in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)
Hi my friends I hope that you are doing well and you are motivated  I am doing homework for steam  Crypto Academy  I did a little bit of research on this topic I will try to explain this in my own words as much is I know so  let's begin


DEFI  decentralized Finance 

These days everyone is talking about decentralized finance but what is decentralized finance let me explain i decentralized means that there will be no third party involved  third Party can be Government and any other person  but because   in decentralized finance the use smart contract  

Understand it with example ok if we need loan where  well we go we go to the bank If you want to keep on money and won't interest on that we go to the bank if we need a credit card you go to the bank now

You can do all these things in defi ecosystem  there are many projects  built on ethereum blockchain  they  are providing all the services using smart contracts 

most of the projects in in the DEFI  are built on  ethereum blockchain  but this is just the beginning in future the ecosystem will expand itself and there are many projects upcoming on other blockchain such as  TRON 

How does it work
DEFI  Give you the opportunity To lend  your cryptocurrencies and get a significant amount of interest on that just like we do it in centralised form in bank But in this case everything is handled by a smart contract you can verify the smart contract iswhatever is  coded in it you can see everything You can even take loan the process is the same you will have to keep something in collateral And you will have to pay a significant amount of interest on your loan just like we do it in regular banks

There are many projects on DEFI 
these are some of the popular projects in DEI ecosystem


Let's talk about what  maker  release it is a open source project Which is built on ethereum blockchain Main purpose of this project is that it stabilize the  token dai The value of dai And it support smart contract Main purpose of this is to to keep the value of dai  of close to to US dollar as possible so that stable coin doesn't lose its value   we can use maker  on the maker platform for Transaction fee and payment 

Maker   works on autonomous basis It helps  Incentivise actors For exchange And it also helps to stabilize the valune of dai  

How does it works 

If someone need  loan  they can go to the maker  the platform and take loan bye by  keeping     ethereum  ias a mortgage  in the maker system  you will have to pay a certain amount of interest on top of that and you will get dai coin  which is  is a stable coin pagged with  US dollar  you  it can take back your ethereum anytime  by returning   your loan and   the interest

You can you make some profit on your ethereum and you can do the same script but in this case you are the provided of  ethereum and you are not here for loan so you will get a certain amount of interest on your ethereum It works the same as I explained in the beginning of DEFI 

Special mentions to @steemcurator01
@steemcurator02 To get their support


Thanks for being a part of my class and for participating in this week's assignment. I hope you learned from the class as the aim of the school is to teach and allow people to learn alongside.

Rating 5

thanks sir stay blessed

post will expire in 5 hours sir

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