant Private Equity Coin.

  • Cut

  • Record

  • BFToken

  • The dao

  • RRT Token

Now I tell you about Bf token or coin. I tell you about Bf token through screen shots.
These screen shots taken by coinmarketcap. The graph of BFT show clearly its ups and downs.






Today world become very modern. Now this is token world. This is very funny but that truth because tokens used in our daily life. If we comparison between these tokens. First thing I tell you choose any token from these just matter your skills. If you have a good skills in business field then you achieve success in your life. If bussinessman not a good manager then he keep lose from his business because a good manager could become good bussinessman.So my advice for people that every person do work hard until he become a good manager.

All the images are provided with sources and screen shots are taken from coinmarketcap

Special mention



Hola @akmalshakir

Gracias por participar en la Academia Cripto de Steemit.

Escala de Estimación.Puntaje.Observación
Security Token1.35Bien desarrollado, se pueden agregar más datos relevantes.
Utility Token1.5Bien explicado.
Equity Token1.35Bien desarrollado, profundizar más.
Originalidad1.25Contenido propio.
Estructura y gramática de la publicación0.5Centra las imágenes, justifica los textos, añade imágenes más pequeñas, las que pusiste son muy grandes y dificulta la lectura.
Seguimiento de reglas.1Cumplió con las reglas

Buen trabajo.

Éxitos en tus próximas tareas.

 3 years ago 

Thanks sir you are very hard worker .I am very impressed from your working. Thanks for your appreciation.

Hola @akmalshakir

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 3 years ago 

Thank You sir @imagen for checking my homework and guiding me.

I have removed those images. Please check my homework.

Sorry for the negligence and inconvenience

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.21
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 69618.00
ETH 3376.33
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.76