Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2, Week 1 || Decentralized and Centralized system , Advantages & Disadvantages and which one is best for business? By sir @yousafharoonkhan

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

Assalam-o-alaikum my all stemian friends I hope you will be fine by the grace of Allah. I get up early in the morning and go to Mosque for prayer. After prayer I decided to go for walk. This was looking very pleasant morning because cold wind was blowing. After morning walk I came back to home and take a breakfast.after few minutes I opened steemit for check new update. Then I saw the task of sir yousafharoonkhan. This task looking very interesting so I decided to write this task immediately. so let's start to write the task of sir yousafharoonkhan.

Question: 1❓

Definition of Decenterlization


Decenterlization which the activities of an association, those in regards to arranging and dynamic, are diffuse or appoint away from a focal, truthfull area or gathering is called decenterlization.

Definition of Centerlization


Centralization is the cycle by which the exercises of an association, especially those in regards to managing and dynamic, outlinine practice and planing become concentrated inside a specific geological area bunch. This moves the significant dynamic and arranging powers inside the center attention of the association.

Question: 2 ❓

Difference between Centerlization and discenterlization



Centralization in an association includes dynamic capacity in the possession of top administration. It guess that all force, authority is maintained at the highest level.


Decentralization in an organization includes dynamic ability through center administration or lower the board.Here authority is not maintained at highest level.

Question:3 ❓

5 advantages and disadvantages of Centerlization

Advantages of Centerlization


1. A reasonable levels of leadership

A concentrated association profits by an unmistakable hierarchy of leadership in light of the fact that each individual inside the association realizes who to answer to.

2. Focus vision

At the point when an association follows a unified administration structure, it can zero in on the satisfaction of its vision easily.

3. Decreased expenses

A unified association clings to standard methodology and techniques that control the association, which lessens office and authoritative expenses.

4. Fast execution of choices

In a concentrated association, choices are made by a little gathering of individuals and afterward imparted to the lower-level chiefs.

5. Improved nature of work

The normalized systems and better oversight in a concentrated association bring about improved nature of work.

Disadvantages of Centerlization


inflexible action

Workers can't add to the dynamic interaction of the association, and they are just implementers of choices made at a more elevated level. At the point when the representatives face challenges in executing a portion of the choices

2. Controller

The association's chiefs are feeling the squeeze to form choices for the association, and they need power over the execution cycle.

3. Delays in work

Centralization brings about delays in function as records are shipped off and from the administrative center.

4. Absence of worker faithfulness

In centralization, there is no activity in work since representatives perform assignments conceptualized by top heads. This restricts their innovativeness and unwaveringness to the association because of the unbending nature of the work.

Advantages of Decenterlization


Motivation of Subjects

Decentralization improves the degree of occupation fulfillment just as representative spirit, particularly among the lower level supervisors.

Growth and Diversity

Under decentralization, each and every item division achieves adequate self-sufficiency to practice their inventive pizazz. Along these lines, the high level administration can make sound rivalry among various divisions.

Quick dynamic

choices are taken and executed by approved work force. This, thusly, brings about quicker and precise choices which are very much aware of the genuine situation.

Ease of Expansion

Decentralization can add latency to the development cycle of a developing business. This may regularly bring about the kickoff of new specialty units in differing topographical areas.

Satisfaction of Human requirements

Decentralization fills in as a significant apparatus for fulfilling our essential need of autonomy, force, renown, and status.

Disadvantages of Decenterlization


Difficult to co-ordinate

While discussing the benefits and detriments of decentralization, it is basic to take note of that generous self-rule is appreciated by each and every division. This, thus, makes it hard to arrange the general action.

External Factors

The worker's organization development, market vulnerabilities, and government mediation may make it difficult to profit the most out of decentralization.

Narrow Product Lines

Decentralized product offerings should be satisfactorily wide so independent units can thrive inside something very similar.


In decentralization, each representative assumes liability for the better of the association so they work more earnestly to accomplish all the authoritative goal. Consequently, they must be paid more which now and again ends up being pricey for the organization.

Question:4 ❓

Which one is better for Business/trading and why?


According to my research Decenterlization is best than Centerlization because in Centerlization just boss making decisions not allowed employees to speak against the boss and not give his advice about any issue. just boss manage whole command boss not trust on employees.Thats why employees not personally concern in this business their emotion is separate from authority.Due to these reasons many problems created.

But in Decenterlization boss and employees making decisions together.whole team trust to each other.thats why decentralization more valuable than centerlization. In Decenterlization authorities involve his whole employees in every decisions and seek advice about any problem. Sharing whole problems with his team make easy
To solve big problems in businesss.

Question:5 ❓

Sir yousafharoonkhan told easy way that's why I also follow these steps.lets start.


First open your browser than type in search bar etherscan .


I got contract address of tether



Now I am paste contract address



Now click on contract



I searched functional destruct but no result show.

According to these above results USDT is decentralized. So in this way we can check any token wether it is centralized or decentralized.

Screenshots are taken from coinmarketcap and etherscan and all other references are mentioned with each picture.

Special mentions



First respected student Thank you very much for taking participate in Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2, Week 1 course class..

Grade : 4.5

 3 years ago 

Thanks sir g for your kindness.

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